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My new car.


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Just got myself an Audi A4 (97', 2.6ltr V6 AWD) last week and I'm loving it. Yesterday however, I went to the local shopping centre for like ten minutes and some stupid f**k backed into it (at least that's when I think it happened). While the dent is small its done some damage to me exhaust system.


Really not at all happy.


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i drive a 2008 silverado (company truck), and some jackass hit me within the first two months of having picked it up.  the only way i found out is because a small bit of the back corner was bent inward, and cause the corner of my bed's gate to curl upward when i opened it not too long ago.

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Back from the exhaust shop this morning. It appears that I wasn't actually hit by anyone. The dent in the bumper has actually been caused by the faulty exhaust sending heat straight to it, thus melting the bumper somewhat. I thought it looked odd, not having any scratches and being so low (the dent that is).


Now I've got a fight on my hands with regard to a statutory warranty and the dealer not selling me a merchantable quality product.


This isn't going to be fun. The dealer assures me they are not obliged to repair anything over 10 years old. The department of fair trading advice me otherwise.



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This isn't going to be fun. The dealer assures me they are not obliged to repair anything over 10 years old. The department of fair trading advice me otherwise.


Gee... '97 is over 10 years old... We live in future!!

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I know. I'm just genuinly amazed by that fact.


See, when I read thorpe's post for the first time I thought:" '97, hmm... that would be fairly new car". And only after his second post I relised it's over 10 years old... We're in 21st century, and it's first decade has almost ended!

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Nice Audi, Thorpe. Not too sure about the after-market wheels though - Audi stock alloys are generally quite pleasing to the eye I think.



Reversed my '04 Porsche into a parked car a few weeks back. It was pitch black with no street lights and thick fog - I keep telling myself thats an okay excuse, but I still felt sick for the rest of the evening! No damage on the parked car, but my bumpers all creased...

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Audi stock alloys are generally quite pleasing to the eye I think.


They are a little old man style over here, not sure if there different where you are. I was looking for something a little more sporty.


Actually saved up and paid cash for this car so I really wanted to make sure I got what I wanted.


This of course didn't include the stuffed exhaust, but you get that. I think I'm gonna be covered.

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This isn't going to be fun. The dealer assures me they are not obliged to repair anything over 10 years old. The department of fair trading advice me otherwise.


Gee... '97 is over 10 years old... We live in future!!


I have a 93 civic saloon and it's still going strong ! Can keep up with majority of cars. Gotta love the VTEC.


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