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Posts posted by techker

  1. hey guys i recently had to re upload all my index files on my servers cause the got hacked!


    what a piss off!lol


    so i had to download an old script that was install..webcalendar 1.2


    but know i get an error

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function access_can_view_page() in /home/soul3438/public_html/GYMSOFT/Calendar/index.php on line 9

    /* $Id: index.php,v 2007/08/06 02:28:30 cknudsen Exp $ */
    include_once 'includes/init.php';
    // If not yet logged in, you will be redirected to login.php before
    // we get to this point (by init.php included above).
    if ( ! empty ( $STARTVIEW ) ) {
      $page = get_preferred_view ();
      if ( access_can_view_page ( $page ) )
        send_to_preferred_view ();
      else {
        // User's preferences need to be updated to their preferred view.
        if ( access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_PREFERENCES ) )
          do_redirect ( 'pref.php' );
        // User does not have access to preferences...
        // So, we need to pick another page.
        if ( access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_WEEK ) )
          do_redirect ( 'week.php' );
        elseif ( access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_MONTH ) )
          do_redirect ( 'month.php' );
        elseif ( access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_DAY ) )
          do_redirect ( 'day.php' );
        elseif ( access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_YEAR ) )
          do_redirect ( 'year.php' );
        // At this point, this user cannot view the preferred view in their
        // preferences (and they cannot update their preferences), and they cannot
        // view any of the standard day/week/month/year pages. All that's left is a
        // custom view that is either created by them or a global view.
        if ( count ( $views ) > 0 )
          do_redirect ( $views[0]['url'] );
        // No views either?  You gotta be kidding me! ;-)
    } else
      do_redirect ( 'month.php' );

  2. hey guys i have this code that send send me an email when i insert a=data in my databse.


    now it was working fine ..lol intill i messt arround with it.


    and is it possible to add a button with a link in the email that is sent ??


    <?php // function declaration, placed at beginning of script with
    //other function declarations
    	function SubscrNotifMailer($message, $headers) 
    	  $to = "my email"; 
    	  $subject = "Installation Confirmation"; 
    	  mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); 
    $date = date("Y-m-d"); 
    //$data = addslashes(fread(fopen($form_data, "r"), filesize($form_data)));
    // Connects to your Database
    mysql_connect("localhost", "ll", "l") or die(mysql_error()) ;
    mysql_select_db("l") or die(mysql_error()) ;
    //Writes the information to the database
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO install (client_id,comp_name,num_units,extra,done,not_complete,installer,date) ".
            "VALUES ('$client_id','$comp_name','$num_units','$extra','$done','$not_complete','$installer','$date')");
    //Tells you if its all ok
    $id= mysql_insert_id();
    // function call, placed right after record insertion of new
    	$nl = chr(10); 
    	$emailStr = 'Email : ' . $email . $nl ; 
    	$client_id = 'Client ID : ' . $_POST['client_id'] . $nl ; 
    	$comp_name = 'Comp Name: ' . $_POST['comp_name'] .  $nl; 
    	$done = 'Is Job Done : ' . $_POST['done'] . $nl ; 
    	$not_complete = ' Is Job not finisht : ' . $_POST['not_complete'] . $nl ; 
    	$installer = 'Installer: ' . $_POST['installer'] . $nl ; 
    	$date = 'date done: ' . date("Y-m-d") . $nl ; 
            $num_units = 'Number of Units installed: ' . $_POST['num_units'] . $nl ; 
    	$message = $emailStr . $client_id . $comp_name . $done  .
    $not_complete . $installer . $date . $num_units  ;
    	$headers .= "Reply-To: ".$email."\r\n"; 
    	ini_set("sendmail_from", "SubscrNotifMailer@gmail.com");
    	SubscrNotifMailer($message, $headers);  // call mailer
        		echo "<p>This file has the following Database ID: <b>$id</b>";
    echo "You'll be redirected to Home Page after (2) Seconds";
              echo "<meta http-equiv=Refresh content=2;url=job.php>";

  3. hey guys i was wondering if it is possible to send an email to your database to insert the information in the email?


    like when i do a quote for a client i sometimes forget or put it on a post it to loose it..lol


    so i can take my blackberry and send an email to my server to insert the information?


    found this but...complicated..lol


    For anyone interested, I have created a c++ user defined function that can send mail without having to have SMTP installed on the server. It uses Microsoft's CDO to relay via any SMTP server.



