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Everything posted by lostprophetpunk

  1. It's a simple design, but there are a few things that need sorting out... - Serious validation errors. - You have one minor CSS validation error, but that could probably be sorted out in a flash. - Alignment. The alignment is off for that main section underneath the nav and the feature blog. (Should be 'Featured Blogs') - Navigation. I do not mean to cause offence here, but the navigation background doesn't look too good with black and blue text on it. You could probably just have a black bottom border on the nav, and not have the bg, and then have the links black or a lighter colour and then when they are hovered, change to one of the two colours you have used in your logo. - Your website description. In the title bar it says 'Every expression counts', where are on the website it says 'Express yourself. Blog it out'. I think these should at least say the same thing, not different things. - Footer. It just looks too plain, maybe try and jazz it up a bit? I hope I have helped you in some way.
  2. Try this... .sub1 { float: left; } .sub1 { float: right; } <div id="restinfo"> <ul> <li class="sub">Name:</li> <li class="sub1">Jordan Maxwell</li> </ul> </div> Haven't tested it but it should work. You also forgot to close your unordered list tag.
  3. For the stuff in the header, I just used some reference images. The easiest thing to do was the coffee.
  4. Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it. It had taken me around 4 hours for the design, and then another 4 to code the rest of the pages. SEO was my next plan of action. I wanted to get a professional design done first, and then concentrate on SEO afterwards. I have been looking at a few sites explaining what SEO is and how I can push my site forward with it. Thanks for the tip, again, much appreciated.
  5. Reminds me of Scrubs. I just take about half an hour to an hour pre-occupying myself with playing Mario Tennis on the n64. That usually gets my thoughts rolling.
  6. My favourite song is Ixtapa. My mate can play the guys part on that, but the womans part is just insane.
  7. I'm quite into rock and indie bands(Pigeon Detectives, Metallica, Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chilli Peppers)...but there are a few odd ones out like Rodrigo y Gabriela and Escada.
  8. I have finished with the complete re-design of my website. Minihobbs.co.uk Note that the CSS is invalid due to me using browser specific properties...so the CSS could technically be classed as valid. Hope you like it.
  9. Thanks ignace, it did work after all. I found that the way I was doing my navigation system messed up the link to the current page it was on.
  10. That still doesn't work, but I appreciate your help.
  11. I have come across a problem whilst integrating wordpress into my website. I have managed to get nav.php to be included in the root of the blog (www.example.co.uk/blog/), but when viewing a post the nav.php does not get included anymore as the directory would not go back as far. This is the current code for it... include_once('../nav.php'); So it works for www.example.co.uk/blog/, as the nav.php is in the main folder. But when it has something like www.example.co.uk/blog/2010/06/, it doesn't include it. How could I make the path so it is a direct path? I have tried doing the full address (http//www.example.co.uk/nav.php), that doesn't work. I have tried foing the short address (/nav.php), that doesn't work. If anyone could help me out that would be great.
  12. When processing a form I have created, I get the following error... Fatal error: Function name must be a string in C:\xampp\htdocs\new\contact.php on line 83 What would I need to do to fix this? The relevant PHP code is below... if(!$_POST['contact']) { //form html removed } else { //process form function cleanl($a) { $b = trim($a); $c = htmlentities($b); return $c; } $name = cleanl( $_POST['name'] ); $email = cleanl( $_POST['email'] ); $message = nl2br( cleanl( $_POST['message'] ) ); $code = cleanl( $_POST['code'] ); if($empty($name)){ $a = 1; }else { $a = 0; } if($empty($email)){ $b = 1; }else { $b = 0; } if($empty($message)){ $c = 1; }else { $c = 0; } if($empty($code)){ $d = 1; }else { $d = 0; } if($a == 1 || $b == 1 || $c == 1 || $d == 1){ $error = "The form has not been filled in correctly. Please make sure you have done the following things...<br /><br />- Filled in all of the fields<br />- Enter a valid email address<br />- Answered the security question correctly."; //form html removed } else { // film filled out, check it... if(validate_email($email)) { $pass = 0; } else { $pass = 1; } if($code == 4) { $assess = 0; } else { $assess = 1; } if($pass == 1 || $assess == 1) { $error = "The form has not been filled in correctly. Please make sure you have done the following things...<br /><br />- Filled in all of the fields<br />- Enter a valid email address<br />- Answered the security question correctly."; //form html removed } else { //form passes, send form... } } } If anyone could helo me out, thanks in advance.
