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Posts posted by RussellReal

  1. oop is for like..


    if you wanted to have more than 1 instance of the same code..


    I'll write up a little class for you :)


    class Game {
    	public $players, $turn;
    	public function changeTurn() {
    		$this->turn = (($this->turn >= count($this->players)) 0:$this->turn + 1);
    		echo "It is now {$players[$this->turn]->name}'s turn!";
    	public function isTurn($player) {
    		return (($player === $players[$this->turn])? true:false);
    	public function addPlayer($name) {
    		$this->players[] = new Player($name);
    		echo "New Player Has Joined!";
    	public function scoredAPoint($score) {
    		$this->players[$this->turn]->score += $score;
    		echo "{$this->players[$this->turn]->name} Scored {$score} Points!";
    class Player {
    	public $name, $score;
    	public function __construct($name) {
    		$this->name = $name;
    		$this->score = 0;


    thats an example of a little game.. you can like make it an actual game with a server connection and stuff.. basically Player is an instantiable object.. to keep data specific to that Player


    the Game object is the object which indexs all of the players, its more of a package than an object..


    but if you did make it an actual game, you would add connectivity functions to the Player class.. not the Game class, because each player needs to test connectivity individually.. etc..


    a class for the MOST PART is just to have a batch of values and functions that work independantly and can be reused..



    heres a script I made a while ago, its a server->client script.. it is long long ago so I don't know how good it is anymore, but it is a great example of using OOP :)




    I also wrote a connection class.. which you can use to create multiple connections.. wrapped in along with lots of easy to use functions..



    // Author: Russell Crevatas
    // E-Mail: RussellonMSN [AT] HotMail.com ~ Available For Hire
    // Scripted For: AltScripts.net
    class Connection {
        private $user, $pass, $host, $connection, $database, $lastResult;
        public function __construct($host,$user,$pass,$db = null) {
            $this->host = $host;
            $this->user = $user;
            $this->pass = $pass;
            if ($db != null) {
    public function close() {
        private function connect() {
            $this->connection = mysql_connect($this->host,$this->user,$this->pass);
        public function db($database) {
            $this->database = $database;
        public function query($query) {
            $this->lastResult = mysql_query($query,$this->connection);
            return $this->lastResult;
        public function fetch_assoc($result = null) {
            $res = ((!$result)? $this->lastResult:$result);
            if ($res) return mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
            return false;
        public function fetch_array($result = null) {
            $res = ((!$result)? $this->lastResult:$result);
            if ($res) return mysql_fetch_array($res);
            return false;
    public function fetch_object($result = null) {
            $res = ((!$result)? $this->lastResult:$result);
            if ($res) return mysql_fetch_object($res);
            return false;
        public function escape($string) {
            return mysql_real_escape_string($string,$this->connection);
        public function rows($result = null) {
            $res = ((!$result)? $this->lastResult:$result);
            if ($res) return mysql_num_rows($res);
            return false;
        public function id() {
            return mysql_insert_id($this->connection);
    public function error() {
    	return mysql_error($this->connection);


    this is the version from an older project I've worked on, I've updated this class since.. however, the beauty of this being an object.. is I don't need to remember to specify an mysqlresult (which you get from mysql_query) in mysql_fetch_assoc and stuff.. since its an object you'll really only run 1 query at a time.. but in the event you do want to hold 1 result set and process another before the prior.. you can specify an optional field $result :)


    these are all 3 good examples of proper oop..


    making a class just for 1 page which really doesn't NEED oop.. is just gonna give you a function feel to classes, classes are more powerful than just for that :), although they lack in alot of ways in PHP compared to other languages, they're st ill really handy :)

  2. flash would be your best bet.. but you say you don't want flash? I know of a guy who made an actual playable version of Super Mario Brothers in JavaScript, but that must be such an outstanding amount of code involved.. if he had made it in javascript it'd have been s much less code, more likely more efficient, and could have built more, with less :)


    you will not find any "arcade style" games written in any other language except Java and Flash for playing within the browser :)

  3. php oop is worthless for this type of thing, php classes for this type of precedure is basically to make this code includeable into multiple files..


    php oop is GOOD for creating multiple instances and have them independant of the other instances..


    for this purpose classes aren't going to give you an "oop" feel, it will give you a function feel with a nifty wrapper..

