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Everything posted by oni-kun

  1. What would you suggest for this special case? Thanks! Nothing. Add a cookie, It's impossible to completely amend this problem. Lucky less than 1% of my site traffic is from AOL.
  2. getenv won't behave differently than $_SERVER superglobal in this case. Meh, put it in a function or strip it out, but this should work provided your internal proxy sends compliant headers. function getRealIpAddr() { if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { $ip=$_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; }elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $ip=$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else { $ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } return $ip; } $trueip = getRealIpAddr();
  3. Whoops, hit some keys on my keyboard. Turnkey is ftpwn.
  4. fwrite($fs_write, (chr($fileData[$i] XOR .... & $chiave[$i]))); As well fixing the array brackets.
  5. I bought an old laptop off a friend for $30, It ran 3.11 and had 16Mbs of hard disk. Had no battery capacity but I sure as hell loved running DOS games on it. Looked so vintage.
  6. I second that. That graph shouldn't be trusted on final word. Request the logs if need be they're not available, by hand or parsed via a log analyser should tell you WHO is doing WHAT at the time, and most importantly the bandwidth spread. It could be a freak bot, or the graph is mistaken.
  7. Why not look at http://www.gvstreamer.com/ yourself? The code you've stated is nothing but simple obfuscation, Probably meant for the purpose of simplicity of exporting.
  8. A good rm -rf /tmp should do 'it. Try writing to a massive file, to see if it really is full though.
  9. What you have stated, Such as inverted commas and smarty quotes (What you have) cannot be passed through the url (Without intervension). Are you aware of what Unicode is? Basically those fancy quotes take up more bytes than otherwise normal characters, that is why it appears as a "weird symbol", because the browser does not know what those extra bytes are. You'll need to make EVERY single special character into HTML entities. htmlentities can handle conversion to entities. Note that many characters such as "&" should be converted into entities. Once all non-ASCII characters are converted, it can safely be sent to the url and be displayed clientside.
  10. Yes that should note. Just remember to nullify glyphs of quotes, as the one you've used was higher than 8-bits (The probable encoding). Thus it'll read as "E2 80 99" in bytes, and that is not correct, thus the replacement character (�)
  11. Is may seem either magic_quotes_gpc is escaping your content twice, or your text editor is (which is obvious) is incorrectly parsing your HTML. It seems to be ripping up the attributes and escaping them, including escaping the entities.
  12. To create a new base template: http://tutorials.zen-cart.com/index.php?article=142 Looks like it has nice (CMS-like) options for the template parts: As well, Some simple tutorials on modification that looks very straight forward and simple to set up for someone: http://tutorials.zen-cart.com/index.php?category=16
  13. Turn error reporting on via php.ini/httpd.conf or place this at the top of your script: ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(E_ALL); What is the error you are recieving? It would point to if it cannot relocate the pointer or the stream cannot be iterated.
  14. This should suffice: $title = "I am a playboy bunny! And sexy too."; if(preg_match('/sex|playboy/', $title)) { //Title has those words print "Uh oh!"; } else { //Continue on to next post }
  15. If you look at the syntax highlighting it tells you, You should get a proper IDE/notepad that automatically highlights syntax, such as notepad++ / VIM. $prospect_id = $_GET['prospect_id']; Or if you wanted: header("Location: edit_prospect.php?prospect_id={$_GET['prospect_id']}"); Which should work fine. Remember syntax regarding quotes, and escaping them. It's one of the frontline debugging tasks!
  16. Your lack of English skills are unfortunately a downfall to recieving help. Why not use a translator?
  17. <?php session_start(); //Array to store validation errors $_SESSION['errmesg'] = array(); Simple enough using sessions from then on. It'll allow you to keep the variable on any page provided you place session_start in it. ---- It should be: header("Location: edit_prospect.php?prospect_id={$arrEntry['prospect_id']}");
  18. Do you mean you wish to post something, such as code, If it contains those words? It is perfectly alright, if you require help on something containing it.
  19. $b = fopen("New_File.txt", "w+"); w+ will clear the entire file and its contents, and place the pointer at the beginning of the file. Do you mean "w"?
  20. You should add the argument within the parent function, and allow them to create an album name there, and define it within the query. Doesn't seem that hard.
  21. Hey, And yes, This site is a great resource for learning. Welcome
  22. Then the server clearly does not allow SSH. Refer to properly install rsync under CYGWIN, and make sure SSH ports are open.
  23. I believe you need lessons on syntactically correct coding styles, PHP is based on C. A lot of your code is redundant.
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