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Everything posted by oni-kun

  1. //Random.php?page=abc <?php if ($_GET['page'] == 'abcde') { $variable = TRUE; } //... if(!$variable) { print "Uh oh, Page is wrong!"; exit(); } //.. ?> Although by your wording, I have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. Are you wanting to display a page if it exists, and if it doesn't display an error dynamically or something?
  2. Use a handy in-SQL and PHP function to convert the date into a timestamp. Storing it in that format is not a good idea.
  3. @Mammoth Trust me, My monster of a computer running F@H for 24 hours cost only a $0.5/ day maximum (It all comes down to the specs of your PSU, it'll actually define the maximum power pull it can do, your computer will never even draw the spec. max.) A cheap server box with no monitor meant for the task will cost nearly nothing, I ran 2-3 nodes for a personal distributed project task on request and it took nothing out of my power bill. Security wise, What is wrong? You can literally do what you wish, such as download a suhosin patched version of PHP, and you can install whatever patches/configurations you wish. You cannot do that on a shared host, can you? Further there is nothing attached to your PC, Therefor if one site on the shared host goes down to an attack, You may be toast. But on your own host, your site is not compromised. EDIT: No-IP.com and a pile of free services help you relinquish the dynamic IP problem, It's trivial if you know what you're doing.
  4. You'd be posting everywhere you worked, Your address, etc.. Just post a sample of your work, and write clearly that you will provide it on request etc. It's obvious if someone were interested in you, and your work, then they would do that simple task to contact you.
  5. Public domain: Video: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5a/F-18A_Active_Aeroelastic_Wing_flight_test.ogg http://people.xiph.org/~greg/video/ytcompare/bbb_theora_325kbit.ogv Audio: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/62/A15-test.ogg You can use those for your site for testing freely as you want, I assume you mean for testing.
  6. I think I read something of it here: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=_hcc_thumbs
  7. Migraines (and especially headaches that are caused by lack of hydration) can be rectified by consuming atleast a small amount (a pinch) of salt per 8oz (255MLs) when you drink water. Salt helps your body retain water, And is basically what gatorade is (Those are the "electrolytes") and is a useful tool for helping hydration. It's not a good solution if you have blood pressure problems though (I do a bit) since retaining more fluids will ultimately cause your blood pressure to go up and possibly give you a headache! By all means walking around and clearing your mind for 10 minutes is a wonder, I've had cronic headaches for quite some time, not a useful thing when computing, After seeking help many times I've recieved the good answeers that people in this thread have written as well.
  8. You do know, for $0/month with infinite configuration and hardware specs, you can host the server on your internet connection (Most allow it;) some ISPs are Nazis on bandwidth limits, but it'll be guarenteed better than any free/cheap host you'll find out there. Hell you could buy/find/inherit an old box to keep running 24/7 cheaply 'nough.
  9. $newdate = strtotime('2010-05-10' . " +1 days");
  10. Your admin panel is vulnerable to XSS vectors as you don't encode the name when it is incorrect (And placed back into the box), other than that there isn't anything to test, it just seems like an infant script.
  11. I've found this artical, Seems to be spot on with the example you've given: http://advertising.suite101.com/article.cfm/car-buying-scam-using-paypal
  12. Doctor: Roopurt: They clearly do not look like eachother..
  13. Sounds like a case of crossOSnewlineitus.
  14. That should work theorietically, Are you one hundred percent sure "home.php" is in the exact same path as the file that's running the code (including) it?
  15. Google hasn't released a public API, or else there would be a lot more sites out there, Most are only pretending to be PR checkers and use fallback services. I'm not sure if this code is safe or if it works to date, but you can view this: http://forums.digitalpoint.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=28727&d=1251128225 Otherwise use an API of some kind from an external service, again, You won't find any up front, They're mainly scrapers of google's pagerank toolbar.
  16. Pageranking has been deprecated for two years, It's not going to be used in the future. It's pointless to check it.
  17. Top menu bar has choppy font and the colours have not the most pleasant contrast to the orange/white below. The content seems to be layed out in a fairly spaced manner, It doesn't look like it has any boundries to the right menu at all, It all looks like it was slapped onto one div. And for the forums, white text on black is generally considered a bad idea.
  18. "</br>".$_POST['Telav']." Can become: "<br/>{$_POST['Telav']}" You never needed to concatinate the string (via closing the quotes and using the ".").
  19. Why not set a relative path if they're in the same folder? ./style.css. But no, Include/Require_once only executes a file once per execution of PHP, You cannot include anything other than PHP, as that would make no sense, It can only include material to be evaluated.
  20. Yes, Firefox decodes all URL encoded hexidecimal values. This is obviously useful if an URL name (file, or path) includes non-latin characters, it'll self-decode (vice versa will encode). In fact, The latest IE should do this as well, dunno why it doesn't, I'd be a mess.
  21. Your paths are wrong, I'm sure if you used file_exists or realpath on the file it wouldn't be there. Again, You can't include non-PHP files.
  22. You're not understanding absolute paths, but regardless I think you are not wanting to include a CSS file. Including it would parse the data for PHP, you'd just get a hundred and one errors. You can only link clientside code to other clientside code. Of course you can do this to keep it dynamic: $stylepath = '/styles/style.css'; print "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='$stylepath' />"; include require include_once require_once EDIT: stuff added
  23. If you're going to be using an alternative with fopen (Using the w+ flag) You can easily iterate the number (Or log something useful to handle expireys) and display it with the complementing functions. But if you're wanting to compare perf. aspects on the writes, They are negligablly similar. A file read/write and a compiled program will handle it in a negligable speed, but if you're wanting to save resources (Assuming your queries were actually too taxing) by any means fopen would be an suitable option. I'm just not sure why you're wanting a "global" persistance of something alternate to what you have already.
  24. From your statement I assume you're fairly new to database based programming, I doubt you're pushing it to its 1/1000th load limit per page load, especially on such an incredibly simple increment on a row.
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