  4. hey shes an orangutan so her tastes are a bit different! I think it could look alright if the menu was a little less.. err.. long..


    and yeah if you want to use that logo atleast match some colors to it :)


    but if you're gonna keep the current color scheme.. you should go with a blue color logo not a very emo looking logo :)

  5. things like this make mysql kind've obsolete, basically mysql being a relational database, needs things to relate to other things.. basically to have data work together you need to bounce back and forth..


    the correct way to do this with mysql would be to have a "like" table..


    with the structurelike so:


    id | like | dislike | user_id | media_id | comment_id


    and use this table for everything..


    the drawbacks of this.. is you will run outta available ids in the long run.. even though its like some super large never to be reached number on 64bit servers.. ( I don't have this number off the top of my head :( )


    but.. you could do it the WRONG way.. and have it comma seperated... in the particular table


    for example..


    id | media_name | media_source_path | media_description | media_likes | media_dislikes | voters


    and pull a result.. say I'm voting on video with the id number 37


    SELECT * FROM media WHERE id = 37;


    we now have the row.. pretend I do all the php to get that result set..

    if (in_array($_SESSION['id'],explode(',',$resultSet['voters']))) {
      // hes in here screw him!
    } else {
      // hes not!! WOO HOO!
      // set voters to include his id..
      $x = explode(',',$resultSet['voters']);
      $x[] = $_SESSION['id'];
      $x = implode(',',$x);
      if ($_GET['like']) {
        // 1 or 0 expecting lets say
        $set = "media_likes = media_likes + 1";
      } else {
        $set = "media_dislikes = media_dislikes + 1";
      mysql_query("UPDATE media SET {$set}, voters = '{$voters}' WHERE id = '{$_GET['media_id']}");
      // update that row!


    but the WRONG way has some drawbacks aswell.. there is a limit on text fields aswell, but that is a couple gigabytes for large blobs.. its really up to you what you want to do.. those are two ways to go about doing it :)


  6. in MOST php applications (excluding COMET or PUSH implementations) after the php has finished being executed, php exits.. meaning you cannot continue to modify the output the user sees already..


    php is for the most part server side, with another select few exceptions, but for most WEB APPLICATIONS it is 98% server side, with like I said before, COMET and PUSH applications..


    JavaScript, however, is a CLIENT SIDE language with another few exceptions.. but for the most part this is the language you will want to utilize to manipulate information already sent to the client (the browser).

  7. If you really have "&reg;" in your db, you might need to html_entity_decode() twice to get the actual character.  Keep in mind that ® and ™ are not going to map to ascii characters though ..


    Instead of decoding, you might want to just replace "&...;" sequences with a single dummy charater, so you can get the length count correct.  Then use the original string for displaying.


    thats what I do in my first example with "X" but yes he does make a point about the ascii characters, I'm not a real guru with charsets or anything I just know regex n stuff :P

  8. curl_exec will block until the transfer is complete..


    curl_exec_multi will not block.. but unfortunately php doesn't really utilize events like it should therefore exec_multi should only be used when needed..


    for NOW what you should worry about is why the transfer is failing.. you received http status code 301.. which is permanently moved, you need to tell php to follow redirects :)


    you do this with the curloption CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION

  9. why not try this:


    obj.value += text1 + text2 + obj.value.substr(end, obj.value.length);



    also note, I really don't see a problem with the code above, if anything the substr is giving you a pain in the balls because it has no data to manipulate :)


    oh sorry.. edit #2.. scratch the above.. just add in a clause..


      if (obj.value.length) {
        obj.value += text1+text2;
      } else {
        //do ur code

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