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SUGGESTION: New replies

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I am forever finding myself clicking "Show new replies to your posts." to find nothing there and it is starting to get on my nerves a bit lol


My suggestion is that phpfreaks add a counter in brackets next to it to make it more user-friendly.




Show new replies to your posts. (0)



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I'd have to say that there's a 99% chance of that not happening unless you actually submit the idea to SMF and have them put it in the official SMF2 release.  PHPFreaks didn't make the forum software, nor (apparently) do they enjoy editing it because the coding is bad (idk, I've never looked at SMF, just what I've heard here).  >_<


Edit: Told ya'.

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Lol I used to but for some reason I was drawn to Opera when I started developing a game as it seems to have slightly more strict CSS rules and I have used it ever since lol


Never finished the game tho  :-\  lol

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Lol I used to but for some reason I was drawn to Opera when I started developing a game as it seems to have slightly more strict CSS rules and I have used it ever since lol


Never finished the game tho  :-\  lol


Opera has spell checking built in as well.

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Both of these can both be done with mod if you really want them. :) I dont see a true need for them in the core and the new replies to your posts can possible cause performance issues.


Direct Your Admin To this:

- Unread Replies On Index - http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=804 (I think this is what you want)

- Mouse Over Description - http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=263

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