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Post count for users?


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Hello I have been combing these forums for so long now and there is not one thread started about how many posts does a person have to get before their username status is upgraded



new member






any help?

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The groups and short descriptions are as follows:


Administrator - Administrate the board, main site, server, etc...end all be all "Head of council" for policies and decisions made around here.

Global Moderator - Moderate the board, main site. "Main council" of policy makers around here.

PHPFreaks Recommended - Same as Guru, but has been around for a long time and has shown that they are regulars who aren't going anywhere and actively takes part in growing and shaping the community. Gets to take part in certain decisions about the community. 

Guru (PHP Help, Database, Design, OOP; no particular order) - Shown to be knowledgeable and helpful in certain areas, and has been active for a while.

Author (no color) - Been here long enough to show (s)he isn't some random face, and wishes to submit tutorials etc.. to the main site.  See sticky for details.

PHP Freaks Donator - Title earned as our way of saying thanks if you donate to the community for help you have received here, or because you want to help keep it going, or whatever.  You can become a Donator by going to Profile > Paid Subscriptions.


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There is one more group that CV forgot: "Staff Alumni". This is for former staff members. When people get demoted from Global Moderator (or above) they'll be placed in this group. They have no stars and no colors. It's just a designation. It'll say on their profile and under their name. I don't think anyone has ever been demoted from any group for reasons other than inactivity though. The way we handle memberships of the groups ensure that the people are trustworthy and know their stuff.


Also, the hierarchy is as follows:


Global Moderator

PHPFreaks Recommended


Everybody else


You'll most likely have to go through the entire hierarchy in order to get to the top. It it thus no requirement to join the authors group or donate in order to get into the guru group. However, joining the author group and publishing quality tutorials might make you more noticed thus improving your chances of a promotion. Everything is dependent on someone nominating you to whatever position though. Also, the only people who have special powers are global mod and above. Guru and above can post to the main site though.

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No it wasn't about being promoted its just that every forum i go to was based off post count and there was no faq on here that posted the users post count with their title like other forums and so i was confused. I thougth i missed it. Oh well i'll go start posting more (20 per day so far lol)

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