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Found 15 results

  1. I'm developing a website for specific EVENTS. Each EVENT lasts for three months and has fixed start date and end date, and they repeat each year: Event 1: Jan. 1st – Mar. 31st Event 2: Apr. 1st – Jun. 30th Event 3: Jul. 1st – Sep. 30th Event 4: Oct. 1st – Dec. 31st I have two functions FUNCTION 1: should run 3 days before start of the event. FUNCTION 2: should run 1 day before start of last month of the event. Functions should execute only that specific event and not other future or past events. Here how the functions should run for each Event: Event 1: Jan. 1st – Mar. 31st Function 1: on Dec 29 Function 2: last day of Feb Event 2: Apr. 1st – Jun. 30th Function 1: on Mar 29 Function 2: last day of May Event 3: Jul. 1st – Sep. 30th Function 1: on Jun 28th Function 2: Last day of Aug Event 4: Oct. 1st – Dec. 31st Function 1: on Sept 28th Function 2: last day of Nov What I'm doing right now is checking today's date and comparing it to the event date. If event start date is > today and event start date < 3 then run function one. My problem/questions: As of now, I have to remember to execute the functions manually on a specific date. How can I make this automated? Can I execute the function using server Cron job? Will that be a good practice? How would you approach in checking the event date to today? I feel there maybe better way of checking the date to run the function instead of what I'm doing. I hope my question is not vague and makes sense. Thank you.
  2. Hi all. I have a script that i want to run in a cronjob. but i dont know why it's not running. i am using godaddy cpanel ps: when i visit the url of the file, it works as expected, and also when i run it via a form button, it works also. what could be the problem? below is the command i used: /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/username/directory/directory/file-name.php thanks
  3. Hallo! Ik heb net een cron job ingesteld via cpanel. Graag zou ik via php een timer willen hebben om te laten zien hoelang het duurt voordat de cronjob opnieuw word uitgevoerd. Ik heb gegoogled maar kon hier jammergenoeg niets over vinden. Heeft iemand van jullie een idee? Thanks!
  4. If i've got a database of users that have filled out a form, can I use a cron job to send an automated email? If so, what is the best way to "loop" it so that it sends the email once to each user? $data = mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM completed WHERE followupsent='0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND valuesent + INTERVAL 4 DAY <= NOW() ") or die(mysql_error()); while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data )) { } This checks to see if "followupsent" has been updated already as it updates with NOW() when it sends and also checks to see how many days since the value was sent. I'm worried that by putting the email sending information in the while tags is going to loop for each row and end up sending a ton of emails. Would using if($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data )) { } Send out to the first in the database and then the CRON Job handle the rest by checking every minute which one is next? Cheers
  5. Hi we had some software develops that needs to bulk upload from a mailbox. When we are setting up a Cron job within the Plesk control panel on the dedicated server our developer is getting the follow error and not sure of a solution? - Can anyone advise please - Thank you! Getting the following message when I run the cron: PHP Warning: imap_open(): Couldn't open stream {localhost} in /var/www/vhosts/cvdatabase.management/httpdocs/send_email.php on line 116 PHP Warning: imap_num_msg() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /var/www/vhosts/cvdatabase.management/httpdocs/send_email.php on line 151 PHP Notice: Unknown: Certificate failure for localhost: self signed certificate: /C=US/ST=Virginia/L=Herndon/O=Parallels/OU=Parallels Panel/CN=Parallels Panel/[email protected] (errflg=2) in Unknown on line 0
  6. Hi I've been stuck trying to execute a script for a few weeks now and I really need help. The script is supposed to schedule social media posts via functions.php and wp-load.php but I get errors. Can someone do me a favour? Drop your email and I'll send you the details to connect to my database. Thanks
  7. Hi there, I want to make script which will execute via crontab every Sunday at 0:01h and will stop at 23:59h. My goal is to put(show) some tekst on the site. The problem is how to put this tekst in the site? I mean I know how to configure Cron Jobs but how to include the tekst in index.php for example? crontab will be. 1 0 * * 0 /usr/bin/php Start.php 59 23 * * 0 /usr/bin/php Stop.php
