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Everything posted by JAY6390

  1. Large looping areas, inefficient queries - things that will take time to process. If it is a problem with your script then it should be in the error logs for php saying the time and date that it is overloaded. Could increased traffic be the problem with the site?
  2. I guess this is what you are looking for https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_wp-pro-overview-outside
  3. I'm not really sure I can. You just need to use javascript to change the value when the ajax request completes successfully to the value in that field. It's basic javascript really, and if you haven't got this knowledge you shouldn't be touching ajax so soon
  4. Why not just load all of the images into an array, and use shuffle() to shuffle the rows, then just use array_pop or array_shift to remove items from the array one at a time reducing the array and meaning no duplicates
  5. This is a javascript problem not a php problem if you are achieving this without a page refresh You will need to use the getElementByName('amount').value and set the value accordingly with javascript when your ajax completes the change
  6. You need to post your current code or people will just throw random comments that may or may not work for you
  7. $num = count($_GET['class']);
  8. You would pass the argument in the command. check out the php CLI This article may also be of use to you http://articles.sitepoint.com/article/php-command-line-1
  9. If you want it to be run by only the cron, you can do a few things 1. Check the REMOTE_ADDR in $_SERVER 2. Since this will happen once a year, make sure the date is correct for the script to run (ie the first of january/31st december) 3. add some sort of key that you can pass as a param to the script to check I'd also just like to point out that I would personally have a table with ALL orders in it for last year and the years previous, so that you have all orders as well as the current years. You shouldn't be discarding this data unless you have it saved somewhere else also
  10. http://forum.phpvideotutorials.com/showpost.php?p=78071&postcount=8
  11. to be honest you'd be much better off with this in a database and call the appropriate data from that. You shouldn't be moving all this into an array, since it's going to be cpu intensive if you have to assign it all to arrays each time a call is made to the script
  12. Change the code for the else { section with the title to read $title = "eBooks Store | Business eBooks | Marketing eBooks | Training Videos";
  13. $group = array( 1 => 'Home Team', 2 => 'Away Team', 3 => 'mascot' ); echo $group[1];
  14. Well you can use array_chunk() to create chunks of data for the array. Other than that I'm not really sure
  15. Well in that case you can just change it to echo "<option value=" . str_replace(' ', '_', $color_val) . " selected>" . $color . "</option>"; And then just remove the underscores before inserting into the database
  16. convert the spaces to underscores for the value="". This should resolve it (and remove them when you want to display the text). If you don't know how, use str_replace()
  17. How are you getting the data into an array to begin with? XML, MySQL?
  18. Hi Ed. Use the IN keyword Take a look here for examples http://www.webdevelopersnotes.com/tutorials/sql/tutorial_mysql_in_and_between.php3
  19. The only way to make it more secure with random salts is to have one salt server and one web server, whereby the salt and web server would need to be compromised in order to get password
  20. The first is correct yes, but if you have access to the files, you can get the database connection information and then get the salts for that (or even just use the sites built in functions to run the hack). This makes the database salt redundant again
  21. I'm not sure if you understand what it is I was saying. I agree that having a salt is a good idea, but a random salt is just as much use as a static one if you're storing them together. If you're going to brute them you have the salt and the hash, so it's just as breakable
  22. Flash and Java would do this, but other than that I'm not sure
  23. it MIGHT also be possible with flash action script too, although I'm not certain of it
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