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  1. I have the following query used for a google line chart. The query works and does four different monthly counts for the past 12 months to current date. I need to modify it so it does the same exact thing but weekly for the past 6 month to current date. Week starts Sunday, ends Saturday. No brain food left after this one. Getting weak... * Any improvements to current query are also encouraged. Output Image attached. <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['floor']) || !isset($_REQUEST['specialty'])) { $contract_type_id = 3; $active_column = 'active'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['specialty'])) { $contract_type_id = 2; $active_column = 'active_specialty'; } $sql="SELECT C.month, sum(slab) as slab, sum(dried_in) as dried_in, sum(drywall) as drywall, sum(frame) as frame, C.year_month_number FROM ( (SELECT CASE MONTH (l.frame_date) WHEN 1 THEN CONCAT('Jan','-',Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 2 THEN CONCAT('Feb', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 3 THEN CONCAT('Mar','-',Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 4 THEN CONCAT('Apr', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 5 THEN CONCAT('May', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 6 THEN CONCAT('Jun', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 7 THEN CONCAT('Jul', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 8 THEN CONCAT('Aug', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 9 THEN CONCAT('Sep', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 10 THEN CONCAT('Oct', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 11 THEN CONCAT('Nov', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 12 THEN CONCAT('Dec', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) ELSE 'Unknown' END as 'month', null as slab, null as drywall, COUNT(IF(l.frame_date is not null, 1, 0)) AS frame, null AS dried_in, CONCAT(Year (l.frame_date),LPAD(MONTH (l.frame_date),2,0)) year_month_number FROM lot as l INNER JOIN lot_type AS lt ON l.lot_type_id = lt.lot_type_id INNER JOIN block as b ON b.block_id=l.block_id INNER JOIN community as c ON c.community_id=b.community_id WHERE ( c.contract_type_id = 1 OR c.contract_type_id = $contract_type_id ) AND l.$active_column=1 AND l.lot_type_id <> 1 and l.frame_date is not null and (frame_date <= CURDATE() and frame_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL -11 month), interval -(day(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL -11 month)) - 1) day)) GROUP by MONTH (l.frame_date) ORDER BY MONTH (l.frame_date) ASC) UNION ALL (SELECT CASE MONTH (l.drywall_date) WHEN 1 THEN CONCAT('Jan','-',Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 2 THEN CONCAT('Feb', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 3 THEN CONCAT('Mar','-',Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 4 THEN CONCAT('Apr', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 5 THEN CONCAT('May', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 6 THEN CONCAT('Jun', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 7 THEN CONCAT('Jul', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 8 THEN CONCAT('Aug', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 9 THEN CONCAT('Sep', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 10 THEN CONCAT('Oct', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 11 THEN CONCAT('Nov', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 12 THEN CONCAT('Dec', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) ELSE 'Unknown' END as 'month', null as slab, COUNT(IF(l.drywall_date is not null, 1, 0)) AS drywall, null as frame, null AS dried_in, CONCAT(Year (l.drywall_date),LPAD(MONTH (l.drywall_date),2,0)) year_month_number FROM lot as l INNER JOIN lot_type AS lt ON l.lot_type_id = lt.lot_type_id INNER JOIN block as b ON b.block_id=l.block_id INNER JOIN community as c ON c.community_id=b.community_id WHERE ( c.contract_type_id = 1 OR c.contract_type_id = $contract_type_id ) AND l.$active_column=1 AND l.lot_type_id <> 1 and l.drywall_date is not null and (drywall_date <= CURDATE() and drywall_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL -11 month), interval -(day(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL -11 month)) - 1) day)) GROUP by MONTH (l.drywall_date) ORDER BY MONTH (l.drywall_date) ASC) UNION ALL (SELECT CASE MONTH (l.slab_date) WHEN 1 THEN CONCAT('Jan','-',Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 2 THEN CONCAT('Feb', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 3 THEN CONCAT('Mar','-',Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 4 THEN CONCAT('Apr', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 5 THEN CONCAT('May', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 6 THEN CONCAT('Jun', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 7 THEN CONCAT('Jul', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 8 THEN CONCAT('Aug', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 9 THEN CONCAT('Sep', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 10 THEN CONCAT('Oct', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 11 THEN CONCAT('Nov', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 12 THEN CONCAT('Dec', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) ELSE 'Unknown' END as 'month', COUNT(IF(l.slab_date is not null, 1, 0)) AS slab, null as drywall, null as frame, null AS dried_in, CONCAT(Year (l.slab_date),LPAD(MONTH (l.slab_date),2,0)) year_month_number FROM lot as l INNER JOIN lot_type AS lt ON l.lot_type_id = lt.lot_type_id INNER JOIN block as b ON b.block_id=l.block_id INNER JOIN community as c ON c.community_id=b.community_id WHERE ( c.contract_type_id = 1 OR c.contract_type_id = $contract_type_id ) AND l.