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Everything posted by RussellReal

  1. if (!in_array($key,array('shipping','payment','next_x','next_y'))) { }
  2. coding flash is free.. you could probably use Ming from PHP to create flash that stream mp3s or other audio and stuff, although I never used Ming, flash the program though costs money.
  3. just set up a db table.. and input emails you're going to send.. and then when it comes time to send emails.. send out 100 emails to 100 results, then remove those results from the database table.
  4. try with flash.. and also with flash its really simple to get it goin and the timer going but either way without flash you'd be hacking up browser hacks for bgsound elements, with flash you can even set up an externalInterface function and wait for javascript to tell the flash app to play a sound.. flash is the way to go.
  5. sorry you're not making much sense >.>
  6. create a queue file or queue database..and every hour send 100 emails or w.e. The whole idea of sending emails to ever commenter is pointless in my opinion, and will actually deter users from posting comments, because nobody likes a million emails from a website.. I know I don't.
  7. cronjob isn't instant notification. if you want to send alot of emails constantly, you're going to want to use the PEAR MAIL package.
  8. /<script[^>]*>(?:.*?<\/script>)?/i
  9. /<script[^>]+?src[^>]*?>\s*(?:<\/script>)?/i I'm sure there is better regex for this.. but the above should work
  10. you're nesting your code wrong..
  11. do not do this, just insert new rows, and a date registered.. and then when a user PULLS UP the information, just do SELECT * FROM products WHERE serial = '$serial' ORDER BY register_date DESC ^^ that will show the most recent registration FIRST and then reverse-chronologically thereafter.
  12. Two ways, do the math in the query, then just order by that math. OR make an array of the values, then have php sort it. if you choose path #2 asort
  13. I don't know man, it is probably your actionscript. your javascript is too vague to really tell you whats wrong, maybe link us to a live example.
  14. what? You mean if a current user sells his PC to someone lets say, and they want to register the PC on your site, she will not be able to because the serial number will already be taken? How exactly do you plan on handling such a situation? I really can't understand you, could you please reiterate the scenario in a more understandable way? Thanks! We'd love to help you, its just hard to understand you..
  15. $test = (array) $_POST['cost']; $total = array_sum($test);
  16. Add me to MSN if you have any problems and I'm available I'll help you out
  17. $i = 0; foreach ($compare as $k => $v) { echo "<div>{++$i} {$k} - {$v} votes</div>"; } add me to msn or aim
  18. if its not meant to be inside of a div, set it to fixed.. Position: fixed; left: 100%; top: 100%; either way.. or right: 0; bottom: 0; either way thats the way you'd do it..
  19. you can't 'include' with javascript.. you can use ajax to get the contents, but it isn't the same as 'including' it w3schools.com has a good ajax example you could bridge off of, I think 80% of developers just copy that code anyway if they don't alrdy have it pre-written in their code library
  20. RussellReal


    Then go to php.ini and add (or edit the existing) line: memory_limit = 12M That should suffice. Any more needed can be added. I know that but pecl uses a socket not a file_get_contents therefore it should never reach that limit..
  21. don't use static.. you're misusing the static keyword in your examples.. removing the static keywords will resolve all your problems. you can't use a static declaration through an instantiation, you'd need to use it through the object itself with the scope resolution operator (
  22. #1 where as browser to browser css is rendered differently, proper css should never be affected by this, for some simple instructions to overlook such browser problems.. 1) Use margin instead of padding whenever possible. using a container div inside of a border or parent div, with the container div having a margin setting, instead of having 1 div in total with border + padding, as browsers handle padding differently. 2) There is an IE6 specific css hack which doesn't validate, however, it will only affect IE browsers, * html element { } firefox and other browsers will see the * for all elements then see html and cancel because there is no elements outside of html, but IE will still render the css the way it normally would. #2 a page break..? just use br?
  23. if those methods are static..
  24. RussellReal


    well then, I really don't know Sorry.. bump the topic till an admin sees it, they're usually the brains of this operation
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