  8. I have purchased a ad manager type script and have put so much work in to the site but i cannot get the cron file to execute properly due to errors. The makers of the script arent answering my emails so I am left to find the answer myself im hoping some experts can shine a light on this for me I have the cron running once daily as required the error messages are as follows: /home2/net2you/public_html/2xx.co.uk/include/CronStats.php: line 1: ?php: No such file or directory /home2/net2you/public_html/2xx.co.uk/include/CronStats.php: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `;' /home2/net2you/public_html/2xx.co.uk/include/CronStats.php: line 2: `ob_start();' I have installed the script on two different hosts and get the exact same errors. any help would be much appriciated the contents of the cron file are below ______________________________________________ <?php ob_start(); ini_set("max_execution_time", 0); error_reporting(0); require_once("db_connection.php"); // hits table fix $ws = mysql_query("select pid from publishersinfo"); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($ws)){ $max = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT count(distinct ip) as distinct_hits, count(ip) as hits, date from hits where pub_id='$row[pid]' group by date order by hits desc, distinct_hits desc limit 1")); mysql_query("update publishersinfo set hits = '$max[hits]', distinct_hits = '$max[distinct_hits]' where pid = '$row[pid]' "); $country_clicks = mysql_query("select count(country) as clicks, country from hits where is_click = 1 and pub_id = '$row[pid]' GROUP BY country order by clicks desc"); mysql_query("delete from country_clicks where pid = '$row[pid]' "); while($rc = mysql_fetch_assoc($country_clicks)){ mysql_query("insert into country_clicks set clicks = '$rc[clicks]' , country = '$rc[country]', pid = '$row[pid]', updated = CURDATE() "); } } mysql_free_result($ws); // adv info $advertisement_ids = mysql_query("select adv_id from advertisersinfo"); while($ro = mysql_fetch_assoc($advertisement_ids)){ $clicksToday = mysql_result(mysql_query("select count(hit_id) from hits where adv_id = '$ro[adv_id]' and is_click='1' and is_sale='0' and `date` = CURDATE()"),0,0); $impressionsToday = mysql_result(mysql_query("select count(hit_id) from hits where adv_id = '$ro[adv_id]' and is_click='0' and is_sale='0' and `date` = CURDATE()"),0,0); $conversionsToday = mysql_result(mysql_query("select count(hit_id) from hits where adv_id = '$ro[adv_id]' and is_sale='1' and `date` = CURDATE()"),0,0); mysql_query("update advertisersinfo set clicksToday = $clicksToday, clicksTotal = (clicksTotal + $clicksToday), impressionsToday = $impressionsToday, impressionsTotal = (impressionsTotal + $impressionsToday), conversionsTotal = (conversionsTotal + $conversionsToday) where adv_id = '$ro[adv_id]' "); } mysql_free_result($advertisement_ids); // targeted_ads $cmp_ids = mysql_query("select cmp_id from adv_campaign"); while($ro = mysql_fetch_assoc($cmp_ids)){ $clicksToday = mysql_result(mysql_query("select count(hit_id) from hits where cmp_id = '$ro[cmp_id]' and is_click='1' and `date` = CURDATE()"),0,0); mysql_query("update adv_campaign set clicksToday = $clicksToday, clicksTotal = (clicksTotal + $clicksToday), remaining_budget = (remaining_budget - expense_today) where cmp_id = '$ro[cmp_id]' "); //camp_appeared $camp_appeared = mysql_query("select distinct publishersinfo.url, publishersinfo.pid from publishersinfo, hits where hits.cmp_id= '$ro[cmp_id]' and hits.pub_id=publishersinfo.pid order by hits.hit_id, hits.pub_id"); mysql_query("delete from camp_appeared where cmp_id= '$ro[cmp_id]' "); while($cmp = mysql_fetch_assoc($camp_appeared)){ mysql_query(" insert into camp_appeared set url = '$cmp', pid = '$cmp[pid]', cmp_id = '$ro[cmp_id]', updated = curdate() "); } } mysql_free_result($cmp_ids); /* $as = mysql_query("select ad_id from publishers_adspaces"); while($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($as)){ $max_one_day_clicks = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT count(hit_id) as total from hits where is_click=1 and ad_id='$row[ad_id]' group by date order by total desc limit 1"),0,0); mysql_query("update publishers_adspaces set hits = $max_one_day_clicks "); } mysql_free_result($as); */ $users = mysql_query(" select uid from users where utype = 'pub+adv' "); while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($users)){ $price = mysql_result(mysql_query("select sum(h.click_price) as price from publishersinfo pi inner join hits h on pi.pid = h.pub_id where pi.uid = '$r[uid]' and h.cmp_id <> 0 and h.date=curdate() and h.is_click=1 "),0,0); mysql_query("delete from pub_earningstoday where uid = '$r[uid]' "); mysql_query("insert into pub_earningstoday set updated = CURDATE(), uid = '$r[uid]', price = '$price' "); } ?>
  9. Hello i create a cron job, every 5 minute push the script, with this command: lynx -source http://mydomain.com/public_html/xxxx.php and that script not execute.. i receive following email: thanx for answers..
