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Everything posted by Andy-H

  1. Also note the exit statement after the header redirect, you should make sure you do this after a header redirect as a matter of good practice, this will stop script execution. You don't need the parentheses on the exit statement if no argument is given as exit is a language construct, so the following are equivalent: exit(); exit;
  2. Does the channel name actually contain a colon?
  3. Yeah but his code allowed a variable number of matches to be made, if the array passed contained say 7 patterns, it would call preg_match dynamically 7 times.
  4. Looking at 4.2.1 here, it looks like it should be: fwrite($socket, "JOIN #channel; channelkey\r\n");
  5. I assume you're sending text messages, are you sure restrictions on IP addresses are the best way to go? You may be better off restricting on a per-user basis, as multiple users could use the same computer.
  6. You may also want to use word boundaries (\b) to do an exact word match only, given the following string: My name is Andy. Matching /and/i would return true whereas matching /\band\b/i would return false. See http://www.regular-expressions.info/wordboundaries.html I don't know if you use OOP but you would probably be best grouping things like this into a static class, so to start you off: class Regex { public static function test($expressions, $term) { if ( !is_array($expressions) ) { $expressions = array($expressions); } return count(array_filter($expressions, function($expression) use ($term) { return preg_match($expression, $term); })); }} var_dump(Regex::test(array('~and~i'), 'My name is Andy')); // => int 1var_dump(Regex::test(array('~\band\b~i'), 'My name is Andy')); // => int 0var_dump(Regex::test(array('~\bname\b~i', '~\bandy\b~i'), 'My name is Andy')); // => int 2 This uses array_filter to iteratively match the regular expressions against the given string, returning false to the array_filter callback removes the elements from the array, so by returing a count of the remaining arrays elements, we can use the returned integer as a boolean value.
  7. $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_student WHERE stud_laneme = '".$_POST["lname"]."' AND stud_fname = ".$_POST["fname"]."',"); $result = mysql_query($sql); The single quotes are messed up in your query, also you run mysql_query on the resource returned from mysql_query, and you should use mysql_real_escape_string to prevent SQL injection, it should be: $sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_student WHERE stud_laneme = '". mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['lname']) ."' AND stud_fname = '". mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['fname']) ."'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); In addition, if you're only looking for one result, appending LIMIT 1 will stop mysql from continuing it's search once it has found a result, and mysql_ functions have been deprecated, you should look into pdo or mysqli As for your original problem, that will be down to the duplicate mysql_query
  8. I think the design of a porn site is the least important aspect, there's one focal point and it's going full-screen. That's why they're covered with bullshit like "Gain 2" in 6 weeks" and "Horny singles ready to...". Content is king in that game.
  9. Web design is "the part I can't do", the skill that requires the visual creativity I don't possess, to take a blank canvas and craft a stunningly beautiful webpage in the form of a PSD. Beyond that, I'm your man.
  10. I think it would be good if PHPFreaks were integrated with Linkedin, so you would go to your profile, add your link, then people can send a linked in invitation from your PHPFreaks profile, and say if you reply in a PHPFreaks board, you could associate topics, I.e. PHP Help would associate to the PHP skill on your profile, then there could be a link for "Endorse {USER} for skill {SKILL}" i.e. "Endorse Andy-H for PHP" What do you think?
  11. The link I posted is pretty much example questions, with multiple choice answers, followed by a short explanation of the question.
  12. I passed it recently, didn't find it that difficult to be honest. l bought a prep guide from Lorna Mitchells website (http://www.lornajane.net/posts/2013/become-a-zce-in-2013) but never got round to reading it prop looked pretty comprehensive though. About 15 quid or something.
  13. He has a valid point here, the OP posted code that attempts a header redirect after outputting a td tag, without output buffering, this will cause the header call to fail.
  14. Quoted wrong post.
  15. Nope, that's all you need, it will work for anything: var_dump(str_replace(array('www.', '.mysite.com'), '', ('www.r34l-crazy.u53rn^m3$./john.smith?/i.mysite.com'))); // => r34l-crazy.u53rn^m3$./john.smith?/i
  16. var_dump(str_replace(array('www.', '.mysite.com'), '', ('www.john.smith.mysite.com'))); // => "john.smith" var_dump(str_replace(array('www.', '.mysite.com'), '', ('john.smith.mysite.com'))); // => "john.smith"
  17. +1 on Linux Mint, really user friendly for a Linux flavour, love MATE desktop for usability but Cinnamon looks nicer. MATE always wins in the end, I'm no Mac owner
  18. Andy-H


    Please use b1bc30a58b6ac5c9d1852f6bde30710e tags in future; my eyes hurt
  19. He means store it in a database, and create a script that queries the database then formats the data in XML and outputs it.
  20. I don't get what you mean? You only need to "fetch" the data once and store it to a variable, then use the variable to check the value. Also, I am assuming username is unique, so you don't need a loop and can use a LIMIT 1 on your query. Also, do you know that the mysql_ functions are deprecated? You should look into mysqli or PDO You shouldn't really use select * when you're only using one field either. Anyhow, I would rewrite the above like so: // connect to database include 'db/connection.php'; // it would be best to connect to the database in a self contained file for re-use // we will use mysql_real_escape_string to prevent SQL INJECTION $query = "SELECT accesslvl FROM $tbl_name WHERE username = '". mysql_real_escape_string($myusername) . "' LIMIT 1"; $result = mysql_query($query); if ( !mysql_num_rows($result) ) { // login failed, give an error message } else { $user = mysql_fetch_object($result); // we can use a switch statement here rather than if/elseif/else... block, this way we can add a default and it will be easier to add more cases later switch($user->accesslv) { case 1: header('location: adminhome.php'); exit; // we should use exit after header location break; case 2: header('location: managerhome.php'); exit; break; default: header('location: userhome.php'); exit; break; } } See: switch mysql_real_escape_string
  21. The Exception is being thrown from PDO::__construct so you need to wrap ... new PDO(... in the try catch block like so: try { $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=dbdaev", "root", ""); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, 1); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { echo $e->getMessage(); exit; // no point in continuing without a connection } I also like to use the following when using PDO: $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND, sprintf( 'SET NAMES \'%1$s\' COLLATE \'%2$s\';'. 'SET CHARACTER SET %1$s;', 'utf8', 'utf8_general_ci' ) ); To avoid encoding issues
  22. $redirect_to = array(1 => 'admin', 'manager'); $query = "SELECT accesslevel FROM users WHERE..."; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(array('param', 'param2')); if ( ($access_level = $sth->fetchColumn()) !== false ) { header('Location: '. isset($redirect_to[$access_level]) ? $redirect_to[$access_level] .'.php' : 'user.php'); } else { // login failed } Something like that
  23. Damn, how did I even pass lmao Thanks guys =D
  24. Second one outputs 1 =P
  25. Passed the ZCE on Wednesday =D http://www.zend.com/en/yellow-pages#show-ClientCandidateID=ZEND021199
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