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Everything posted by Maq

  1. I'm guessing the PHP code you posted previously is the certificate_info.php file. If not, can you post it? That's where your form is being submitted to. Just to clarify, you get brought back to the same form that you already filled in but it's blank?
  2. It's your query that's causing the issue. Should be: SELECT * FROM events WHERE events.id = $sid ORDER BY event NOT SELECT * FROM events WHERE $sid = events.id ORDER BY event and if events.id is not an integer you will need single quotes around $sid.
  3. Can you show us the actual code, not the pseudo version.
  4. That was me relaxed. Don't tell me what to do, thanks. No, you said it was an alert() message but yet you give me PHP code, but that's OK. You have a huge inlined JS function that's called validate(). There are like 20-30 checks that, if fail, will alert that error message. I suggest you look at the conditions in the function and see which one is failing.
  5. Awesome, glad you figured it out. I recently had a similar problem with Ruby and different versions.
  6. Yes sorry, like that. Echo out $query to see exactly what the string looks like, it will give you a better idea.
  7. Right since you selected *, which is every column in that table, then you can retrieve anything from the result set, which was set to $row, in that format.
  8. Have a look at this tutorial: http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/simple-sql-search
  9. If date_added resides in the uudised table then you would display it the same way as uudis.
  10. This thread is about 1 1/2 years old. You may have better luck starting a fresh thread, and if you want, a reference link to this one.
  11. It's easiest if you break out of the string to use the date() function. I also added single quotes around the date value: $query = "update table set expir_date = '" . date("Y-m-d", "10/5/14") . "' where id = '$id' ";
  12. Maq


    Hey, thanks for stopping back in I think that's only until you get past 10 posts. It's for spam purposes.
  13. Exactly. Thanks for apologizing, takes a lot
  14. Read about: http://us3.php.net/simplexml Your XPath would look something like, depending on the structure: /EXM/@id
  15. Hi and welcome to PHPFreaks. I'm sure you will get all the help you need here
  16. Have you tried the alternative for updating ruby. One is manually doing it and the other is the two step process: gem install rubygems-update update_rubygems http://rubygems.org/pages/download I'm sure you read this but that's what the manual tells you to do: http://help.rubygems.org/kb/rubygems/why-do-i-get-http-response-302-or-301-when-installing-a-gem
  17. Maq*, and you're welcome.
  18. Also, since you are using a single quote as your master string the '$x' and '.' don't get interpolated, even though it looks like you're concatenating it.
  19. The parser thinks that the double quotes are part of the key string, try: $rim[]=$_POST['rim'.$x];
  20. This is the typical way to do it: mysqldump --opt [db_name] [table_name] > [outputfile_name].sql But, as Mellis directed you to, check the manual for specific parameters and options to suit your needs.
  21. Good idea, give it a rest and let the mind clear out. With that many hours and a man can go crazy...
  22. What do you mean, "how do I get the code"? Is this even your site? How the hell do you expect someone to help when you can't even provide the code?
  23. Then how do you expect to fix it?
  24. I'm not filling out all that information... Do you have the code that checks for the certificate holder?
  25. Can you format your code? Also, is there a reason you posted in 3rd party scripts? If not, I'll move it.
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