  13. I have uploaded a pic of the problem. (Should be attached to this post) I am working in firefox 3.5, it's the same in IE as well. [attachment deleted by admin]
  14. I have put the html for the footer. As you may be able to see if you look at the PHP code, nothing is actually outputting as it's all commented off.
  15. Hello there, I am in the final stages of coding my entire website. However, I have hit a snag on the front page. The footer appears to be halfway up the 'latest 3 blog entries', and I cannot seem to get it down. I have tried 'clear:both;', and putting the code in different places, but nothing has worked. The relevant CSS and HTML code is below... #blog { width: 855px; height: 200px; margin-top: 30px; margin-right: 15px; float: right; background: transparent url(../images/righticon.png) no-repeat top left; } #blog h1 { font-family: georgia; font-size: 1.6em; font-weight: normal; color: #25587E; margin-left: 60px; padding: 0px; margin-top: 6px; } #blog p { font-family: arial; font-size: 0.9em; line-height: 1.5em; color: #444444; margin-top: 5px; } #blog h4 { font-family: arial; font-size: 0.8em; color: #444444; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; } p.blogtitle a:link { margin: 0px; font-family: Georgia; font-size: 1.2em; text-decoration: none; color: #25587E; } p.blogtitle a:visited { margin: 0px; font-family: Georgia; font-size: 1.2em; text-decoration: none; color: #25587E; } p.blogtitle a:active { margin: 0px; font-family: Georgia; font-size: 1.2em; text-decoration: none; color: #25587E; } p.blogtitle a:hover { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Georgia; font-size: 1.2em; text-decoration: underline; color: #25587E; } #blog span { font-family: arial; font-size: 0.8em; line-height: 1.5em; color: #444444; margin-top: 5px; } .blogroll { width: 285px; height: 200px; float: left; } #footer { width: 880px; height: 35px; padding-right:20px; text-align:right; margin:0; font-family: arial; font-size: 0.7em; color: #444444; } #footer a { color: #25587E; text-decoration: none; } #footer a:visited { color: #25587E; text-decoration: none; } #footer a:active { color: #25587E; text-decoration: none; } #footer a:hover { color: #000000; text-decoration: none; } <div id="blog"> <h1>From My Blog</h1> <div class="blogroll" style="width: 275px; padding-right: 10px;"> <?php //while (have_posts()): the_post(); ?> <p class="blogtitle"><a href="<?php //the_permalink(); ?>" title="Read full post"><?php echo "Test Post";//the_title(); ?></a></p> <h4>Latest Blog Post on <?php //the_time('jS F') ?>Tues, 4th</h4> <span>I am a creative student based in the United Kingdom. I design and create beautiful things for the web. Three things are important to me when making the design...Standards Compliant Code, Functional Design, Usability and Accessibility.</span> <?php //the_excerpt(); ?> <?php //endwhile; ?> </div> <div class="blogroll" style="width: 275px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;"> <?php //while (have_posts()): the_post(); ?> <p class="blogtitle"><a href="<?php //the_permalink(); ?>" title="Read full post"><?php echo "Test Post";//the_title(); ?></a></p> <h4>Latest Blog Post on <?php //the_time('jS F') ?>Tues, 4th</h4> <span>I am a creative student based in the United Kingdom. I design and create beautiful things for the web. Three things are important to me when making the design...Standards Compliant Code, Functional Design, Usability and Accessibility.</span> <?php //the_excerpt(); ?> <?php //endwhile; ?> </div> <div class="blogroll" style="width: 275px; padding-left: 10px;"> <?php //while (have_posts()): the_post(); ?> <p class="blogtitle"><a href="<?php //the_permalink(); ?>" title="Read full post"><?php echo "Test Post";//the_title(); ?></a></p> <h4>Latest Blog Post on <?php //the_time('jS F') ?>Tues, 4th</h4> <span>I am a creative student based in the United Kingdom. I design and create beautiful things for the web. Three things are important to me when making the design...Standards Compliant Code, Functional Design, Usability and Accessibility.</span> <?php //the_excerpt(); ?> <?php //endwhile; ?> </div> </div> <div id="footer" style=""> <p>Design &#169; <?php echo date('Y');?> <a href="http://minihobbs.co.uk" title="Minihobbs">Minihobbs.co.uk</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> If anyone could help out, thanks in advance.
