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Everything posted by jackpf

  1. Yeah...and I guess IE obviously just makes 40 whatever it wants...being IE and all. Damn thing -.- Just to let you know, I expanded upon your idea and used this in the end- <!--[if IE]> <style type="text/css"> input[type=password] { width: 149px; } </style> <![endif]--> I found 149px to be what IE set as default for text input boxes. Thanks again
  2. My old website was completely based upon tables. Horrible. When I found out about CSS I was amazed that you could set an attribute to every occurence of any html element. CSS is pretty good when you think about it...
  3. Sleeping What's that? It's 2:30am here...
  4. I did!! I couldn't find anything about arrays. I have attempted to research this before posting; I'm not one of those people who post questions simply because I can't be bothered too google it. If there is a way of preg_match-ing arrays, would you be kind enough to give me an example of how to do so? Thanks, Jack.
  5. Ahah, nice one. I've tried size="40" and stuff before, but it always made the password box smaller in IE. You have my thanks
  6. Hi all, Quick question- is there any way to preg_match with an array of matches. Eg: $str = 'abc'; $match = array('a', 'b', 'c'); if(preg_match($match, $str)) { .... I have googled it, to no avail. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jack.
  7. Hi all, I'm having a bit of a headache over this.... In all versions of inernet explorer, on my login form, my password input box is slightly smaller than my username box. Now, if I remove my doctype and xml declaration from the page, or change the input type="password" to input type="text", then they're both the same size. It's fine in all non-IE browsers... The page is here if anyone wants to have a look. Thanks, Jack.
  8. Hmm...I think it looks cool. Impressive you haven't used tables at all for such a complex layout. But you're right; it does look pretty cluttered. I think you need to dish out some padding. Also, it looks a bit white. I think maybe, some additional colours could improve it. Good luck.
  9. Hmm...I prefere like if(foo) { bar(); } I find it a lot easier to see what statements are in what conditions. Personal preference I guess.
  10. Tbh, everyone EVERYWHERE should code like this. When you've got a script a thousand lines long, I'd rather be looking at this than what you had before Lesson of the day- It's worth keeping your scripts neat.
  11. Well, personally, I made my own forum http://www.jackpf.co.uk/forum It's obviously nowhere near as advanced as anything like PHPBB, but it was fun making it, and you get to personalise it however you want. But you'll never guess what I just found on google... http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/1532.html I haven't read it all, but it looks exactly what you're looking for...
  12. I saw it aswell, in the body, you have set color; #00000; you've used a semicolon instead of a colon
  13. You probably could configure your mail server to do so. However, if your website is hosted by a company and you use Cpanel or something of the sort, I don't think it allows you to manage mail for different subdomains...
  14. Wow, I didn't actually know you could use commas, I always use full stops- echo '<div style='.$row['style'].'"> etc...
  15. In reply to your initial question, combining the two would definitely be more user friendly. It'd probably be quite easy to do tbh, just make your own login page that sets the same cookies/sessions as the forum login page does. Then you're logged into both areas
  16. Ahh well...tbh, im not really sure what it means either. This script doesn't look like any php i've ever seen before... Probably best wait until someone more knowledgeable comes across this thread!
  17. I thought he wanted to open the file from it's permanent location... Surely the tmp_name would only allow you to open it from it's temp location.
  18. CSS is the way forward. The only other option is using tables, and they can be horrible. Especially when trying to validate them, considering that virtually all attributes are invalid
  19. Also, you don't need session_start() when setting cookies alone. You only need that for sessions
  20. I usually put a space between else and if. I don't know if it's mandatory, but it's what I do, and my stuff works fine. You could see if it works... What sort of error message do you get? Also, the whole strlen business, you could just use empty()? Looks a lot nicer
  21. ...and where would this site be...?
  22. Whoah...that looks dodgy. What are you trying to get it to do?
  23. $file = $_FILES["file"]["name"]; $fh = fopen($file, 'r') or die("Error."); $file = fopen($fh, filesize($file)); That'll open the file for you, or you can use fread() to read the file.
  24. Yeah, like basically...what htacces rewrite rules can do is if someone types in: forum/reading/how-to-read the htaccess file will take the url, and it will be processed a file you specify, such as: forum.php?sub=reading&id=456 Take a look here. That'll give you the best answers
  25. I think we should all take a look at my wonderfully designed site and take it from there http://www.jackpf.co.uk
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