  10. I'm building a trade site for virtual currencies like bitcoin and such. i need a bit of help as well as some general feedback on the site(be forwarned, it looks pretty crappy in non webkit browsers like firefox and ie. i probably should be developing for those browsers as well, but i feel like they are inferior and will be forgotten soon enough. this being said, here is the link to the site https://openex.pw testusers: test123 | 12345678 TraderBob | 12345678 test2 | password test5 | password help i need: Chat: I need a way to autoscroll the window down, but unfortunately i haven't been able to get it to work. code always seems to break. $(document).ready(function() { //load messages $('#messages').load('ajaxLOAD.php'); $('#ajaxPOST').submit(function() { $.post('ajaxPOST.php', $('#ajaxPOST').serialize(), function(data){ //clear the message field $('#message').val(''); //reload messages $('#messages').delay(1000).load('ajaxLOAD.php'); }); return false; }); }); Logout.php This was working before i built the chat, but since i find that logging out no longer redirects back to the homepage. if (isUserLoggedIn()) { $loggedInUser->userLogOut(); echo"<p class='notify-green' id='notify'>You are now logged out.</p>"; header('Refresh: 2; url=https://openex.pw'); }else{ header( 'Location: index.php'); die(); }
  11. There are a couple great threads on SO about how to store complex recurring events for a calendar: Calendar Recurring/Repeating Events - Best Storage Method SQL Infinite Calendar Pattern However these are for storing events that get read at any time. I'm trying to repurpose these storage methods for having scripts run at those times. Once. Reliably. And be run late if they don't run on time. I might have thousands or tens of thousands of events, so I've read that I should not use Apache's Crontab for this. For example, I have a script that needs to send an email to a customer every Tuesday and Thursday at 2PM. Thanks to those threads I now understand how to store that interval, and even how to query for it. What I can't figure out how to reliably only send the email to the customer once. Here's the best solution I've come up with: I run a cron job every minute. It polls the database and finds events that should have run in the last 5 minutes, and that haven't been run in the last 5 minutes. It adds the event to a queue (another table?) to be run by a separate script. It then updates the event record to say it ran now. Issues: If the cron job ever fails, or takes more than 5 minutes, it could miss events that fall outside of the 5 minute window. What if an event is scheduled every 2 minutes? How can I guaranty the event only fires once when scheduled, even if the interval between events is every minute? How would you solve this? Instead of storing the last time it ran, should I calculate and store the next time it should run and just query based on that? Thanks for any help!
  12. hi all, How to send an automated notification mail of expiry job or item using cron job. please help me to do this please give me the select query for this
  13. I run a service via a shared host provided by 1and1, which, if a user subscribes for it, stores their login information for a website and regularly grabs some information from a page on the site, parses it, and stores the data on my site. The user later downloads the data through a client program running on their computer. This is all for tracking bandwidth usage on Satellite Internet, which has very rigorous limits. The issue I'm running into is that this cron job running every 15 minutes is slowing down now that I have a handful of clients, and is starting to pop ISE 500's on my website every fifteen minutes past the hour for two or three minutes. Each client potentially has to load a different address, parse a different style layout of data, and the rest of it, basically as an individual script. However, I tried to simplify matters by making a single script which then exec's the client script with the required parameters in a loop. (One strange thing I noticed was my webhost doesn't allow this kind of exec "splitting" on client-requested pages, but it works fine within Cron jobs or when run from SSH. However, since the loop of the main script waits for each exec to complete before the next starts anyway, I don't see why they label it splitting anyway, but that's shared hosting for you.) Anyway, I would like to know what the best method for doing this sort of loading of pages (there's HTTPS, POSTs and GETs involved regardless of the address) and saving of data in an efficient method through PHP scripts called by a cron job. Is there a way to actually split these calls into threads so they don't wait, and hopefully execute simultaneously so as not to interfere with the site's normal operations? Do I need to talk to 1and1? Should I be using some other looping methodology?
  14. so i am not understanding this... i need my script to run every 2 hours, and it now runs every minute or so ... * */2 * * * /usr/local/bin/php -f $HOME/minecraft-backups/mcbackup.php > $HOME/minecraft-backups/backup.log 2>&1 any help would be greatly appreciated
  15. I have no experience of doing command-line stuff, so am hoping to find some way of installing Webalizer that uses simple ftp to upload files and some way of calling the program to run. 25 years internet experience and some ability with php/mysql, but I don't understand where the Webalizer files go (in a directory, yes, and with a log file to analyse) but *where* to put them and *how* to call them, I haven't figured out at all (yet). I have heard that the latest stable Webalizer version is 2.23 but (also) don't know where to get this from. Any help appreciated.
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