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Everything posted by mikosiko

  1. in addition ...in your query the column date_expires is ambigous Edit: Psycho already mentioned that
  2. requinix told you what to do several post ago... did you follow his advice?
  3. have you tried removing the <br/> tag from this line?: echo "Exec dbo.hiddenprocedure '".$i ."', 350000 <br/>";
  4. all good points...... and more basic than that.... knowing the basics of the programming language is a must: http://php.net/manual/en/language.variables.basics.php
  5. during develop is always a good idea to include this 2 lines at the very beginning (after the opening php tag) of your code (or define it in your php.ini) // Define how to display/report errors ini_set("display_errors", "1"); error_reporting(-1); it should help you with the debugging process.
  6. if what you previously posted, as you said is your last code, an immediate question is $tblName is your DATABASE name or your TABLE NAME? ... because you are using it for both
  7. well... you have the resize_image() function.... have you tried to test it alone with an existent image that you have?... <?php function resize_image(......... parameters.......) {\ /// code } // call the function here resize_image(... parameters...); ?> and test if it produce an image?
  8. MySqlworkWench has a Database Migration feature that you could try http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/workbench/
  9. have you tried some of the Mysql date functions?.... like date_format() per example? http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/date-and-time-functions.html#function_date-format
  10. and if you search the forum carefully you should be able to find many...many .. too many post with exact the same question and the answer
  11. just join the user table again using a different alias
  12. additional to Requinix answer: If you idea is to maintain in that column the date/time of the last record modification, as its seems, then you should read this: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/timestamp-initialization.html with the right column type (timestamp), and the proper definition, that column could be auto-updated (after you apply the initial update that you are trying) without additional coding.
  13. In Chrome... select the text... right click on it... and the contextual "Search..." will show it
  14. Yes.. in addition to number of elements
  15. $_SESSION['inputs'] = '$inputs'; variables enclosed in single quotes are not interpolated
  16. in this part of your code: $sql = "INSERT INTO subcategories (subcat_name, subcat_cat, subcat_description) VALUES('" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['subcat_name']) . "', NOW(), " . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['subcat_cat']) . " " . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['subcat_description']) . " )"; the error is very clear... just a matter of count elements correctly... 3 fields.... 4 Values
  17. Read http://php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-query.php Pay special attention to the "Returned Values" section, it will explain the errors that you are getting
  18. it is extremely easy for anybody here to give you the code for that, but it is better if you learn it for yourself... so... read http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/join.html
  19. @manixat : what exactly is "not entirely true"?... you are explaining exactly the process that I mean... cumbersome .. overly complicated when in reality is not needed, a simple and direct UPDATE without care if an specific column has changed or not will do the same job ... just easily... granted the process that you described is the way to do it if the OP decide to go that route. But as I said by the end of my previous post, we need to know more about the OP objectives to determine if is justifiable or not.
  20. ...and you next problem is going to be to construct EVERY TIME a dynamic UPDATE based just on the columns that were modified... absolutely unnecessary and cumbersome, but just out of curiosity... why do you want to do that?.... maybe a better explanation could bring some light and more help to get your objectives in an alternative way
  21. ...and while you do that, enable error reporting and display errors ON, either in your php.ini conf. file (preferred) or in your particular script during development; doing that you would easily find this error ... and probably at least another that you have in your UPDATE sentence
  22. Correction to my previous post: ((it shows that has been a long time that I've not used the GUI tools) MYSQL Workbench already has the Migration Plugin incorporated ... you must test if migration from Access is allowed , if that works then it should be one of the tools alternatives
  23. MYSQL provided a tool called "Mysql Migration ToolKit" as part of the old GUI Tools (replaced by MYSQL Workbenck), afaik they will still supporting the Migration ToolKit until they release a plugin for Workbenck. I have used myself the Migration Toolkit with Access in the pass and it works perfectly. http://dev.mysql.com...-tools/5.0.html
  24. what the heck is everybody smoking lately?.... c'mon share some
  25. WHERE t.tutor_id (SELECT tutor_id .... should be WHERE t.tutor_id IN (SELECT tutor_id
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