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SMTP setup. I know this has been answered a thousand times but....

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The book i am using to learn is full of funny random errors whicj i need help fixing. OK this is my ini config for the smtp:

[mail function]

; For Win32 only.

SMTP = smtp.googlemail.com

smtp_port = 25


; For Win32 only.

;sendmail_from = [email protected]


and i am using localhost to test my scripting, yet i get this error:



Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "smtp.googlemail.com" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\send_simpleform.php on line 16


and the firewall is turned off.

Sounds like you need to contact Google to get the right address and port.  I don't think they allow mail on port 25, pretty sure they use authentication on a port like 295 or 995.  Either way, check their site since this has nothing to do with PHP.

Also a note, google requires the use of TLS (I believe it is) and the port is something in the 900's. Read at googles site on howto setup Outlook to send emails. You also have to authenticate yourself with a username/password.

Isn't that what I just said?


Probably, sorry, I had this open from earlier and got side tracked and did not see that my reply did not post so I just it "send" after the verifcation page without checking.


My bad.

Yeah thanks guys the only change which helped me really was taking the semi colon out i had thought that there might be a change in port but thanks for telling me to use the tls one not the other one!.

Now i get this error do you need to see my script to see the problem??

530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. i6sm3420993gve.26


Its on line 16 where i have:

mail($to, $subject, $msg, $mailheaders);


Thanks a mill guys

Read the "Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server" information at this link to find out which port you need to use - "http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=13287


Yes, post your current code, it could be doing any number of things right and wrong.


Edit: And since you are still using the php mail() function, you won't be able to get this to work until you switch to use one of the php mailer classes that will allow you to use SMTP authentication.



OK heres my script but i tell you there are no errors... P.s the html one is fine but if you really want to see that aswell. Please can you tell me how to intergrate this with php mailer because i have downloaded/copied the php mailer files but what next!!



if (($_POST['sender_name'] == " ") ||

    ($_POST['sender_email'] == " ") ||

    ($_POST['message'] == " ")) {

header ("location: simple_form.html");




$msg .= "Sender's name:\t$_POST[sender_name]\n";

$msg .= "Senders's E-mail:\t$_POST[sender_email]\n";

$msg .= "Message:\t$_POST[message]\n;";

$to = "[email protected]";

$subject = "Web Site Feedback";

$mailheaders = "From: My Web Site <[email protected]>\n";

$mailheaders .= "Reply-To: $_POST[sender_email]\n";

mail($to, $subject, $msg, $mailheaders);




<title>Simple Feedback Form Sent</title>



<H1>The following e-mail has been sent:</H1>

<P>Your Name: <br>

<? echo "$_POST[sender_name]"; ?>

<P> Your email address is: <br>

<? echo "$_POST[sender_email]"; ?>

<p> Message: <br>

<? echo "$_POST[message]"; ?>


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