  16. Nice work there. One hell of a step up from your first design. One thing I have noticed is that the logo is quite pixelated...you could maybe work on sharpening that up. I would suggest making the logo on the website (with the text etc) exactly like the one you have made on the business card. You need some more space between your navigation and the header of the page, just to let it breathe a bit. If you want that 'shiny table' look to have some effect, then smallen the logo, move it to the left of the page. Have the 'McGovern Tech Services' text at the top on the right. Then in photoshop, just duplicate the layer (ctrl + j) and then go to Edit > Transform > Flip Vertically. Then move the top of that text, to the bottom of the other text (so it looks like a mirrored image, and like what you did with the other one). Make sure you are on the duplicated layer of the text. Then in your layers windows, click on the third icon (at the bottom of that layers window), and it should be a box with a white circle in it. That will create a layer mask. Once you have clicked on it, click on the white box that should appear next to the layer. Then using your gradient tool (g) select a white-to-black gradient. Then (ctrl + click) on the duplicated text layer (not the white box next to it), and then drag the gradient from the top of the duplicated text to the bottom of it. Then all you need to do is to play around with the opacity of the layer to get it to look good. Hope I have helped you out.
  17. Web 2.0 design is all about the designs that use reflections, they have that 'shiny table' look. They also use shiny badges and icons within their design. You have done well with this design, but it needs improving. Great work. For colour, you could include some within the logo of your website. (maybe certain words of the text, or just the icon of the mammoth. Then you could relate a colour to the colour in your logo, to your headings. (for example...if your mammoth was red, your headings would be red) I also do recommend Adobe Kuler for use with colour schemes. For some inspiration on different colours, Design Fridge can help you help. Just scroll to the bottom and you can browse inspirational websites by colour, texture etc. If you are going for a black and white website design, you would be best creating a minimalistic design. These are 25 examples of minimalistic design. That contain very few colours, but have a massive effect on the audience.
  18. This is a really good movie...I saw it a few weeks back. But if you are going to see it...it has to be in 3D. To be honest, the director was waiting for the technology to come out to make this movie and it's his first film in 12 years since the Titanic.
  19. I have no real need for an image and an h1 in the header.
  20. I do apologise if I offended you at all in the previous topic, I was a bit out of line. This is a good start to a design, but not quite finished enough to get enough feedback. I had a look through some of the websites in your signature, and they are pretty good if you are just starting out on the artistic side. But with the first comment in the other topic, I was providing you help as well...to get rid of really simple validation errors.
  21. Not sure what you mean by 'image replacement'. The header is just one image. The CSS doesn't validate due to these... -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; This is because the properties are valid, but are not recognised as valid by the CSS 2.1 and CSS 3 validator. Also, before anyone points out. The reason why you don't see any navigation links on the blog, is because they will be put there when I have the rest of the site up.
  22. I have just noticed something in the 'about' pop up for you. You say you have over 3 years of experience in freelance web design...but I am curious to where that fact comes from. Surely in the 3 years experience you have had...you must have learnt something useful? Check out sites like these for programming help... w3schools Tizag (php) Check out these for inspiration... Web Creme Abduzeedo I hope I have helped you out some more.
  23. These are suggestions. The first thing I notice is the hovering over on the '+' to view a bit of description about the links...it's pointless. It would be easier to make that little section higher (add about 10-15px to the height) and leave the links in the same place that they are, but move the descriptions underneath them. You could also get rid of the gradient background for the nav, and the bottom black border of the nav. For a simple design like yours, it should not contain 11 validation errors. Your CSS has 5 validation errors. One thing I do find annoying is that you have to wait for boxes to load up when viewing pages. Now here is where I am going to help you. When using divs, never use the same 'id' for different divs. If you need several divs to have the same CSS, then use 'class' instead of 'id'. I hope that I have helped in some way.
  24. The validation errors have been sorted out, both the xhtml and css are now compliant. Thank you for your feedback. I will need to line the sidebar up with the main content as you suggested. I really do appreciate your feedback.
  25. I have just integrated wordpress into my website. I have not finished the main website design yet, but have managed to finish the blog and the design. Click here to view the design. Note: Before it gets mentioned, the template was created by me.
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