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Everything posted by oni-kun

  1. Be careful what you wish for Was just about to say. Rofl. I wasn't sure if you knew, to tell you the truth I was going wtf trying to explain it, I knew you had to've known.
  2. Why not try a debugging test? one.html: <?php session_start(); $_SESSION['Name'] = 'foo'; header('Location: two.html'); ?> two.html <?php session_start(); echo '<pre>'; print_r($_SESSION); ?> Does it return anything? Does the PHP code turn up in the source?
  3. $rsd_pids[] = $parsed_xml['PIDs']['pid']; $rsd_pids = (array)$parsed_xml['PIDs']['pid']; This will enforce it into an array rather string or not.
  4. The following browsers show the Forums tooltip: Firefox 2.4 Firefox 3.5 Firefox 3.6b Chrome latest I'm not sure what version you're using.
  5. I'm not sure you understand the structure of a VNC connection. If your graphics card has an 32GiB/s throughput via PCI-e 16, is it able to send that amount over the internet? It can't. Most VNC clients turn off Aero, as they can only accept a low quality compressed frame of your desktop, as that is all that can be physically sent.. if that's what you're referring to.
  6. "Could be because i connected remotely.." You were using VNC? If so, then your graphics card will be the equivalent of an ATI Rage Pro.
  7. Do the in/uninstalls in safe mode. Btw, doesn't Avast (atleast when reinstalled) run a virus scan at boot time? (before usermode kicks in, and any viruses propagate). Your recovery CD will keep your files but replace your Windows folder, your documents will be in username.old etc. So that won't exactly prevent the viruses from coming back, unless you're sure to yourself they're removed.
  8. Why not use JS as the redirector? Start off on the enable_JS page, and if JS is enabled it will redirect them (onLoad ..etc). If JS is not enabled, JS won't redirect them and they'll stay on the page. It's pointless to juggle headers around for this ename purpose.
  9. And what exactly is your problem?
  10. PHP is a server-side language.
  11. ##apple.php if (!isset($_SESSION['page'])) { $_SESSION['page'] == $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; //apple.php } ##2.php if (isset($_SESSION['page'])) { print $_SESSION['page']; } else { //... } ##3.php if (isset($_SESSION['page'])) { unset($_SESSION['page']; } Like so?
  12. That code is incorrect, syntactically, session_start() checks and reinitiates the session, and is required to be called at each file.
  13. You must place session_start(); at the beginning of each page which requires sessions to run.
  14. VBulletin uses some annoying homecalls to prevent an enduser from installing it without a purchased key. Although it's just as easy to remove (effectively nullifying the homecalls) and get the software for no cost. My point isn't piracy, it's that that method is not secure in any means.
  15. (FOSS) http://winbinder.org/ For windows there's not even a need for libraries. But I'll just leave the complexity of the code samples there. include('../../foo.php'); wb_create_window(NULL, PopupWindow, "Hello world! " . "$foobar", 480, 320); // Create Hwind wb_main_loop(); // Enter message loop ?>
  16. This is not needed, if you have access to .htaccess.. php_value foo bar Albeit with .htaccess you can define your own local php.ini.
  17. { include('page2.html'); } } else { include('home.html'); //$_GET['p'] doesn't exist } It's most likely showing standalone text due to the fact it's being included, Therefor all interlinks will be offset to the page it is currently being included to.
  18. To put it simple, None. But SHA1 is slightly more secure, less rainbow hashes in the wild.
  19. You dont need to do chmod on windows. Its non essiential. "where windows doesn't allow me to access the uploaded files." Are you running as administrator? Apache has it's own pseudo-permission setup, albeit it shouldn't matter.
  20. Re-Rehashing a password within query with the wrong encryption wouldn't help.
  21. That is not an encryption, in fact it is the absolute opposite. He's not even using SHA1 (although I would recommend it)
  22. What distro are you using? Can you not run yum build-essentials yum gcc -- apt-get build-essentials apt-get gcc ... You can always ftp it from ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gcc/ with wget and untar and install it from there..
  23. The following failed the test to be encoded: You're allowing roughly 9 XSS strings to be passed, not excluding: <BODY onload!#$%&()*~+-_.,:;?@[/|\]^`=alert(document.cookie);>
  24. Doesn't anyone put exit(); after their headers anymore?
  25. 1) Use margins or the <center> </center> tags. 2) User an border with CSS inline styles, add image if you wish. Or even plug it into a div. 3) Your FLV and/or flash player may be a bit too wide. Try making 100% sure the flash player is the same aspect ratio as your videos being played.
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