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Everything posted by RussellReal

  1. I've never worked with MS access so I have no idea.. but if by sId you mean "session id" then you could simply get it with session_id() Sorry if I'm not helping much..
  2. sorry I didn't understand your post? You want like suggestions at the bottom of your search box?
  3. try something like this: $e = unserialize($row['order_data']) print_r($e); and however it shows up thats how you'll hope to use it
  4. why don't you just do something like: unserialize and then push a foreach loop on it. because they're arrays that're being serialized.. so doo something like this: <?php $a = unserialize($data); echo "<tr>"; foreach ($a as $v) { echo "<td>{$v}</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; ?>
  5. it means teh query failed and returned false.
  6. the original file you're trying to work with is PROBABLY an invalid file.. thus the shell_exec fails to unzip it and then the rest of your code then continues..
  7. show us an example of your database.. and possibly some serialized data so we can see how to approach this, because for all we know your serialized data could be an object and not plain text, or an array built inside an array then serialized.. theres no way to KNOW what your data will be.. and with no static information there is no way to accurately help you
  8. $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tableName"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) { print_r($row); } work with that
  9. more secure how? also.. drop downs are super easy.. <select name="whatever"><option>lol</option></select> I added u to MSN at this email: leydigital@hotmail.com I'll gladly help you out just accept me
  10. don't use cookies for this.. its so easy to spoof a score.. use a session.. and sessions r so much easier.. session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['hsPrev'])) { $_SESSION['hsPrev'][] = $newScoreToBeAppended } else { $_SESSION['hsPrev'] = array(); $_SESSION['hsPrev'][] = $newScore; } that will build $_SESSION['hsPrev'] as such: hsPrev ( [0] = 4, [1] = 6, [2] = 2, [3] = 5 ) and so on and so forth.. then when you want to look thru the scores just call it like you would have after you explode by ',' for example $_SESSION['hsPrev'][0] will equal 4 in the given example.
  11. $time = abs($timestamp2 - time()); thats how many seconds are left lol
  12. you could also do count() EDIT: and I see good catch buddski
  13. $array = explode(' ',str_replace("00:00:00:00:00:00:00:e0","",$originalString));
  14. make the link they click on the homepage an id link.. well thats what I call it idk what the real world calls it: for example: <a href="news.php#theNewsElementId">The News Element Name</a> then when they go to that page thru that link.. the page will drag the browser's client area down to where it is visible within the client area.. it will drag to the element with similar html to this: <h1 id="theNewsElementId">The News Element Name</h1>
  15. +1 Kudos to you!!!! I love firebug Firebug also updates when the source updates.. so if you trigger a function in javascript or you do alot of javascript outputting.. you can easily see where the script outputs wrong should you output something wrong.. instead of having to find the problem the conventional way (Screening through hundreds of lines of code)
  16. mysql_query("INSERT INTO ip_table (ip,request_vars) VALUES('{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}','".mysql_real_escape_string(print_r($_REQUEST,true))."')"); and yes it would make moderating or looking through the data if you create a page for listing the activity.
  17. thats right dude idk about the forum stuff but checking the session is what is required to check if the user is logged in, than you just echo the page or you don't (Or include)
  18. it comes bundled with php5.. open your php.ini and uncomment this line: ;extension=php_curl.dll
  19. just gotta worry about <frameset><frame><script><iframe> everything else should be fine maybe also <embed> amd <object> also you'd want to search through their css for "Behavior"
  20. $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] will give you the IP address that the client gives to you lol. If you really want to log IP activity.. You could probably skate a lil bit and just record IP + REQUEST VARS. That way you can see what they're sending you, However, the ip they send you won't always be their actual IP address, could be a Proxy. or other possabilities so IP bans should be used lightly lol
  21. Yes you can do that.. if the if statement is triggered than the php will terminate then output the data and then re-enter into php where it last stopped.
  22. sorry if I don't follow, however, I'd suggest using chmod to change the permissions
  23. YOU SURE CAN.. just not with AJAX.. you can in flash/as3 with externalinterface, and sockets.. http://lovinglori.com/newServer.phps is a php script you can run on your home computer to turn your computer into a server that listens for connections and handle data and distribute it across every connected user.. for example.. you'd want to have 1 server.. and ALL your clients connect to that server.. then when a user clicks a button.. you send some information to the server.. and you code your server to relay all that information to all connected clients.. and then you use externalinterface from flash to use javascript in order to modify the page the way the server demands you to. it sounds complex but its not
  24. The same as ||. Nope. 3 || 4, OR. 3 && 3, AND. So I'd recommend switching the || to an AND unless you want zero-length e-mails to boot. yeah sorry.. I meant && <33
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