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query help! starting at a certain row...


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i'm working on this gallery, and when you're browsing it would look like this (the numbers are the row id's for each picture in the mysql table)


9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


then if you clicked on picture 5, it would show the picture, then on the side i want it to show thumbnails of the pictures near it.. like


7 6 4 3


what kind of mysql query would be able to do this?


it would be nice if i could use just one query that like skips two rows ahead from the current picture, then shows the 4 newest rows (excluding the current picture) from that point descending or something.

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Should work, not tested...  Not sure how to do it with 1 query.


$inc = 2;
//should be: $num_clicked = $_GET['position'];
$num_clicked = 5;
$prev = $num_clicked - $inc;
$next = $num_clicked + $inc;
$next_query = "SELECT * FROM table LIMIT {$num_clicked}, {$inc}";
$prev_query = "SELECT * FROM table LIMIT {$prev}, {$inc}";

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thanks for your reply! thats actually pretty close to what i'm doing already..


SELECT id FROM table WHERE id > '$imgid' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 2
SELECT id FROM table WHERE id < '$imgid' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 2



the problem with mine is that it goes


6 7 4 3


when i want it to be


7 6 4 3


and i'm so tired i can't think of how to fix it..

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You could just do (piggy-backing on Maq's):


SELECT * FROM table WHERE id (BETWEEN {$prev} AND {$next}) AND id != {$num_clicked};


is there a way i could do that where instead of $prev it uses something like WHERE id > '$imgid'?


because eventually some rows will probably get deleted so using php to get the row id could select rows that don't exist anymore..

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You should really check out the pagination tutorial but...


//for next pass
$start += 1;
//for prev pass
$start -= 1;


like before i don't want to just put $imgid+1 for like previous because eventually some rows will probably get deleted..


I think you meant $imgid-1 for previous.  Anyway, why would they eventually get deleted?  You should be checking if the rows exist so you don't get any errors but, for example, if you reach row 0 you should not show the "prev" link.  Same with the last row, you shouldn't show "next". 


Am I understanding you correctly?

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