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Everything posted by DeanWhitehouse

  1. I don't get it, why when you click on an event does it alert a number :s
  2. Hey, I was just wondering if some people could test out my blackjack/21 game. And tell me what you think and if there is anything wrong with it. This is the link http://gangster.game-design.djw-designs.com/test.php I haven't yet incorporated the images for ace,jack,king or queen yet.
  3. Solved, we have our time set to GMT while the server is different.
  4. If you want to see this is the site address http://gangster.game-design.djw-designs.com/login.php
  5. yes, no errors nothing . just stopped working the date is stored like this 2008-12-22 10:50:53
  6. <?php $timenow = date("Y-m-d h-m-s",strtotime("- 5 minutes")); $select = mysql_query("SELECT last_active FROM user_details WHERE last_active >= '$timenow'") or die(mysql_error()); echo mysql_num_rows($select); ?> This doesn't work on my page (to display amount of users online in the last five minutes) but does work on my login page, but none of the main ones. It did work and i have changed nothing, is there anything wrong with the code
  7. http://djw-webdesign.awardspace.com/code.php?snippet=9
  8. I know how to @premiso i was asking what they would be @revraz our rank table is And what the user has is experience, e.g. user1 has 0 exp (he has just joined) but user2 has 150 exp @DarkerAngel, i think that has done it
  9. Just realised why It is not less than or equal to 0, but is required for other ranks Now :s Any ideas? Edit: beat me to it :S
  10. obviously If not that would of produced an error
  11. My function returns blank <?php function get_rank($exp) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM rank WHERE start >= '".$exp."' AND end <= '".$exp."'"; $sql = mysql_query($sql); $sql = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql); return $sql['rank']; } ?> And when debugged found out that the query is returning zero rows. But the $exp is 0 and in the database it looks like
  12. I don't know any pre-made functions to do this, but you could easily write your own.
  13. No! We will not write a script for you, just because you don't want to try on your own. Post in the freelance section (to hire someone to do it for) Or try learning PHP and try making it your self, and when you come across a problem ask for help.
  14. Try it
  15. What do you mean can't find? Is it located in the script that you are using
  16. google PHPMailer
  17. Agreed, you aren't asking a question. :s ??? Make sure the page with the var $check is included on the same page where you want to create the new var.
  18. you are forgetting to put session_start(); at the top of each page
  19. you could just do mysql_real_escape_string();
  20. ok, then $r = nl2br($res); $r=explode('<br />',$r);//i think that is how nl2br writes br line
  21. Their is no session start on your login page and session_register("username"); session_register("password"); should be $_SESSION['username'] = $username; $_SESSION['password'] = $password;
  22. $r=explode(' ',$res); should be $r=explode('/n',$res);
  23. To join two array's http://uk3.php.net/array-merge
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