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Posts posted by techker

  1. i have a form to fill out for credit application.legaly you need to print it and sign it then fax ..


    so i have it 2 ways basicly i store it in my databse for future references.but the clients forget to send it ..cause the press print and then close the browser..so that is why i want my print button to do 2 functions..

  2. hey guys i found this code on about.com and i cant get it to work to detect my iphone ..


    <? if (
      stristr($ua, "Windows CE") or
      stristr($ua, "AvantGo") or
      stristr($ua,"Mazingo") or
      stristr($ua, "Mobile") or
      stristr($ua, "T68")  or
      stristr($ua,"Syncalot") or
      stristr($ua,"Mac OS X") or ///this part i tryed..
      stristr($ua, "Blazer") ) {
    if (isset($DEVICE_TYPE) and $DEVICE_TYPE=="MOBILE") {
      header ('Location: '.$location);

  3. Hey guys im doing this car dealer ship script and im stuck on a query.



    so i have search criteria's like by make ,color..


    i have some for killometres.


    60 to 90

    90 to 110

    110 to 160..


    how can i make a query that i will search my killometre colome for cars between 60 and 90 clicks..


    ok i think i got it.


    SELECT * 
    FROM `cars` 
    WHERE `Kill` 
    BETWEEN 60000 
    AND 120000 
    LIMIT 0 , 30


    is this good?

  4. Hey guys im doing this car dealer ship script and im stuck on a query.



    so i have search criteria's like by make ,color..


    i have some for killometres.


    60 to 90

    90 to 110

    110 to 160..


    how can i make a query that i will search my killometre colome for cars between 60 and 90 clicks..

  5. if ($row['Level'] == 1) { /* do full price */ }
    else if ($row['Level'] == 2) { /* do retail */ }
    else if ($row['Level'] == 3) { /* etc */ }


    thx for the help!i will try it out.

  6. hey guys im doing a dealership script for my body and i have a user section.now when we creat a user i set levels.


    like 1 is full dealer price

          2 is retail price

          3 is retail -


    so now im wondering how can i do it that it can check the level(thats ok with a querry)


    $sql = "SELECT Level FROM $tbl_name WHERE ID = $ID";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);


    now i have my php echo


    echo $info['Retail_price']


    can i do something like


    //echo (empty($row['d'])? "empty": "not empty"); //result not empty


    but for level?

  7. hey guys is it possible to make a script that you can send an email to and it will insert the email details?or trigger ?


    like im doing a portal for managing ticket numbers.when im on the road i would like to send and email and it can insert in the database that that job is done..

  8. table



    `ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    `Make` varchar(20) NOT NULL,

    `Model` varchar(20) NOT NULL,

    `Year` varchar(12) NOT NULL,

    `Transmission` varchar(20) NOT NULL,

    `Full` varchar(20) NOT NULL,

    `Kill` varchar(20) NOT NULL,

    `Color` varchar(20) NOT NULL,

    `Doors` varchar(20) NOT NULL,

    `Description_short` text NOT NULL,

    `Description_long` text NOT NULL,

    `Location` varchar(20) NOT NULL,

    `Status` varchar(20) NOT NULL,

    `Retail_price` varchar(20) NOT NULL,

    `Nego_Price` varchar(20) NOT NULL,

    `Cost_price` varchar(20) NOT NULL,

    `Image_main` varchar(50) NOT NULL,

    `Image_2` varchar(50) NOT NULL,

    `Image_3` varchar(50) NOT NULL,

    `Image_4` varchar(50) NOT NULL,

    `Date` date NOT NULL,

    `Body` varchar(25) NOT NULL,

    `Viewedcount` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '1',

    `Vin` varchar(25) NOT NULL,



  9. ya i forgot the die..


    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Kill ='123456',Color ='', Doors ='2', Description_short='',Description_long ='',' at line 1

  10. hey guys i have tryed it all and i cant get it to work?


    			  mysql_connect("localhost", "me", "techker") or die(mysql_error()) ;
    mysql_select_db("a_me") or die(mysql_error()) ;
    			   $date = date("Y-m-d");
    		  $query = "UPDATE  cars SET Make ='$Make', Model ='$Model',Year ='$Year', Transmission ='$Transmission',Full='$Full' , Kill ='$Kill',Color ='$Color', Doors ='$Doors', Description_short='$Description_short',Description_long ='$Description_long', Location ='$Location', Status ='$Status', Retail_price ='$Retail_price', Nego_Price ='$Nego_price', Cost_price ='$Cost_price', Body ='$Body' WHERE ID = '$ID' ";
    			 $result = mysql_query($query);

  11. Hey guys im looking on the net and i find data grid view but asp..and not what i need


    what i need is that now i have  a table with info that replicates depending on how many products i have in he database..


    like an online catalogue.


    i just want the tables to show in a diffrent color..


    like first product blue second product white...only like 2 colors..




  12. hey guys is there a way to fix getting an error 500 with unlink?


    simple script.

    $file = $_GET['File'];
        $do = unlink($file); 
            echo "The file was deleted successfully."; 
        } else { echo "There was an error trying to delete the file."; } 

  13. Hey guys im using an iframe to view a part of my admin .


    now i have a script that apears in the iframe to upload an image.


    it works.but the script has when upload is done:




    echo "<meta http-equiv=Refresh content=1;url=insert.php?ID=$ID&Name=$rand_name.$file_ext>";  



    but it gives me this..




    the target of my links in my menu is the iframe test..


    but whats odd is the my form works(the action)


  14. i just posted the part that i neede to change.sorry.


    the connection and stuff is in a config file.


    even if i change to what you posted nothing happens now?

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