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Posts posted by jonsjava

  1. Unfortunately, you will need to know the basics of how databases work, the best types to use for what kind of data, max length needed to handle the data, etc. Next, you would need to parse through the code and find all references to results from MySQL, as well as all sql queries. With that knowledge, and the skillset described, you should be able to reconstruct it.

  2. Could you please tell me how my script is obfuscation?  I said obfuscation because I wanted to make sure I covered all bases, but now, I realize that it's no way near obfuscation.  Each character gets hashed, and it's undecipherable unless you know the salt and generation date to the second. You could supposedly get a rough estimate of what it says, if you put a 100 character encrypted file through a rainbow list for about 3 years or so, but by then, the message shouldn't matter.

  3. TODO: write a usage. Sorry. I need to do that.

    Here's a brief overview:

    to encrypt, you do it as such:

    $test_data = "aaaaaaaaaaaaa!@$#///";
    $date = "1269639226";
    $class = new trucrypt($test_data,"some_salt_goes_here",$date,true);
    echo $class->return;

    to decrypt, you do pretty much the same thing, but only putting the encrypted array in to it:

    $test_data = Array(0 => 'a3372b1b5b7f9a51f4f16f2bb0de08b4',
        1 => "b928aad727461d2090d7ea4cd8840fcb",
        2 => "8a5c80995f3a761e8d172bf8a33158a0",
        3 => "35586bd8deb68dff35240fbebaa9e33f",
        4 => "fbf5027b9dd8e09e881923dea0acaad6",
        5 => "894f5885b146d9391e0d6c8409e7479c",
        6 => "c8cc0fc5e05ee6a1c74177481fa55c41",
        7 => "f394cdfe38e11127d1cfcb29fa32edce",
        8 => "158621523d2133e11b8f41b32f210a20",
        9 => "9cce4a1c5d55b5259f3111ca4f21cb05",
        10 => "a373afa6210085ef202777ba9391b465",
        11 => "8c607b517ce804fd1b7aeca956c8dbcc",
        12 => "cb79d3111ce3b197c03330506c89cfd1",
        13 => "6d09c1fe8523c19a70286440fb400391",
        14 => "7773e559351770c4907ffe727b98f662",
        15 => "5c72343aa62983df003acc2a734f721b",
        16 => "210cfb2dfc9aee347468b1b8d09cb866",
        17 => "1d74930ede0e2e46dbf71413526448de",
        18 => "d8f61b3c7bd2fe584c73704d82bef568",
        19 => "17b13c8b7354a56ef8955d3f2c3b1fe8");
    $date = "1269639226";
    $class = new trucrypt($test_data,"some_salt_goes_here",$date,false);
    echo $class->return;

    See how I changed true to false. That determines if it is encrypting or decrypting. Sorry for not explaining the usage.

  4. Glad to be of service.


    First, create a batch file:

    @echo off
    php your_script_to_execute.php
    @ping -5 > nul
    goto loop


    Next, create the php file to execute the file:

    $link = mysql_connect("localhost","some_user","some_pass");
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `commands` WHERE `executed` = 0;";
    $res = mysql_query($sql);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){
    $command = $row['command'];
    $id = $row['id'];
    mysql_query("UPDATE `commands` SET `executed`=1 WHERE `id`=$id LIMIT 1;");

    Now, you need a database that has a table called "commands" and it should have this schema:

    id (int) length 5 auto increment primary key

    command(varchar) length 255 not null

    Now, when someone wants to set up their user, just store the command that will need to be run in the database, and it will be run in the next 5 minutes.


    I kinda bashed this script together, because I can't post the one I use. IP and all. Company wouldn't be happy with me if I was to share trade secrets *yawn*


  5. I was working on this encryption/obfuscation script, and posted it in the beta test section of the forums. That was 3 days ago, and haven't been approved. Still awaiting moderation.  I hate multi-posting, but I could use insight as to what I can do to make it more obfuscated/encrypted.

    class trucrypt{
    var $data;
    var $salt;
    var $date;
    var $encrypted;
    var $return;
    function __construct($data,$salt,$date,$encrypt=true){
    	$this->salt = $salt;
    	$this->date = $date;
    	if ($encrypt == true){
    		$this->data = $data;
    		$this->encrypted = $data;
    public function crypt(){
    	$data = $this->data;
    	$salt = $this->salt;
    	$date = $this->date;
    	$out = array();
    	if (!is_numeric($date)){
    		$date = date("U",strtotime($date));
    	$data_a = str_split($data);
    	foreach ($data_a as $key=>$val){
    		$out[$key] = md5($val.$salt.$date.$key);
    	$this->return = $out;
    public function decrypt(){
    	$encrypted = $this->encrypted;
    	$salt = $this->salt;
    	$date = $this->date;
    	$out = "";
    	$charmap = array("\n",0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,"A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z","!","@","#","$","%","^","&","&","*","(",")","-","_","=","+",";",":","'","\"",",",".","/","\\","|","[","]","{","}","<",">","?","`","~"," ","a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z");
    	foreach ($encrypted as $key=>$val){
    		foreach ($charmap as $val2){
    			$crypt = md5($val2.$salt.$date.$key);
    			if ($crypt == $val){
    				$out .= $val2;
    	$this->return = $out;
    $date = date("U");
    $test = "This is a test
    I hope it works!";
    $da = new trucrypt($test,"cheeseburger",$date,true);
    $encrypted = $da->return;
    echo "\n<br /><br /><br />\n\n\n";
    $da2 = new trucrypt($encrypted,"cheeseburger",$date,false);
    echo $da2->return;

