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racer x

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Everything posted by racer x

  1. There's something screwy going on there with an image? Have you opened this in a standards compliant browser like Google chrome or firefox? Sorry, couldn't stay on the site.
  2. The images are a little stretched/contorted? I only resize images from the corner handles(in almost any kind of graphics program), then you won't change the overall image, just the size. You may not need the flash in the header, that could just be static. Just a suggestion though. Not too bad. I really like the read you used in the header title, but so much in the main section behind the white text. That may not matter to someone else. Good luck my friend.
  3. Really nice on the devshare site. Nice and clean! The other one is good too.
  4. I think that is a great idea. Then, php experts could tell you if your code had any major security holes or a fix for better SQL performance, etc. Let's hope they pick this up!
  5. You can go a little wider if you want. Most modern deigns are average of 960 pixels wide. That's not a negative remark, just a suggestion. <BR> in xhtml is <br /> The simple query shouldn't be slowing down the page? Hmmm? It's a little "brightly colored" for me, but one of the most important things is to have an easy to navigate site and I think you're on that track. Just make sure you do a little mouse-over effect for the navigation items so users know what is a link and what is plain text. As you said, it's not done yet, so maybe you plan to add that. not bad.
  6. I can't see your site? Do you realize you have a "logo" div that is a height of 192px that contains an image that is 204px high? Sometimes that will screw things up.
  7. Well haku, that is a very valid point. The original poster wasn't indicating of switching to your method which is why I suggested that the padding wasn't going to help, I probably should have made that point clearer. At any rate, I did not mean that as an insulting comment toward yourself or your suggestion(hence your giant post), I was just trying to help.
  8. OK. I see that now, sorry. Did you try the clear between the final closing div or the wrap and panel. I probably should have said that. I just always assume any time there are elements that "escape" outside a parent div(your wrap div), it is usually due to floated or absolute positioned(etc.) items since those are removed of the normal flow of the document. I don't think adding padding will make any difference.
  9. <div class=\"cell_browsers_assigned_to\">$phppt_browsers_assigned_to</div> <div class=\"cell_browsers_status\">$phppt_browsers_status</div> </div>"; } echo "</div>"; <-- not sure what this closes? Also, you have float:left AND clear:both in the "row" class. A clear should be in it's own div.
  10. You may need to check if your godaddy host is set up to use PHP 5. They give you an option when you sign up to use 4 or 5 and I think mysqli_connect_errno() is only in PHP 5.
  11. Clear your floats. Always causes a problem. ......... <div id="content">test</div> <div class="clear"></div><!-- this line clears the floats and re-instates normal flow --> <div id="footer">V.E.I.N. is copywritten &copy 2008 by V.E.I.N., Inc. All rights reserved.</div> </div> CSS .clear { clear:both; } There are many other recipes for clearing floats.
  12. In many of the sections I see an opening <div> followed by a group of same line <div>(info)</div> </div> But then I don't get the echo </div> after some of the sections? (Or did I miss that those were if/then statements? oops) You should try adding a div after the php close statement where you clear the floats. That's probably the problem. <?php mysql_close...... <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> CSS... .clear { clear:both; }
  13. Ha! Pretty soon I imagine we'll need to put some kind of virtual keyboard on the display screen that would be the only way users could enter name and email info! The text would be input as character "images", not actual text. The form wouldn't allow ANY text input in any other way. Then the actual message could be "recorded" live? Why do I think out loud? We must fight this never-ending battle!!
  14. Hi, noob question here... I am wondering when it is best to create an INDEX for one large table OR to create many separate tables for the same data. For example: If you had 200 vendors for 10 different categories, would you: a.) Create 10 tables(for categories) with each table containing 200 vendors. OR b.) Make one table with all 2000 vendors and then specify an index. Is one method faster than the other?(talking search speed, not creation speed) Thanks
  15. Thanks you guys for your input. I am working hard at learning php and there's rarely a day that goes by where I don't read at least a couple articles on security. To me, everything I learn about php is worthless if I don't secure my scripts properly! Would that defined rule not allow a person to reach a page through a bookmark like pasting: www.site/vendors?page=7 Thanks again for the input!
  16. Please note, I am not a php expert, but one basic way to do this is by utilizing the GET variable to pass information from page to page. On the first page you take the info and pass it to the second page kind of like this: http://www.domain.com/your_second_page.php?incomevar=income&var1=expense1&var2=expense2 The "&" separates each variable you want to pass. It must start with "?". Then you can take all that to the next page and so on and finally make a graph. (I saw some code for a graph somewhere, I'll try to find it.) There is an article at: http://www.zimmertech.com/tutorials/php/59/passing-variables-in-php.php Hope that helped. BTW - you may want to post this in PHP section.
  17. I am learning about php security and having some trouble understanding the hackers accessing a file directly such as a validation script. I was looking at CodeIgniter validation to see how they do it and noticed they put this line at the top: <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); I am thinking BASEPATH refers to a file path from the root to the normal page request? How could I implement such a code in my scripts or is there a better method? Gosh! How do you ever get to the point where you feel secure enough that you can put your code out there in the real world! Thanks!!
  18. I always add this to my resets... a img,:link img,:visited img { border:none } a {outline:none;}
  19. Do switch to css layouts. I am so happy I did. Here's a good ref to help you along: http://css.maxdesign.com.au/floatutorial/ One for lists: http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listutorial/
  20. You could add a basic class like .center to the image. Then in CSS just put .center { text-align:center; } Or use dedicated div for the whole section.
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