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Everything posted by serverman

  1. im sorry but that is out dated info i dont know what it is now but... look at the url http://www.bivingsreport.com/2006/youtube-show-me-the-money/ look one moe time http://www.bivingsreport.com/>>>>>>2006<<<<<</youtube-show-me-the-money/ thats a few years ago Posted on September 19th, 2006
  2. well your not getting any help because its not an apache error its an OS error if your on unix just set htdocs folder to wheel with read or RW if on windows... not shure i dont mess with microsoft much
  3. i think thats a proxy adress ... http://www.networksolutions.com/whois/results.jsp?ip= else there this company in Amsterdam NL is trying to hack you
  4. data should be freely shared dont try to block it also if some one want you html or JS that bad thay would just view your site and copy it out of there temp folder people are sneaky arnt thay... just put copyright and hope you can trust sneaky people
  5. well if your server is os x or any linux/unix one its easy to ftp with just enable ftp in the inetd.... and that has no error on the get end... dreamweaver has been great to me os my vista to my server (put end) server is freebsd7.0 so any ftp softer for bsd work on os x.2(i think its 10.2 when all bsd files worked
  6. Ok im gonna say hi and introduce my self. im 16 male, i work as a server part time and go to school the other part of the day:P. I'm taking a web design class( i already know Html, basic, purebasic) learning(php, js, python) hopes(to set up a web site and help others get started in web desing/coding{and make big bucks off ads LOL}) likes(talking, programming, helping people, cooking). and i wrote an intro about be because i saw in a post that yall dont se tomany teen programmers.
  7. i want to set apache to cache some of the php scripts im run it off freebsd 7.0(witch rocks socks off for all you microsoft lubers). befor i take the time to set up mod_cache how much will that speed up my site (load about .90 to.30 secs) and im trying to drop it to about .40 to .05 but i was also just wanting to know how much better is novells server or microsofts servers from apache? also how can i make apache more powerful?(also im running it with just apache and mysql and inetd on, no x11 or anything)...
  8. i dont know if you are aware but all the pics other than logo are broken
  9. lol hes right the dark ness and stuff makes it look like some sorta kinky fetish or somthing sorry.. other than that it look ok just not that great of a color deal
  10. i have little xp here but the only time i had an 500 error was from php being installed wrong on apache
  11. i got afew little things to ask first i will say hi, im new to apache and php but i have about 2years of html and 1 year of java and 1 1/2 of css (but about 2 days of php and liking it) im soon to set up and start my first server with a nifty little website on it (myspace layout, html tutorals/css tuts, and some lil apps i made and a forum, and some randum php thing like a adrot and some polls, also there will be images that there sites will be pulling on and stuff like that.) ok now to the point.. first is my server setup i made overkill for running the above with apache. please note i havent bought any of this yet so dont be like it to late next... does anyone know if there is a ftp or remote admin deal for apache like on xitimi(i think thats the name)? next... what kind of isp do i need other than a lan highspeed next... last im gonna be asking about phpbb setup it seeing that i have mssqlserver2000+ but i have mysql installed so it gives me this message on the database connect it says "Could not connect to the database, see error message below. [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified " what do i do... note i know nothing about mysql or any sql at that im lost for real need help with that.. but its for a later time forum can wait
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