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  1. Hello, am writing a video tutorial using cakephp. I have tried to embed my swf player using Javascript code. It works fine in all the index view of all my controllers but don't in other action/view. What could possibly be the problem. Any help would be appreciated
  2. I badly need help... I am making a basic text editor of my own. I have an Iframe where users can type their code in it. Below the Iframe, there is a div which is hidden. This div normally will capture what is written in the IFrame, in other words, every HTML and CSS codes the user will type in the Iframe above, it will take action "onkeyup" in the div below. Now the div below, as it is hidden, it will only be previewed if the user click on a button. As a result, this will pop up in a JQuery dialog box. In short, the div will be pop up through a dialog box of JQuery UI to show the user the result he/she is coding. I know we can do this in textarea, it is just a matter of "value" but I am not getting it with Iframe. I made this: function pcode () { var frame = document.getElementById('code').value; var div = document.getElementById('preview'); divout.innerHTML = frameout; } The above code, is just to grab the value written in the Iframe, then preview it in the div below on onkeyup. Now, the code to preview the div in a JQuery UI dialog box once the user clicks on a button: function preview() { $('#preview').dialog({modal:true, height:600, width:1280, title:"Preview", show:"slow", hide:"fast"}); } $('#previewbutton').click(function() { preview(); }); The problem is nothing is working. If you have not understood the issue, you can ask me some questions, I am myself stressed with this. Everything would be OK if it was a textarea as I did this before with textarea and was fine. In the same line of thought, I have been advised to use IFrame when coding a text editor, because if I do this with a textarea, the user's code can have conflicts with my own CSS codes of the page. I want to know if there a possibility to use textarea alone instead of Iframe, in case there is no solution, but the user CSS and HTML codes must not have conflicts with my own CSS codes. For example, if I have declared a class or ID or made all Heading 1 blue for instance, and if the user is typing Heading 1 tag in a textarea, the CSS codes of mine will apply to the user as well, so I don't want this. Thank!
  3. <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> /*#pwidget { background-color:lightgray; width:254px; padding:2px; -moz-border-radius:3px; border-radius:3px; text-align:left; border:1px solid gray; }*/ #progressbar { width:30px; padding:1px; background-color:white; border:1px solid black; height:10px; } #indicator { width:0px; background-image:url("shaded-green.png"); height:10px; margin:0; } /*#progressnum { text-align:center; width:250px; }*/ </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function disp_text() { var w = document.myform.mylist.selectedIndex; //alert(w); var selected_text = document.myform.mylist.options[w].value; return selected_text; } function disp_text1() { var x = document.myform1.mylist1.selectedIndex; //alert(x); var second_selected_text = document.myform1.mylist1.selectedIndex; //alert(second_selected_text); return second_selected_text; } var maxprogress = 30 ; // total to reach var actualprogress = 0; // current value var itv = 0; // id to setinterval function prog() { var val = disp_text(); var temp = val; val = maxprogress; maxprogress = temp; if(actualprogress >= maxprogress) { clearInterval(itv); return; } var progressnum = document.getElementById("progressnum"); var indicator = document.getElementById("indicator"); actualprogress += 1; indicator.style.width=actualprogress + "px"; progressnum.innerHTML = actualprogress; if(actualprogress == maxprogress) clearInterval(itv); } </script> </head> <body> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td width="117"><div id="progressbar"> <div id="indicator"></div> </div></td> <td width="78"><div id="pwidget"> <div id="progressnum">0</div> </div></td> <td width="288"> <FORM NAME="myform"> <SELECT NAME="mylist" onchange="disp_text()" class="foo"> <OPTION VALUE="">Select</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="30">Raghu</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="45">Vara</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="60">Sashi</OPTION> </SELECT> </FORM></td></tr><tr> <td width="117"><div id="progressbar"> <div id="indicator"></div> </div></td> <td width="78"><div id="pwidget"> <div id="progressnum">0</div> </div></td><td> <FORM NAME="myform1"> <SELECT NAME="mylist1" onchange="disp_text1()" class="foo"> <OPTION VALUE="">Select</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="30">Raghu</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="45">Vara</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="60">Sashi</OPTION> </SELECT> </FORM> <input type="button" name="Submit" value="Start the progression" onclick="itv = setInterval(prog, 70)" /> </td> <td width="520"> <input type="button" name="Submit2" value="Stop" onclick="clearInterval(itv)" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
  4. hello there, i looked in a tutorial of a functionality in javsscript, if you take a look at the link above youll see: http://interestingwebs.blogspot.pt/2011/05/hide-or-show-div-element.html In this link "SHOW/HIDE" When i click it shows the text above, but i liked to when i click the link the "SHOW/HIDE" text disappear, how can i do it? Best regards
  5. Greetings everyone, I really hope someone would be able to help me quickly... I'm not very clued up on ajax,jquery or javascript, and would really love some help in converting the attached js file to use a database instead of cookies. Please guys, thanx in advance.
