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Posts posted by techker

  1. Hey guys i have a vps from 1and1 and im going tru it and notice there is a module asp?


    does that meen i can use asp and php on it?


    this is what i seen when creating a new domain


    plesk default page


    then there was a asp button test


    HTTP_ACCEPT application/x-ms-application, image/jpeg, application/xaml+xml, image/gif, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-xbap, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, application/x-shockwave-flash, */*

    HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING gzip, deflate



    HTTP_COOKIE locale=en-US

    HTTP_HOST store.lfnc-shop.com

    HTTP_REFERER http://store......com/

    HTTP_USER_AGENT Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C)


    REQUEST_URI /test/apacheasp/test.asp


  2. ok this is tblimages


    Field Type Collation Attributes Null Default Extra Action

    IDImage bigint(20)      No  auto_increment             

      Image                          blob  BINARY Yes NULL               

      Nom                              varchar(50) latin1_swedish_ci  No               

      Taille                              float  No               

      Fichier                            tinyint(1)  No


    commande details

    NoCommande  mediumint(9)  No               

      IDProduit      bigint(9)  No               

      Quantite  int(11)  No               

      Rabais      float  No               

      Prix          float  No               




    Field Type Collation Attributes Null Default Extra Action

      IDProduit    bigint(20)  No  auto_increment             

      IDProduit Access    bigint(20)  Yes 0               

      IDCatalogue          smallint(6)  No               

      IDCategorie              mediumint(9)  No               

      IDFabriquant            mediumint(9)  No               

      SkuFabriquant            varchar(25) latin1_swedish_ci  No               

      DescriptionCourte              varchar(40) latin1_swedish_ci  No               

      Description              text latin1_swedish_ci  No               

      Prix decimal(12,6)      Yes NULL               

      PrixCoutant double    Yes NULL               

    IDImage                    bigint(20)    No               

      QuantiteDisponible      int(11)    Yes NULL               

      LinkExterne          varchar(300) latin1_swedish_ci  Yes NULL               

      PrixRegulier          float(12,6)  Yes NULL               




  3. Ok so i have been messing arround and found this to show me the Imgae id


    $sql = 'SELECT c . NoCommande , c . UName , c . Etat , c . DateCommande , cd . Quantite , cd . Rabais , cd . Prix , p . description , p . DescriptionCourte , p . IDImage '
            . ' FROM tblCommande AS c '
            . ' INNER JOIN tblCommandeDetail AS cd ON cd . NoCommande = c . NoCommande '
            . ' INNER JOIN tblProduits AS p ON p . IDProduit = cd . IDProduit '
            . ' INNER JOIN tblImages AS t ON t . IDImage = p . IDImage '
            . ' WHERE c . NoCommande = 30 LIMIT 0, 30 ';


    NoCommande  UName  Etat  DateCommande  Quantite  Rabais  Prix  description  DescriptionCourte  IDImage 


    i got the image id!but how do i now go in IDImages to get the location?

  4. Hey guys i have a catalogue im working with and on my front page of my website i would like to put recent order..


    So i need to grab info from 3 database's..


    first is the order details tblorderDetails to grab the IDProduct


    then i need the tblProduct for the IDImage( product image)


    then last tblImage for the image file and name..


    can anybody help me with this query?


  5. wow i need to read up more on object tag's..it can really simplify lots of work!

    <param name="FileName" value="3d.wmv" />


    need to read up on were does the class id come from..lol


  6. hey guys i want to make a litle script for my boddy's web site to upload video .that part is good but i have a quick question on posting the vids..


    with pictures you usally do echo img...


    if i store the path of the vid in my database and echo just the path will the video show?


    and when you upload on youtube does it convert it to flv?

  7. Hey guys i have a query i would like to pass but i cant seem to get the if workorking?


    reg querry sellect all from Archives..(Row3)


    and the $info come from my pagination script to list all products.


    so there is basicly 2 querry's here.


    cause i have 2  tables ,one products and the other Archives.so when i sell a product it inserts in archives the product id and sold price.


    so basicly this page is listing all cars .when i sell the car i set the status to sold.

    so i want to show if the car was already archived..



    so i set up a


    <? if ($row3['CARID'] == $info['ID']) { echo '<img src="icons/SyncCenter_1213_10_32x32x32.png" border="0" alt="" />');}?>[code=php:0]
  8. funny cause now it says my fetch array is no good?

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE Date = (SELECT MAX( date ) FROM $tbl_name) WHERE Dealer_ID='$_SESSION[user_id]' LIMIT $start, $limit";

    $result = mysql_query($sql);



  9. Hey guys i have this pagination script that im using and i need to add a specific user to it.so it does not select every thing from the databse but only the user loggin.


    SELECT COUNT(*) as num FROM $tbl_name WHERE Date = (SELECT MAX( date ) FROM $tbl_name


    need to add `Dealer_ID`=$ID



  10. hey guys i have 2 databases that are exacly the same.but one is cars the other is cars2 i need to echo all of the contents of both togetter.


    inventory page.


    so i tryed looking up left join


    im struggeling with this ..


    SELECT *  cars LEFT JOIN cars2


    works but thable 1 cars only show the id's not the rest of the info and table 2 cars 2 show it all?


    both have the same fields(copy paste)

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