$active_column=1 AND l.lot_type_id <> 1 and l.slab_date is not null and (slab_date <= CURDATE() and slab_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL -11 month), interval -(day(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL -11 month)) - 1) day)) GROUP by MONTH (l.slab_date) ORDER BY MONTH (l.slab_date) ASC) UNION ALL (SELECT CASE MONTH (l.dried_in_date) WHEN 1 THEN CONCAT('Jan', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 2 THEN CONCAT('Feb', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 3 THEN CONCAT('Mar', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 4 THEN CONCAT('Apr', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 5 THEN CONCAT('May', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 6 THEN CONCAT('Jun', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 7 THEN CONCAT('Jul', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 8 THEN CONCAT('Aug', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 9 THEN CONCAT('Sep', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 10 THEN CONCAT('Oct', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 11 THEN CONCAT('Nov', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 12 THEN CONCAT('Dec', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) ELSE 'Unknown' END as 'month', null AS slab, null as drywall, null as frame, Count(IF(l.dried_in_date is not null, 1 , 0)) AS dried_in, CONCAT(Year (l.dried_in_date), LPAD(MONTH (l.dried_in_date),2,0)) year_month_number FROM lot as l INNER JOIN lot_type AS lt ON l.lot_type_id = lt.lot_type_id INNER JOIN block as b ON b.block_id=l.block_id INNER JOIN community as c ON c.community_id=b.community_id WHERE ( c.contract_type_id = 1 OR c.contract_type_id = $contract_type_id ) AND l.$active_column=1 AND l.lot_type_id <> 1 and dried_in_date is not null and (dried_in_date <= CURDATE() and dried_in_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL -11 month), interval -(day(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL -11 month)) - 1) day)) GROUP by MONTH (l.dried_in_date) ORDER BY MONTH (l.dried_in_date) asc) ) as C GROUP BY C.month ORDER BY C.year_month_number asc"; echo $sql; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); $data[] = array( 'month', 'slab', 'dried_in', 'frame', 'drywall' ); foreach ($result as $row) { $data[] = array( $row['month'], (int) $row['slab'], (int) $row['dried_in'], (int) $row['frame'], (int) $row['drywall'] ); } $encoded_data= json_encode($data); ?> <!-- Load Google JSAPI --> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> google.load("visualization", "1", { packages: ["corechart"] }); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); // draw chart fucntion function drawChart() { /* var jsonData = $.ajax({ url: "./includes/chart_12month_comparison_data.php", dataType: "json", async: false }).responseText; var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(jsonData); */ var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(<?php echo $encoded_data;?>); var currentYear = new Date(); var options = { //title: 'Demo Google LineChart : ' + (new Date(currentYear.setDate(currentYear.getDate() - 365))).yyyymmdd() + ' - ' + (new Date()).yyyymmdd() title: '12 Month Comparison ' + (new Date(currentYear.getFullYear()-1,currentYear.getMonth()+1)).yyyymmdd() + ' - ' + (new Date()).yyyymmdd(), //legend: 'none', hAxis: { minValue: 0, maxValue: 9 }, pointSize: 10, pointShape: 'square' }; var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart( document.getElementById('chart_div')); chart.draw(data, options); } // format date function Date.prototype.yyyymmdd = function() { var yyyy = this.getFullYear().toString(); var mm = (this.getMonth()+1).toString(); // getMonth() is zero-based var dd = this.getDate().toString(); return yyyy + "/" + (mm[1]?mm:"0"+mm[0]) + "/" + (dd[1]?dd:"0"+dd[0]); // padding }; </script> <?php $floor = isset($_GET['floor']) || !isset($_GET['specialty']) ? "style=\"color:#FF0000\"" : ''; $specialty = isset($_GET['specialty']) ? "style=\"color:#FF0000\"" : ''; ?> FILTER: <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>?p=<?php echo $_GET['p'];?>&floor" title="Flooring" <?php echo $floor;?>>Flooring</a> | <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>?p=<?php echo $_GET['p'];?>&specialty" title="Specialty" <?php echo $specialty;?>>Specialty</a><br><br> <div id="chart_div" style="width: 900px; height: 500px;"> </div>
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