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Re-label laptop keys


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I recently converted to the Dvorak way of typing, and never want to go back to QWERTY. (Mostly because I've completely forgotten QWERTY, but that's not the point. :P) However, as laptops will do, mine has a set of very proprietary keys, and they're very difficult to rearrange into the Dvorak layout. It's not crucial while I've got both hands on the keyboard, but it's difficult to find and hit just one key.


So, I'm going to blank out the keys (with some sort of black paint), and re-write the keys by hand with white paint. This is the part where you guys come in: Do you have any tips for types of paint to use? Any suggestions to make the process easier? Any "learn-from-others'-mistakes" types of experiences?

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I did try to rearrange the keys, but some of them are constructed in such a way that they don't work anywhere but their original location. And as for buying a new set of keys - I've looked over the Dell website, and I don't see anything. I have a feeling that if they offered Dvorak keys, they'd publish it. I suppose I could call them on the phone, but you know how much fun that would be. :-\

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Thanks to you I'm trying it out and it's difficult.  Go-Go 10 WPM!


I know what that's like. :) If you really want to learn it, though, keep at it. Here are some suggestions of mine for the learning process.


  • Don't use QWERTY. If you're going to make the switch, go all the way. It's painful at first, but it works.
  • Do typing drills. I found gtypist, and I went through some typing drills at odd intervals throughout the day.
  • Don't shy away from instant messaging, IRC, or any form of conversation where you're expected to keep up. I did at first, but found that people didn't care as much as I'd expected.


And if you start to wonder if it's worth it, remember that even if you don't get to be able to type 212 WPM (Barbara Blackburn), you'll be using a keyboard that's much easier on your hands and fingers.

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I would never re arrange the keys on my latptop or computer. I think they fit just where they are and to think that some people want them in alphabetical order is just beyond crazy to me.




Do you even know what you just said? DVORAK is a scientifically proven keyboard layout that requires less movement with the fingers. I'm considering doing the switch, but I don't if its worth it since everyone uses QWERTY piece of $hit.


DVORAK is not alphabetically ordered. DUH!

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I'm considering doing the switch, but I don't if its worth it since everyone uses QWERTY piece of $hit.


I thought that was going to be a problem, too, but I find that one of two things happens:


1) I use the OS's control panel (or equivalent) to temporarily change the keyboard layout, and then change it back, or:

2) I don't use the other person's computer.


#2 happens more often than #1, but #1 does happen occasionally. (And if I don't have to use it for a long period of time, I just hunt-and-peck.)


Just a few side points: QWERTY is appropriately capitalized like that, but Dvorak isn't - Dvorak is a proper name, but QWERTY is just a bunch of letters turned into a pseudo-word. And: expletives are rarely necessary - please take care to use clean language.

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Also, I went ahead and did it. I was able to move all but six of the keys - three of them had to stay put, and their would-be replacements had to find new homes in erroneous places. A little black acrylic paint over the six keys' letters, and then a toothpick with some white acrylic paint to draw the new letters. A few hours later, I'm typing on a fully Dvorak keyboard. :)

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