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Everything posted by Maq

  1. You would probably get more replies if you posted in the javascript section. Also, there are plenty of examples and tutorials for you to try. Do you have anything done yet?
  2. The color scheme was intended to be sort of muted so that when I add photos or graphics, they really pop and look nice. This site isn't just going to be about PHP, it's more of a personal blog too, so yeah. The header image brightens it up just enough to not be too dull. xD Gotcha. I would really like to see it with the pictures then I could probably give you some better feedback.
  3. Maq

    Desktop SS

    That's pretty cool. Don't worry I'm running XP on this machine too :-\
  4. I would definitely change either the background or the font color of your links and the "Categories" header to a different color because they're almost invisible. I'm also not a fan of having the main navigation on top of the banner, I like it either right below the banner or on the lower part of the banner. Also your color scheme, is kind dull, white, gray, black text... You may want to think about adding some images or change the colors a bit. Other than that I like it.
  5. Maq


    I know it's trivial but I think you should center the footer as well. Also on the contacts page, where you have the text fields you should have the names of them hard-coded on the side, or at least when you click in the field have them highlighted or disappear.
  6. We need the actual SQL statements where you insert the data. If your tables are empty then obviously it's how you're inserting the data. Please post the code for that, thanks.
  7. How are you populating the table?
  8. Maq


    Nice def going to d/l. Is this similar to VMWare?
  9. I agree. Different designs/circumstances call for different solutions. If this works for you then go ahead, but if you would explain your situation then maybe we could give you a better solution
  10. It should work, I don't see why not. Test it....
  11. Cool, nice link. Looks like that will do exactly what you need.
  12. I still wonder if there's a quick command to easily figure something like this out...
  13. I kind of like that, maybe a little less drastic. Or you could eliminate the fade and keep the center line that runs through the middle. I also think your navigation needs a little more style, maybe add buttons, little graphics, I just don't the plain text links :-\ But you should definitely keep it simple...
  14. Try echoing out your links to make sure they're correct or even exist...
  15. The major downside is that your code is readily available for everyone else to see. This means more exploits/hacks are going to be found, which could be good if they report them, and of course bad if they don't.
  16. Please read this, it is also a perfect example http://www.gnu.org/
  17. You're outputting something to the browser before sending the header. Please look carefully. Maybe you could just move an include file? Try it.
  18. Ok... How do you know you don't understand something that you haven't read?
  19. IMO, I like things centered but besides that and what DW mentioned it looks nice! It's something that's actually useful.
  20. Please read this, it's a sticky on this kind of error... Header Errors
  21. Then what is this user name? It's also not using a password, your other error, you are...
  22. Don't forget Micro$oft!
  23. Is this your the correct user name? Remember it's case sensitive so double check your password too. Looks like you're not passing the correct credentials...
  24. Haha, same here, *sniff sniff*, yep that's HW...
  25. mysql_pconnect
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