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Everything posted by Maq

  1. Hahaha I can't believe I didn't see this.... See the difference?
  2. What part isn't showing up? Are you echoing $body to see what's in it? There's also an easier way to dynamically create these variables: Instead of assigning each one: $message = $_POST['message']; $name = $_POST['name']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; $email = $_POST['email']; $location = $_POST['location']; You can loop through the POST array and create your variables: foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { $$key = $value; }
  3. I don't think he would tell us if he was...
  4. Maq

    what's here?

    I don't even want to know how you know this... Seems like common sense that when the purpose of a bomb is to explode and kill/destroy things, giving some kind of warning i.e. a beep seems counter productive. Yeah I know, I was just joking around...
  5. It always is... Gotta love it!
  6. Have you gone through this sticky: HEADERS
  7. Maybe...
  8. Maq

    what's here?

    I don't even want to know how you know this...
  9. Maq

    what's here?

    It's a bomb...
  10. Just insert into the user table.
  11. Change this line: while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($getUsers_res))
  12. Are the changes going to be made on linux or windows? With Linux you can just use the "sed" command. Works great with regular expressions. With windows there are find/replace programs that may be suitable. Or you can use Cygwin, which should support the "sed" command. Good luck!
  13. Yep, that should do it
  14. The proper term is variable scope.
  15. No, that's wrong. And why don't you test it to see if it's right? You need to reverse all of your less than and greater signs. You also have to use && and not ||. A side note, you don't need to put quotes around doubles.
  16. Use a function, something like: function doMath($equation) { $sql = "SELECT a, b, c, d, e, f, $equation AS sum FROM table"; echo $sql; } $theMath = "(a+f-(b+c+d+e))"; doMath($theMath); ?>
  17. Echo out your queries and tell me exactly what they output. echo $selectQuery; //and: echo $updateQuery; It thinks that A13 is a column when you are actually asking - WHERE rowID = 'A13' - correct?
  18. You are using single quotes and double quotes incorrectly. Use double quotes for the whole string, and when you want to break in and out, but for values of attributes use single quotes: echo "".ucwords($row_rs_multi_dl['category'])."";
  19. Make an associative array: $letters = array("a" => 15, "b" => 18, "c" => 20, "d" => 35, "e" => 13, "f" => 75); foreach($letters AS $letter => $value) { $$letter = $value; } $total=$a+$f-($b+$c+$d+$e); echo $total; ?> EDIT: didn't see this was in a database... A query would be so much easier
  20. When i run the code it brings up an error and wont return the information, What does the error say? resort_id='$resort_id' Where does $resort_id come from? Change this line to: $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); run the code again and tell me if any errors appear and EXACTLY what they say.
  21. You may want to do what revraz suggested and echo out all of your queries to ensure all the column names you're referencing exist. Looks like your error is triggered in the WHERE clause which is generated by the foreach loop from your POST vars. You can print the array of POST vars: print_r($_POST); or you can go back to the form where this information is coming from and see what's being inputted.
  22. You're still inserting order_id as 0. Please read premiso's post.
  23. Can you post exactly what you have?
  24. Why don't you put everything in 1 table and use the proper tags for headers? Then you don't have to worry about lining up 2 separate tables.
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