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Everything posted by DeanWhitehouse

  1. Well without seeing the function code we can't help much.
  2. It is still there and what is error(); function.
  3. CSS is for the design, tables are not intended for website designs, and should only really be used if they must be. JS = Javascript AJAX = asynchronous JavaScript and XML
  4. The die function cannot be used like that , it can print on the screen but not use header in die, its like using header in echo.
  5. A text based game isn't simple, and if you don't know how to code in any web langauges then you have a long way to before you will be able to make it. Try learning HTML,CSS,PHP,MYSQL, and maybe JS & AJAX.
  6. http://uk.php.net/manual/ This website should be your number one website to check how to use all php functions. This is what is meant about headers. http://uk.php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php
  7. Because if there is an error the code is stopped before the if statement $result = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());
  8. No.....! mine is simplest, he can edit it easily and doesn't need to know regex Or not, lol, just tested it. Regex is the best way unless you want a even more complex code.
  9. if you are just wanting to get the numbers in parenthesis's then my solution should work.
  10. Let's let edwardtilbury decide who is the winner So who's code are you going to use?
  11. Yes but he won't be using print_r, yours will get any numbers ? am i right, even ones not inside of parenthesis? To solve it he can do <?php $var = "This complete set include the following parts: (12345), (12346), (12347)"; $var = explode("(",$var); $arr = array(")",","); $var = str_replace($arr,"",$var); for($i = 1;$i < count($var);$i++) { echo $var[$i]."<br>"; } ?>
  12. by pressing the space key, you have to do it in the variable it's self or do you mean <?php fwrite($fh, " ".$Address."\n"); ?>
  13. explode ?? http://uk.php.net/explode <?php $var = "This complete set include the following parts: (12345), (12346), (12347)"; $var = explode("(",$var); $var = str_replace(")","",$var); print_r($var); ?>
  14. Did you google what i said? if you did then you would of known i wasn't Next time don't jump to conclusions just because you don't understand the terminology
  15. are you joking? $tobestripped // guess what it should be maybe the variable that is to be stripped $stripped // again guess, if you don't what it is then go and learn php We are showing the means of doing it, not writing it for you.
  16. Undefined index or variable means it isn't defined. <?php $var = "test"; echo $v;//will create an error Undefined variable: //or echo $_POST['test'];/*will create the error Undefined index: as will $rows['test']; when there is no row in the table called test*/ ?> <form method="post"> <input name="test1"> </form>
  17. It will allow any tags that are in the array, but a warning i would not allow any tags that can have javascript elements, e.g. <a href="#" onClick="alert('you have been hacked');">Hacked</a> As this can really mess up your site.
  18. Yes i gathered that, saying? We will not help you write a code that will spam, abuse or send advertisements to people through IM clients.
  19. Did you look at the link? <?php $arr = array( "<html>", "<body>", "</body>", "</html>" ); $var = strip_tags("<html><body><a href="#">example</a></body></html>",$arr); echo $var;//should output <html><body><a href="#">example</></body></html> ?>
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