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Everything posted by DeanWhitehouse

  1. I would advise using a mysql database it can be much more secure, or store the guestbook details in php variables in a php page rather than a text file.
  2. Does anyone know any simple(ish) way to read and write spreadsheets in PHP ?
  3. Try something like <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF" alink="#FFFFFF"> <?php $output[] = "<h1>Movies</h1>"; $sql = "select * from movies where Produkt='movie'"; $result = $db->query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $output[] = "<a href='".$row['BilledeElFilm']."' target='_blank'><img src='".$row['BilledeElFilm']."' width='150' height='100' border='10' /></a>"; } $output[] = "<h1>Brochurer</h1>"; $sql = "select * from movies where Produkt='brochure'"; $result = $db->query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $output[] = "<a href='".$row['BilledeElFilm']."' target='_blank'><img src='".$row['BilledeElFilm']."' width='150' height='100' border='10' /></a>"; } foreach($output as $out) { echo $out; } ?> </body> </html>
  4. Got a lot of the site done now, looking for people to donate codes to the site. More details on the site http://djw-webdesign.awardspace.com/snippet_add.php
  5. Oopz sorry should of mentioned that you need to put it in the date();
  6. Give an example of how the numbers are stored.
  7. <?php echo strtotime("+1 month"); ?>
  8. The first wouln't work because there is only one argument for nl2br, but the str_replace one works fine.
  9. nl2br(); Is it possible for it to produce <br> instead of <br/> .
  10. You need to read up on headers http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php
  11. Looks ok, except the $counter is in the wrong place it should be inside the while loop.
  12. Yeah it should work, although it means future reference of the leads they got is gone.
  13. You need to escape the tags. <a href=\"http://whereto.com\"><img src=\"image.gif\" alt=\"\"></a>
  14. Have a row in the table with the vendors saying what leads they have had?
  15. No, its quite simple If it is solved press solved at the bottom left of the page.
  16. what do you mean? Do you mean a dynamic image generated using PHP or just a static one. For a static one <a href="http://whereto.com"><img src="image.gif" alt=""></a>
  17. They will only be requesting one page not all the site files, so i doubt one file is 3.58 mb in size?
  18. The memory usage will only effect the server the site is on, not the user. Edit: BTW, what the hell does this have to do with php? Post in the correct section.
  19. Have you put the variable above the include? And make sure you arn't overwriting it in the included file.
  20. I know this is everyone's favorite topic So here it goes, i need to create a thumbnail code that will convert all my images to smaller versions and to PNG's. So far i have seen the getimagesize function in the manual that will get me the height and width of the image, but i can't find the function to actually create a new image from this one and then re-size it. I have also seen imagecreatefrompng(), but this will only work if the image i want to re-size is .png
  21. Does it matter? Is it really affecting anyone?
  22. I don't know, please read what i wrote when i said that, and stop asking pointless questions. This is a PHP help forum, not a forum for us to answer questions about how your game will be. You will need to find out where to use them.
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