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Everything posted by CroNiX

  1. Agree...I got the iPhone when they first came out and returned it the next day. I got the AT&T tilt which I *love* cuz it also lets me hook my laptop up via usb and use the net through the phone! Also, the full keyboard is really nice. I can type 2x as fast as anyone with an iPhone.
  2. Did you try using ftp commands instead of fopen?
  3. If that is the 2nd code you posted (with colored highlighting) yes.
  4. do you have php error reporting turned on? Any messages?
  5. you are using the (w)rite attribute for fopen, I imagine you want to ®ead the file.
  6. after this line: <?php $profile = $query->fetchrow(); add this and post the result: <?php echo "<pre>"; print_r($profile); echo "</pre>"; That will tell us if you are receiving your data.
  7. My bad...they do have city info, just not as accurate as the pay system... http://www.maxmind.com/app/geolitecity
  8. AFAIK, the (free) maxmind geoip database does not include details such as cities within countries, only the country. Might not be useful unless your clients offices are spread across multiple countries...
  9. It looks like you have an error, it seems $members should be $profile maybe (going by the 2nd post in the thread). try: $profile['username'];
  10. that would mean $member['username'] is empty on your end. what happens if you <?php echo 'username='.$member['username']; ?>
  11. a:3:{i:0;s:3:"dog";i:1;s:3:"cat";i:2;s:5:"horse";} a:3 =>'this is an array of 3 elements' { => 'start of array' i0;s:3:"dog"; => 'index 0 is a string of 3 characters and its value is 'dog' i:1;s:3:"cat"; => 'index 1 is a string of 3 characters an its value is 'cat' i:2;s:5:"horse"; => 'index 2 is a string of 5 characters and its value is 'horse' } => 'end array' See? Very readable same info you get from var_dump, but more compact.
  12. Not all servers have short tags enabled, so it won't work on all servers, but <?php works everywhere. Ah, I left one of your original quotes in after profile.php?id=, try: <a href="profile.php?id=<?php echo $member['username']; ?>" class="style7"><?=$player->username?> </a>
  13. Also, if you want your code to be able to run on all servers, don't use short tags. Use the full php tag <?php
  14. It looks like in your first post you are mixing some php in with html. You have some quotes escaped, but its within regular html (from what you've posted anyway). Try: <td width="176" bgcolor="#000000" class="style5"><a href="profile.php?id="<?php echo $member['username']; ?>" class="style7"><?=$player->username?> </a></td>
  15. you can use mktime() which will create a unix timestamp and add 2 months to the months. <?php $newdate=mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m')+2, date('d'), date('Y')); echo date('Y/m/d', $newdate); results: 2008/10/06
  16. .htaccess in the root dir of the site. http://www.cs.dal.ca/studentservices/faq/tutorials/web_sites/htaccess.shtml
  17. google 'mysql like'. You want to use the like statement. SELECT * FROM table WHERE table.field LIKE '%criteria%'; Just a basic example... This will return all data from the table 'table' where the table.field contains the string 'criteria'.
  18. Heres a good start. Ive used this on several sites. Awesome... http://tools.uvumi.com/crop.html
  19. Possibly your version of php is 4.x? This function only exists in php5+
  20. add or die() to each query statement like: <?php $check = mysql_query ("SELECT $userlevel_value FROM $table_value WHERE username='$user_value' AND password='$pass_value'") or die(mysql_error()); // Query to see if user exists That will show you the mysql errors if there are any... I also don't see where you are connecting to the database unless it's in config.php, if you're not connected that could also cause those errors.
  21. I realize that you posted this in regex, but if you just want to bold each element in the array you could: <?php $testarray = array('this', 'will', 'be', 'bolded'); $boldarray = array_map('boldarray', $testarray); function boldarray($el){ return '<b>' . $el . '</b>'; } print_r($boldarray);
  22. In form.php... <?php if (!mysql_query($sql,$connect)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } else { header("Location: http://www.yoursite.com/location/of/home.php"); exit(); }
  23. What id are you talking about? The array index? I was only going by the example that you gave, $qty[0], $qty[1], $qty[2]... The code I posted will create that table row for each qty in the result array...
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