  6. Here's a cleaned up version of your code.

    include ('config.php');
    $username = $_POST['username'];
    $password = $_POST['password'];
    if ($username && $password)
    $username = mysql_real_escape_string($username);
    $password = mysql_real_escape_string($password);
    $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username`='$username' LIMIT 1;");
    $numrows = mysql_num_rows($query);
    if ($numrows!=0)
    	//code to login
    	while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
    		$dbpassword = $row['password'];
    	//check to see if they match!
    	if ($password==$dbpassword)
    		$_SESSION['username'] == $username;
    		echo "Wrong password!";
    	echo $numrows;
    	die ("User not found!");
    die ("Write your username and password!");

    I changed

    if ($numrows !=0)


    if ($numrows !=0)

    removed the semicolon at the end of the while line


    fixed the indentation, bracketed the else statements, removed the check to see if $user=$dbuser, because the query would have come up empty if it didn't.

    I also sanitized the user input so you aren't susceptible to injection attacks, cleaned up the query, so it only checks for one result, so it will run faster. I'm thinking I did more, but I lost track (boss came in, and I got side-tracked)

  7. but I cannot stand  someone trying to make a fool out of me

    thats why I lost it, I don't think anyone on here would want that.


    Guess again.  We don't care if you "lose it".  We're volunteers here. We don't get paid a cent for helping.  If you get an attitude, there are hundreds of other people who need our help, and will show a grain of respect. Have a nice day.

  8. try this:

    $n = 0;
    $fh = @fopen('count.txt', 'r+') or die('Error in opening file for read & write');
    $n = fread($fh,filesize('count.txt'));
    if ($n < 3)
        ftruncate($fh, 0);
        @fwrite($fh, ++$n) or die ('Unable to write to file!');
        print "Limit Reached\n";

    Glad to see you work your way through it!

    Oh, and you need to give the size of the file for it to open (length).

  9. You weren't posting the data. You were having them click on a link to go to the post-process file. Try this:

    <form id='order' name='order' method='post' action='members/order.php'>
    <input type='hidden' name='itemid' id='itemid' value='".$info['item_id']."'>
    <input type='hidden' name='status' id='status' value='Unconfirmed'>
    <input type='hidden' name='payment' id='payment' value='Not received'>
       	<imput type='image' src='../img/buynow.jpg' value='Submit' alt='Submit'></a>

  10. I'm not sure what you are asking

    Are you asking how you can convert the IP into a long, so it's easier to sort in the database?

    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $long = ip2long[$ip];

  11. try something like this:

    $root = getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT");
    $inc = "/inc/some_file.php";

    just make sure that $inc is relative to $root

    $root will show where your HTDOC root is (the root of your site)

  12. Don't worry. I don't mind the questions. The fact you are asking the right questions says a lot about your intelligence (a compliment, btw)


    Ok, $_SERVER are the server environment variables. Think of it this way:


    In Windows, you have environment variables. Don't believe me? well, check this out:

    Go to Start-->Right click on My Computer-->Properties

    If you are like me, and running windows 7, you would then click on "Advanced System Settings" on the left. Windows XP, you go to "Advanced", I think.

    Click on "Environment Variables..."



    All systems have enviousness variables. It allows the system to know how much RAM to allocate, the path to common applications, and more.

    Well, most well-built applications have the same, so you can configure them yourself.  Apache has quite a few.  They tell the server what user to run the application/script as, where to store temp files, where to store session data, and more.  By setting $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'], it is telling Apache to set the REMOTE_USER to the user who has authenticated with the given credentials via PHP.  I'm mucking it up, but I'll gladly answer any other questions this causes you to pose.


  13. That would only work if you had a set formula to work off of. If each set will have a different formula, then writing a static function to calculate possible results would be near impossible.  The best route would be to write a function that will take in 2 inputs: the array, and the formula to calculate the missing portions of the array.

  14. might want to look at PHP_AUTH

    You would do something like this:

    if (isset($_SESSION['username']) && isset($_SESSION['password']) && isset($_SESSION['is_valid']) && $_SESSION['is_valid'] == true){
    $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] = $_SESSION['username'];
    $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] = $_SESSION['password'];

    This isn't well thought out code, but it should get you on the right path.

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