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More member groups.


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nah, ive seen the discussion about post ranks and that's not what I'm talking about.  I meant free groups like how u have authors and php recommended.  For example windows vs Linux users.  I haven't put much thought into this I just thought it would be cool to have more free groups.

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Windows v Linux?  That's what sigs are for.  Public groups are useless (well, in this kind of situation), and it would be a waste of time for admins to move users into groups like that.


I understand what you're saying but it just seems like most other forums have a ranking/group system.  For example, Sun's site (www.sun.com), has the duke star system where people are awarded duke-stars when they solve someone's question.  Also, each member starts out with a limited amount and can show the importance of a topic by giving it more duke stars.  I was just trying to spit an idea out and see if someone could elaborate on it.  I see your point of how it would be a waste of time for admin, which I mentioned in my OP.

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Actually, a group can be four things:

- Private (Membership must be assigned)

- Requestable (User may request membership)

- Free (User may leave and join group at will)

- Post Based (Membership based on post count)


There doesn't necessarily have to be any "user moving" going on. I still don't see the point because you can't see it on the profile anyways.

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