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Everything posted by RussellReal

  1. Welcome aboard! I'm pretty much a regular here but no1 will promote me to guru or recommended even though I've helped like 700 people so far *snickers while ranting* But anyway! Its a great community here! Fast answers, and ofcourse me being here sweetens the deal tremendously! Russell.
  2. AJAX, check w3schools.com for example code
  3. (?:[^\.]+\.)?domain.com that works lolz
  4. sorry, you've kinda lost most of us.. do you mean you want to serve lets say, ASP from a database, and why would you need a constant? Sure serving code from a database is perfectly fine if you optimize your code for speed.. making only 1 mysql_query for code would be very very wise, however you could skate with 2, but anything after two on a high traffic server will be pretty much 'noticably' slower. also it has to do with the amount of data you're fetching. best of luck
  5. Hey if you need a new developer I'm available Also, I hate when websites use .mov, you should use flash videos, import them into flash and then use an FLV player, .mov only has a limited audience, and I can assure you I don't have it, but EVERYBODY and their MOTHER has flash. But for helping sake, just do <a href="theMovFIle.mov">Play Video 1</a> and if they have quicktime or whatever when they click thru to the next page they will have quicktime take over within the browser and play it back to them.
  6. WHERE $visibility_condn AND isFeat = 1
  7. lolz.. "/^[^\.]+?\.domain.com$/"
  8. wtf? I'm not insulting him I'm helping him.. if you say it looks okay, and it really doesn't, are you really helping him? I don't think so, he has made some nice sites, it would be a shame to have a bad looking website. His website is HIS internet image. Here are some modern websites: http://www.stlloftstyle.com/ ^^ modern upper half, horrible mid section, could be way better.. any content floating off into the background color is horrible... content needs boundaries. http://www.jcpenney.com/jcp/default.aspx ^^ Perfect example of a modern website very sleek and To the POINT.
  9. you need to contact customer support to change your timezone set in apache.
  10. on every other page remove that value.. so if you go to index.php $_SESSION['visit_page'] = false; then on page.php $_SESSION['visit_page'] = true; then from page.php the user goes to services.php $_SESSION['visit_page'] = false; then they go back to page.php they won't get the message.. but if they go from page.php to page.php they will get the message
  11. in a world of proxies and non-static ips.. your ip banning logic will most likely not get rid of the problem, just temporarily stop it. you can detect such a thing though, by having every request point to a landing php file, then that landing file will push out the other file if the request meets the requirements. however, detecting such a thing will be hard because when a user goes to lets say index.php, index.php will count as the first download, then the images inside on index.php will count as other downloads, and according to the log those requests will occur very very close together.. you can check for referers and if the second request doesn't carry over a referer value, of a page on your website you can deny the request, but then there is users who will have their browser to not send the referer, then they're gonna get denied all the time.. also, if someone is serious about getting all your stuff they'd just set it up via curl and send a referer with every request.. this is a hard thing to do
  12. is your php time still accurate?
  13. the new layout looks childish.. end of story, it looks like it was developed by a highschool student, you don't want that for your website man, you want sleek and elegant, modern looking..
  14. in_array it returns true if the value is in the array, false otherwise. it just shortens if statements for me but it has many other uses
  15. well then, welcome aboard, if you're interested in joining my so-called network of web developers Feel free to add me to MSN.
  16. howdy, welcome aboard
  17. nooo your old one looks way better.. I personally like your old site I can honestly say, however, your menu doesn't seem very interactive.. you might consider like a hover action or something, just the finger is boring I mean, you have a very straight forward colorscheme, you could actually introduce ANY color dark or light color, and it will look good,, light colors compliment the darkness of your site though, so I'd recommend a light color, like neon green or neon purple.., but you could also do a dark blue.. dark red.. your layout is real versatile
  18. why in a table? echo "<table>"; foreach ($pages as $page) { echo "<tr><td>{$page}</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>";
  19. onchange
  20. [^\.]+?\.domain.com that should work
  21. well then, welcome aboard!
  22. it is possible.. for the INITIAL request.. any other requests involving # in the url will be interpreted as anchor'd urls for the same html page.. you should do something like /p/profile-name
  23. 500 errors are usually caused by htaccess problems, or apache limitations.
  24. $savePath = trim($leadon,'/').'/'.trim($_FILES['file']['name']);
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