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Everything posted by JAY6390

  1. Have you connected to the database? Run echo mysql_error(); after the query line, and see what that spits out
  2. If you have to do it like this I would personally use something like array_chunk to split them into blocks of 10, and select the block based on the page number
  3. ftp in php can access all that a normal ftp client can. It can't bypass security for folders outside of that remit however. If you can access outside of the htdocs with your normal ftp client then yes is the answer, otherwise it's no
  4. Are you sure that you have a php compatible server with it enabled? That's the only reason I can think of that this wouldn't work
  5. Get yourself a php editor that checks your code on the fly. I just pasted it into phpdesigner and then waited for the error to come up
  6. True, I did think that myself, but it was assuming that all the files are in a separate folder with the .php extension. If they aren't then go with a normal array method or give your files a certain suffix such as red.color.php then search for *.color.php instead of just *.php
  7. This line sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE email = '".$email."'"; needs a $ before it
  8. I suppose you could also just have a script called something like override.php that would set the session variable and redirect back to the page you were referred from if you clicked a link on a page to override it, and show subsequent pages overriden
  9. $files = glob('*.php'); require($files[array_rand($files)]);
  10. localhost/?full=1 Something like that? Then use if($_GET['full'] == 1) { //full version code here }else{ //mobile detect here }
  11. In that case use this function to create a date from the string http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/date-and-time-functions.html#function_str-to-date then use that with the functions provided
  12. chmod won't work on a windows based system
  13. You should use the date or datetime field type, and use the built in functions of mysql for querying with dates
  14. http://php.net/manual/en/language.variables.variable.php That said, you should look at arrays http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php These are what smart programmers use
  15. $i = 1; for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) { ${'count' . $i} = "Count $i"; } echo "$count1, $count2, $count3, $count4, $count5";
  16. http://www.jaygilford.com/php/incoming-email-via-php-and-cpanel/ Take a look at that article and see if it helps you
  17. This will assign the part to a variable $variable = $parts['array_key_here'];
  18. is txtUrl encoded? might need to use urldecode()
  19. For a simple string use http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strstr.php For a regular expression use http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-match.php
  20. Well theres really no need to be pedantic about it. No I didn't re-read my post. That said, it was still pretty obvious that I meant use that instead so I've copied and pasted the two words that define it just in case you need the exact words "just use" better?
  21. I would have assumed that since I said "instead" the OP would realise he should keep his original query since trying to get the number twice would be pretty stupid
  22. Huh? Why would it only return 1 row? There's no limit on the query. It will return all rows that have the username supplied, then mysql_num_rows will give the number of records returned. I've just tried this locally too and it's fine
  23. You could also just use $number_of_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
  24. You could also use something like sagepay (formerly protx)
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