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Posts posted by PugJr

  1. Well, I'm not exactly understanding the page where you linked us to but I can defy zombie existence! (I'm not including media-zombies, I mean like resident evil zombies.)


    Anyone ever noticed that on a show like resident evil or other shows as such, zombies can live for years and years without any feeding? This is creating energy that did not exist previously. That defies the law that states "Energy can not be destroyed or created". It was being created, so therefore zombies can't exist.

  2. From what i saw, fire fox on linux runs faster then on windows...  :facewall:  my next machine will have linux :)



    Err...FF on any new computer shouldn't lag at all, so why would that matter? Not to down linux but unless you know what you are doing (Which I'm not saying you do or don't) you are better off with a microsoft OS and even if you do know what you are doing with a linux OS, you still have a good chance of being better off with a microsoft OS unless you like to emulate alot of things which always makes everything extremely inefficent.

  3. One of the rules stated is that spam is not tolerated. Okay sure, but what is spam in the misc. section? Considering that:


    Miscellaneous Topics that do not fall into all of the other forums. You can have personal discussions here about the weather, your car, your dog or whatever.. Have fun :)


    So what is the borderline from "spam" and a "miscellaneous topic"? Is this topic spam?  Or is a topic just with total gibbersh spam? Or is it spam when there is no real thought behind it and that would fall into the total gibbersh section?  :shrug:

  4. That seems more like a job for adblock.


    Not to get into a big arguement here but FF runs slower on my computer than IE (I'm not saying FF is faster or slower on all machines, but it is for mine.) does and by removing flash I effectivly remove all advertisments.

  5. Sorry to be off topic, but why don't you guys have flash installed? 


    More on topic, your use of flash is poor.  It adds no value to your site and does more harm than good. I'm a fan of flash when used correctly.


    Flash can lag with certain banners when browsing the internet. Thats my reason for not having it installed.

  6. Well, according to the absolute authority that is wiki, the U.S. started this holiday.  Well let me tell you, unless it's something you can get the day off for, it's not considered a holiday around here.



    CV, you are just bitter because you can't celebrate the holiday. :( You need a friend.

  7. CV, its probably the concept where you beat someone down and others are spectating and its a message to those spectators: "See, this is what happens when you mess with us! Don't be like him/her.".


    Then the spectators are supposed to be in fear which would make them stop downloading illegal things. Well, I think thats the idea anyways.



    EDIT: I bet it works to some degree. Like lets say Brother A. gets sued for 500,000$. Now his brothers, B. to E. are defintely going to stop downloading music illegally.

  8. There used to be a "have you been helped?" type of thread stickied in the php help forum that asked for donations and you could also post donations you made.  If memory serves correct, I believe we removed it when we implemented the subscription based phpfreak supporter member group.


    I never even knew they had a subscription type thing. How would one subscribe? I'd imagine not too many people subscribed though or even not that many people even knew such a feature existed!  :shrug:

  9. When you said "Vet Website" I thought you meant "Veteran Website".



    Vestibulum venenatis. Nulla vel ipsum. Proin rutrum, urna sit amet bibendum pellentesque, ante sapien varius turpis, eu nonummy nunc urna scelerisque ante. Nunc sed leo at dolor pharetra facilisis. Sed sed lectus at justo dapibus tristique. Morbi molestie pulvinar elit. Donec dictum nibh nec est. Aliquam sagittis, lacus a pharetra tempor, enim justo tempor nisi, at aliquet nulla metus sed augue. Praesent sed nibh. Vestibulum bibendum enim ut nisi fringilla accumsan. Nullam dapibus fermentum nulla. Phasellus in orci vel justo facilisis iaculis. Quisque facilisis ornare felis. Curabitur nunc libero, dapibus vel, commodo nec, semper a, massa. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi a nisl. Nunc euismod elit non lectus 


    Is that supposed to mean something? I do realize it says dumby text, but to me it looks like it could be a language.  :P



    EDIT: The title is "Untitled Document". I'd recommend giving it a title. ;)

  10. There isn't anything to know. Just right click the registry and delete. Take a chance! Russian Roullete!  :suicide:


    More than anything unless you are going to do it illegally, your gonna have to buy it, but who knows what the rest of this community knows.

  11. I never could find a legally free one that will find the registries and delete them. They do tell the location and you can manually do it one by one. I did that, but I accidently deleted the wrong registry. Boom, my XP installation is destroyed.  ;D

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