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Everything posted by Re321

  1. Be nice oni-kun =P salathe is a nice, er, skunk? I guess i'll keep an eye out, but it's really hard to tell sometimes if they are
  2. Boys will be boys.. ^^;
  3. I'm not, But I was just wondering if the sexist stereotype was true All kidding aside, anyone?
  4. I'm just turned 16 a month ago, but I guess I don't win lol
  5. I used a thing similar on my PHPBB blog. Although the best way is just to create a plugin that will reserve the sql in an entry, but maybe that's a lot of entries.
  6. Sorry for the confusion! I tested 4-5 things.. In case anyone is wondering, With 14 POST entries the same length: json_encode on $_POST was roughly 182 characters url_encode on json_encode was ~300 characters serialize on $_POST was roughly 280 characters base64_encode on serialize was ~320 characters base64_encode on json_encode ~ 244 characters So B64 on json_encode will work best for the $_GET url for me, no url encoding and it solves my problem.
  7. Sorry. I am passing the $_POST array completely, the $_POST array has roughly 12 indexes which are 5-30 characters or so, since I need to pass it through url I was wondering what method produced the shortest string to pass through $_GET. (like generator.php?data= (the data))
  8. hello, I have an image generator basically, to create an image based on data. what I need to do is parse roughly 12 entries (not too long) and generate an image out of them. since it's an image I need to send it to another php form through $_GET data (as <img> uses an external resource, I can't pass it through $_POST) but im not sure what is the best way. urlencode I think works, but it may be too long for the GET url, what do you think is the best method? - urlencode - base64_encode - serialize -... just to encode the 12 (5-30 in length each) POST entries so I can use them, I just am not sure what is a good solution to pass those values to the other php page o_O; Thanks
  9. That would work until Oni-kun finds the topic and ventures it off topic with one of his rants. Which is most likely this has never been done. It would be too easy to go off topic, like I just have done for this thread. Soon enough Thorpe may come along and lock it for going so far off topic i personally think it's a great idea. what is up your ass this time premiso?
  10. a community I used to go to had gone down for days at a time, the owner was fairly proficient but its just what happened, I dunno what you guys are talking about o_O; If it was his really job or w/e he'd do it already, right?
  11. Re321


    Chief off-line services architect.
  12. I recommend oni-kun's option, It's pointless to recount arrays although the OP should really not be putting loops within loops (foreach->list)
  13. huh? I found that typo, I assume many have seen it before but its not that much of a problem O_o;
  14. I agree with oni, i seen others post off topic to help and it just removed O_o;
  15. Thanks oni-kun a whole lot, I've been racking my mind for an hour on this one. :-\ I like this forum alot
  16. Thanks oni for your fast reply. How would I use this to echo all matches? I simplty need it on one address, I may loop it through addresses later but I need to list the captured data if it's right!
  17. An example of the address is: 494 Main, Brook, MA, 19076. I've tried many regular expressions but I just can't do it, The street name can be any length but the state abbreviation can only be 2 or 3 characters long, The zip code is 5 ({5}?) I've wrote the first part, something like ((\d+)\s+(\w+)),\s+(\w+) .. But I don't know what to do for the rest, I really need help!
  18. Help I want to add to the array, so I can plug it into http_build_query or whatever to send to curl.
  19. When I was in early teens I kept seeing sites updated with newer themes that I guess people liked alot, so I started doing my own web design, it was crappy at first :-\ but I learned how to do tables and divs later on without the need to reference a book. When I worked with programming languages (BASIC) and things, I looked and noticed you could do programming on the web! so I got a free host and my mom paid for a fairly good one after I told her I was taking a programming course in highschool and I kept doing my projects from there
  20. Thanks oni I really needed tutorials like that!!!!
  21. I put all of it in a function and referred to them thru $this->q and $this->opt, I forgot about doing that, thanks! but my problem now is this: function post($var, $val) { $postvars[] = Array($var=>$val); } would doing $obj->post('name', 'abc') work?? I dunno how to add an value with key to an array.
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