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Everything posted by Zane

  1. Weird.. I get this.
  2. Perhaps it isn't sending multiple emails, but rather, the form submit button is being clicked multiple times. Do you notify the user after the form has sent successfully? If you don't, then the problem is the UIX.
  3. http://php.net/manual/bg/
  4. What language do you speak?
  5. I always wondered the same thing Damn, that's a lot of work. You must just be so used to it that you write it without thinking though.
  6. foreach(Array as $key => $val) { if (in_array('Thumbnail', $val['Purposes']) { echo $val['url'] . " \n"; } else continue; }
  7. I'm looking for some side jobs, and by side jobs I mean not permanent. I have extensive knowledge in web development, system administration, and system engineering. Please feel free to PM me if you are interested. You think it, I make it.
  8. I hear nothing but good things about VIM. Maybe that's the way you should go.
  9. Congratulations to our new guru, QuickOldCar. Welcome aboard, decoder ring's in the mail; you must be there waiting near the mailbox when the delivery truck arrives or it self destructs.
  10. That sounds like a PITA, but there is indeed a setting for it Moderate content of everyone in this group? YesNo until approved posts days since joining Enter 0 or leave blank in second field to not limit by days/posts
  11. Instead of oudersessieouder1 and oudersessieouder2 Just create an array by naming the select tags this: <select name='oudersessieouder[]' ....> Then you can just count how many values are in oudersessieouder if( oudersessieouder1.length == 1 ) open 1 parent page else if ( oudersessieouder1.length == 2) open 2 parent page
  12. Use your datatypes the correct way. Prices shouldn't be stored as a string, it will bite you in the ass in the future because you won't be able to order your queries correctly, much less query them correctly. What happens when you want to search a range of prices? You can't use the greater than less than symbols for strings, as far as I know. Anyway, the £ symbol has no purpose in a price column. You can add that when you pull it out of the database. SELECT CONCAT('£', payRates) as payRates FROM yourTable Save yourself the frustration and use your datatypes. It's so worth it!
  13. Give the anchor tag an id <a id='threelinks' href='#'>Open three tabs</a> then use jQuery (or Javascript ) $("a#threelinks").on('click', function() { window.open('page1.php', 'first page'); window.open('page2.php', 'secondpage'); window.open('page3.php', 'third page'); return false; });
  14. Buy a theme from http://themeforest.net, that's the most straightforward way to start instead of creating a look from scratch. Then you can get to the nitty gritty and create your graphics and programming.
  15. If you only need the first character of a string there is no reason to use substr, when you can easily access that first character directly, as if it were an array. $myString = "abcdefg"; echo $myString[0]; //will echo ==> a
  16. Zane

    IRC is back.

    I just started IRC back up again. Hopefully we're stable from now on. Hardware has been moved. Time will tell.
  17. Look at str_getcsv() error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', true); $file="spreadsheet-file.csv"; $csv= file_get_contents($file); $array = array_map("str_getcsv", explode("\n", $csv)); echo "<pre>", print_r($array), "</pre>"; $tdata = null; foreach($array as $k=>$v) { $tdata[$k][] = $v; } echo "<pre>", print_r($tdata), "</pre>";
  18. You da man, David!
  19. Zane

    IRC is back.

    Yah, I know.. I've been looking into that, I installed PHP-FPM and that didn't help.. restarted both of them.. I've never used Nginx before, so it's a bit awkward to me.
  20. It's been back online for a week or so now, and I just realized that I forgot to announce the fact. So fire up your preferred IRC Client and come join the fun, learn some, teach some, and opine. irc.phpfreaks.com:6667
  21. If you're going to treat the id as a string, then use it like a string.. place quotes around the id $sql = "UPDATE `fruits` SET `type`='banana' WHERE fruitid = '$fruitid'";
  22. I can only imagine, I wish I had bought stock in Google too.
  23. Amazing how expensive those little bastards are.. $244 for 1 bitcoin.
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