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Mass emailing


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Hi Guys,


i'm at stale mate with my mass-emailing form! the way i have coded it so far there is a drop down box with:







you can select the top one which emails everyone or select individual emails


 case "mass-email":
   // How many emails
   $q_num = "SELECT * FROM `fcp_customers`";
   $r_num = mysql_query($q_num);
   $n_num = mysql_num_rows($r_num);
   print("<form action=\"admin.php?page=mass-email\" method=\"POST\">");
   // Mass e-mails form
   print("<table width='80%' border='0' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='1' />\n");
   print("<th colspan='2'>Mass E-Mail Customers</th>\n");
   print("<td class='td_style' align='left' valign='top'>E-Mail:</td><td class='td_style' align='left'><select name=\"cus_emails\"><option value=\"email_all\">--> MASS EMAIL ALL CUSTOMERS! - ($n_num) <--</option>");
   $q_emails = "SELECT * FROM `fcp_customers`";
   $r_emails = mysql_query($q_emails);
   // Loop
   while ($a_emails = mysql_fetch_array($r_emails))
    // Customers email
    $emails = $a_emails['email'];
    // Print
    print("<option value=\"$emails\">$emails</option>");
   print("<td class=\"td_style\" align='left' valign=\"top\">E-Mail Subject:</td><td class='td_style' align='left'><input type=\"text\" name=\"cus_subject\" size=\"70\"></td>");
   print("<td class=\"td_style\" align='left' valign=\"top\">E-Mail Message:</td><td class='td_style' align='left'><textarea name=\"cus_message\" rows=\"20\" cols=\"70\"></textarea></td>");
   print("<td colspan='2' class='td_style' align='right'><input type='submit' name='submit_emails' class=\"btn_style\" value='Send!'></td>\n");
   // Deal with the submission
   if (isset($_POST['submit_emails']))
     // Post vars
     $c_e = $_POST['cus_emails'];
     $c_s = $_POST['cus_subject']; 
     $c_m = $_POST['cus_message']; 
     // Mass or single email
     if ($c_e == 'email_all')
       // Mass email
       $emails_array = array($emails);
       } else {   
       // Single email      
       $to = "$c_e";
       $subject = "$c_s";
       $from = "info@firstchoicepharmacy.co.uk";
      $body = "<h3>Newsletter from firstchoicepharmacy.co.uk</h3>";
       $body .= "<br />";
       $body .= "$c_m<br /><br />";
       $body .= "Regards <br /><a href=\"http://www.firstchoicepharmacy.co.uk\">http://www.firstchoicepharmacy.co.uk</a>";
       $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";  
       $headers .= "From: firstchoicepharmacy.co.uk<$from>\n"; 
       $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";  
       $mail = mail($to,$subject,$body,$headers);
       // Success
       if ($mail)
         print("<br /><span class=\"mail_ok\"><img src=\"images/tick.png\"> You have successfully emailed [ <b>$to</b> ]</span><br /><br /><br />");
   } // End main isset


emailing singly works great but im not sure how to go about doing the mass emailing part?


any help would be great


thanks guys



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According to PHP manual,

The mail() function is not suitable for larger volumes of email in a loop. This function opens and closes an SMTP socket for each email, which is not very efficient.

For the sending of large amounts of email, see the » PEAR::Mail, and PEAR::Mail_Queue packages.


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To build onto waynewex's post, I see what you're doing as spam too.


In the US (if I remember correctly) and possibly other countries too, any periodic email that is based off of a mailing list must have an "unsubscribe" option.




Now to be constructive:



I've used PHPMailer for a couple hundred emails before, and it worked perfectly for me.


Haven't used it with more than that though.

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