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Everything posted by oni-kun

  1. WAMP is nice for dev, very much the same, centOS/Fedora with FASTCGI for production. And you'll be happy to see similar function naming conventions to C/C++, such as the newly added OOP programming structure.
  2. APC, or source, but it is highly discouraged. Why on earth would you do this. It's the antichrist of portability.
  3. I doubt they'd release a script they developed theirselves, It most likely uses GD for OCR or comparative analysis on the numbers once the strip is extracted. I don't think anyone in paticular would write something for this to be released.
  4. What is "get_rows"? Why can you not use mysql_num_rows? You should not put SQL queries within the loop, as you're going to run the same query for every record, keep it out of it.
  5. Then make one. If you're wanting someone to write the code, then post in the freelance forum. This is hardly "urgent".
  6. preg_match, preg_replace are obvious things to look into. If you do not know how to match against links (or required seed) there are infinite numbers of tutorials out there. You should brush up and do your own work.
  7. There is a PHP OCR class but that's the best you can get, I'm not aware of any actual "barcode" reading scripts.
  8. Assuming you're giving them root access (Such as the directory above public_html) then you will most likely be giving them access to somewhat useful/useless information. The password should be hashed on most setups I've seen, but again, it depends purely on the server and security in place. If you give someone access, make sure they can't include directories outside their authorized one (IE "../index.php".
  9. You can create a multidemensional array out of the POST elements, so you can easily compare (and thus calculate) a1, b1, c1 or a1, a2, a3 to solve it.
  10. Yes, As you'll see in any professional code samples (IE very large CMSs, Boards), They use their own namespaces or function prefexes. (Sometimes only but an underscore ("_") is needed before the function name if you're not sure what functions may be intercepted by your naming convention).
  11. The FROM portion (name <name@server.com>) needs to be filled out correctly for the client to authenticate that the e-mail is real.
  12. Yes, that should suffice as the order is $to, $subject, $message, $header. I'd replace the FROM part with your servername in it, so clients don't assume it's spam etc.
  13. Time to load direct X's alpha loading engine!
  14. Makes you wonder why those boys at php.net go through all the trouble?! And girls. I think?
  15. <img src="http://mysite.com/myimg.jpg" />
  16. You can't. An image isn't text data, You must include it from a remote server.
  17. You'll need to define the MIMETYPE before the client would even think to parse sgml/css. $header = "From: Foobar <foobar@foo.com> " . "\r\n"; $header .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\n"; $header .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' . "\r\n"; Then that should work.
  18. You cannot return a variable into the subscope, you must return the result of the IF statement first: return (is_array($videodata)) ? $videodata : 0;
  19. Are you using it within a function? Else it's not valid.
  20. Why are you using short tags? <?php=$startGrid?>
  21. Why not store the name of the image in the database so the user can retrieve their own images?
  22. Do you want to bet? Here is a random test I wrote awhile back: http://zwap.to/0021K It's the second test, it's quite slow comparitively on this kind of concatenation. Echo is a structure, It's pointless to use a structure on an unstructured string.
  23. Sessions are secure, as the only thing the user can see is the cookie set with the session ID, They cannot view the actual sessions unless there is a major flaw in your programming. It's standard and conventional programming to not encrypt/hash session variables (See PHP documentation in my sig) and you may use them for whatever you wish, but it should only relate to the current acting session. Storing the user's credentials, credit card info, password etc. are things not to store in active sessions, but they are otherwise as safe as you make them.
  24. You do not require a session_name() call as you're wanting to create a dynamically named session per use. session_start is required on any page which will use the session variables, and it is the only method you'd see used in most other scripts and tutorials out there, Nothing more is needed. If you wish to track if a user is offline, you can simply compare "last login" to "last activity", through either them or a cron job which will require them to log in again if the 'last activity' time is too far in the past.
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