    Compile this project (http://www.divshare.com/download/7121306-6e1) using Visual Studio Express and place the DLL in the /lib/plugins directory. In MySQL;

    create function SendMail returns string soname 'SendMail.dll';

    select SendMail('to@address','from@address','Subject','Message','smtp.domain');



  4. Hey guys i want to get in to programing and i have a project i want to start and it requires me to get info from a mysql server .


    so i google on vista 64 bit odbc connection and found that you need to go in the



    so that worked .


    now when i click on new connection i have all microsdoft options but no MYSQL connection availible?do i need to install something in my pc?drivers?

  5. that can be it.(;)


    see it is a broken link maybe the icon.


    it is showing that cause the pdf does not show.its like if the pdf and php echo don't mix..


    like i said if i view source i can see that the link is good.

  6. <? mysql_connect("localhost", "svvvvr", "tecvvvvr") or die(mysql_error()) ;
    mysql_select_db("v") or die(mysql_error()) ;
    $q3 = "SELECT * 
    FROM  `promo_site` 
    WHERE  `current` =  'YES'
    LIMIT 0 , 30";
    $res3 = mysql_query($q3);
    $row3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res3);
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <table width="239" border="0">
        <td width="233"><a href="http://link/resources/PROMO/<?php echo $row3['doc'] ?>"><img src="images/logo_banner_promo.jpg" width="236" height="173" /></a>


    this is with a link on image.cause i had to link it to the doc so it can work..


    echo '<img src="/link/'. $row3['doc'] .'" border="0" alt="" width=130/>


    <br />'; this only showed a broken image icon..


    the doc in databse hase the full name included the extension.

  7. Hey guys i have a prob showing a pdf file?


    its funny cause i  can't seem to show the pdf file but if i fallow the link it is good?


    does php prevent pdf?


    here is what im talking about.


    so i have an admin panel to upload the specials of the month in pdf format.


    so i put a button on my index page and it opens up a query page:

    $q3 = "SELECT * 
    FROM  `promo_site` 
    WHERE  `current` =  'YES'
    LIMIT 0 , 30";
    $res3 = mysql_query($q3);
    $row3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res3);
    cause he can select in the admin if it is a current promo or not(list box yes or no)
    php on the page
    <a href="http://l.....link/GYMSOFT/resources/PROMO/<?php echo $row3['doc'] ?>

    so it should show the doc in the directory,but all i see is a broken image icon?and if i view the source i can see the link is perfect,caopy and paste it in a difrent window and it works???


  8. ok so i got it going.


    created a variable :$curr_month = date("m");


    then select * from pormotions were month = $curr_month ;


    i need to change the way the months were iserted.


    now they insert 01(jan) 02(feb)...

  9. well i tryed alot..lolforget but i  figured that i can use the month()


    SELECT MONTH('2009-09-00');


    cause they say with 00 -00 it shows the default..doesnt work


    so i tryed select all from promotions were month =NOW()


    no success


    is there a current month() ?


    in my fled the months are as is:JANUARY,FEB...


    but i have a date filed to that maybe i can use.it iserts the date of the creation of the promotion?

  10. hey guys i have a promo table with a filed that inserts the month (list box select)..


    i need to do a query to select the current month from the month table?


    i have tryed month()  now()...

  11. Hey guys!!


    i have a quick question.i have a database that holds clients info


    name..number..payment method..


    i need to count how many clients payed by visa


    so the tables name is new_members


    the row is called mode


    i got up to here but it always shows 0


    SELECT COUNT( `mode` ) AS TotalNumber, SUM( `mode` ) AS TotalPrice FROM `new_members` WHERE `mode`= CHEQUE
    <?php echo $row3['TotalPrice'] ?>
    i used a query from another page in my script..

  12. its funny cause i noticed my charset on my page was at utf-8 thinking it would be good for french..so i set it to ISO-8859-1 and now it works.


    as for the mysql i will try diffrent ways..thx

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