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Everything posted by bluesoul

  1. If you're using frames you need to add target="Name" where name is the frame you want it to display in.
  2. Please (please) append your mysql_query()'s with or die(mysql_error()); and see what turns up.
  3. You'd likely want to use Cron. Most RSS feeds update once an hour.
  4. Google's hosted service limits one to 500 emails per day, in maximum batches of 100. Exceeding that will suspend your account for 24 hours.
  5. $q_copyns = "INSERT INTO brat_exp_ns ('domain_name','NS1','NS2','NS3','NS4','NS5','NS6','NS7','NS8','NS9','NS10','NS11','NS12','NS13') SELECT 'domain_name','NS1','NS2','NS3','NS4','NS5','NS6','NS7','NS8','NS9','NS10','NS11','NS12','NS13' FROM Domain WHERE domain_name='$turnoff[$i]'"; Throws an SQL error regarding an invalid object named brat_exp_ns. Removing the quotes from the first set of columns inserts static data with those values (domain_name gets domain_name, etc). Backticks as you have displayed don't work with MSSQL. EDIT: Got it, you actually need to have no quotes at all.
  6. I think I'm not really in the right state of mind right now to do this, I seem to remember a very neat shortcut to populate an identical set of columns in a table with data from another table. A bit of background, I have a table called domains, with fields called NS1, NS2, NS3...NS13. I am writing a page to turn the domains off when they're expired, and I want to hold this data in a new table called expired_domains for safekeeping when the time comes to restore it. It has identical fields, NS1, NS2, NS3...NS13. It would be something like an INSERT SELECT right?
  7. Generally there's no reason to need to see the unencrypted passwords. MD5 is the standard encryption method for an average site (using the function md5()). When a user logs in you encrypt their attempt at the password, then compare it to the MD5 string in the database, and if it's a match you grant access.
  8. The method presented in the article is shaky at best, in that a lot of bogus registrations are still going to pass on through. I find it a bit humorous that two of the three bogus emails he mentions, donald@duck.com and emailthis@hahaha.com, would pass the test he wrote. So 33% of the time, it works every time.
  9. I from the sound of what you're wanting to do it is all perfectly doable with CSS and HTML alone.
  10. You added it to all your queries?
  11. My apologies, I'm running on too little sleep. New Years and all that. In that case go ahead and append the mysql_error statement and see what it turns up.
  12. To be honest I haven't had the need to run a CMS in the better part of three or four years so anything I told you would be terribly dated. I would advise, though, that you put up an installation of each one and play with them a bit, see how the dashboards work, visit their forums and dev pages, etc. This is one of those things where there's not going to be a clear-cut right answer. It's more important that you're comfortable with the framework and how to manipulate it.
  13. $address = $address1; if(isset($address2)) { $address .= ", ".$address2; } //etc
  14. $sql = "UPDATE subjects SET Subject='$Subject' WHERE Id=$Id"; Your table is called Subject but you're referring to it as subjects here. Also, always add or die(mysql_error()); to your query. $result = mysql_query("select * from subjects order by id") or die(mysql_error());
  15. You're using exit(), which is programmatically similar to die() which means it terminates at that statement. You can remove it entirely.
  16. Be sure and click solved in the bottom left corner.
  17. It looks like you're calling the function before you've instantiated the object. Flip-flop these two lines. $username=$vein->current_user(); $vein=new vein();
  18. Alternately, you can copy and paste this one. `
  19. Drupal and Joomla both have huge dev scenes. A good buddy of mine really sings the praise of Drupal and I'll probably give it a closer look the next time I need to do something with a CMS.
  20. Nixed the old comment about OOP, you can use or die(mysqli_error($link));
  21. Actually I believe mysql_numrows will work. Make sure to append your mysql_query() with or die(mysql_error());.
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