  6. Hi! (I am hoping I have placed this post in the right forum) I am having some issues with the Nivo slider. I have multiple sliders on the website (one that you can see just visiting the site and then a couple of others that are viewed when clients login). Anyway, the issue that I am having is trying to get the second slider (the one featured on the main site) to see the custom CSS that I wrote for it -- specifically in regards to the nivo-controlNav selector. Here is what i've tried: (the second slider ID is #mainSlider) #mainSlider .nivo-controlNav { position:relative; left:122px; top:12px; } I've also tried adding a z-index to this of 9999. I've also added custom css to the javascript: <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('nivo-controlNav).css('position','relative'); $('nivo-controlNav).css('left','122px'); $('nivo-controlNav).css('top','12px'); $('#mainSlider').nivoSlider({ effect: 'fade', // Specify sets like: 'fold,fade,sliceDown' slices: 15, // For slice animations boxCols: 8, // For box animations boxRows: 4, // For box animations animSpeed: 500, // Slide transition speed pauseTime: 7000, // How long each slide will show directionNav: true, // Next & Prev navigation directionNavHide:true, //Only show on hover controlNav: true, // 1,2,3... navigation controlNavThumbs: false, // Use thumbnails for Control Nav }); }); </script> and so on. That didn't work either. Then, I went into the javascript file and tried to add a new class -- .nivo-controlNav2. However, I don't think I went about it the right way as it messed up the controlNav css for the other slider. I tried loading a custom theme in the <head> and then added this to the slider wrapper: <div class="slider-wrapper2 theme-mytheme"> After that, I made sure that my css had .mytheme listed first and then .nivo-controlNav listed after it. At this point, i'm frustrated. I've done everything that *I* know how to do and have scoured the internet for answers. Here is the site: http://diocesan.com/testsite Help! and thank you in advance for any help, suggestions or advice you can give.
  7. How to make a datalist in javascript. Html datalist does not work in old browser so i want to make a datalist in javascript.please help me.
  8. Hello, I've Searching for a while to find the code they use for the survey on this site before downloading: http://xboxfreegames...e-download.html But I could't find him. Does somebody know this or a similar code for my site. Thanks in advance
  9. Hi all, I've got a problem with this piece of code. I believe this should work properly but when closing the Safari browser the alert box is properly displayed but when clicking "Ok" the browser closes. It should return to the page as it returns false. I've tried setting it to return false but with no luck. This works on FF and Chrome ok. var is_chrome = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > -1; var is_explorer = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > -1; var is_firefox = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > -1; var is_safari = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") > -1; var is_Opera = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Presto") > -1; if ((is_chrome)&&(is_safari)) {is_safari=false;} //within $(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(window).bind("beforeunload", function(){ // showDebug1("Exiting..."); $.ajax({ url: "<?=$exit_url?>"}); leave = confirm("Exit page?"); if (leave==true){ return ret; } else { if(is_chrome) { return 'Leave page?'; } else if(is_safari) { alert('Click OK to continue'); } else { return false; } } }); Anyone have any ideas? Cheers, CaptainChainsaw
  10. Hi, I wonder whether someone may be able to help me please. I've put together this page http://www.mapmyfind.../chris/test.php which allows the user to add and remove Google Map markers via a 'Category' check box selection. In addition, as each marker is added or removed from the map, the linked 'Description' is added and removed from the 'Sidebar' (shown in orange). You will see that as a map marker is selected a 'Infowindow' is created above the marker and the linked 'Sidebar Description Item' is highlighted in grey. The problem I'm having is that I cannot find a way to make the 'Sidebar' automatically scroll so the the sidebar item is visible to the user. To illustrate this a little better than I can perhaps explain, I have found an example here http://www.blocsoft....xample12.V3.asp which highlights the behaviour I'm looking for. I've read many a tutorial and tried several plugins, all without success. I just wondered whether someone could perhaps take a look at this please and let me know where I'm going wrong. I really would be most grateful of any help as I've been working on this for several weeks. Many thanks and kind regards
  11. I wonder whether someone may be able to help me please. Firstly, my apologies because I'm not particularly well versed with Javascript, so perhaps this may be a very basic error to some. I've put together this page http://www.mapmyfind.../chris/test.php which allows users to add and remove map markers via 'Marker Category' check box selection. In addition, as the markers are added to the map, an associated 'Sidebar' item is also created (shown in orange text). If a map marker is clicked, a 'Infowindow' appears over the marker and the relevant 'Sidebar' item is highlighted with a grey background. The problem I'm having is that the once the map marker has been selected, I cannot get the 'Sidebar' to automatically scroll, so that the 'Sidebar' item is visible to the user. I appreciate that my description of the problem may not be particularly well detailed, so please find a link to an example page here http://www.blocsoft....xample12.V3.asp which illustrates what I'm trying to achieve. I've been working on this for a while now and read through quite a lot of 'plugins' and tutorials to try and find the solution, unfortunately without any success. I just wondered whether someone may be able to look at this please and offer some guidance on how I may be able to solve this problem. Many thanks and kind regards
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