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You left out this sentence:


I will, however, be quite perfectly honest and say that I usually don't bitch about fanboys... but still, I certainly wouldn't knock anyone for doing so, or refer to them as "more annoying".


You paraphrased what I said in order to make me seem more fanatical... or fanboyish of lynching fanboys... whatever.

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I left it out because I felt you were just trying to justify the next statement simply by saying it, when in my opinion, it did nothing of the sort.  To me, it's like saying "Now I'm not racist but...black people need to die." That first part of the sentence means nothing, when you don't explain why black people need to die, and explain how it's not racist to want them to die.

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Oh... so now you're the one who is venturing into the realm of assumption with statements such



Note: I may have exaggerated when paraphrasing the above quote.


Then you went on to base the rest of your entire argument around the assumption that you made in your first sentence.


Now. I don't really have a problem with people making assumptions... however, when the person who makes that assumption is the same person who had previously tried to discredit one of my points, based on the fact that it was an assumption... well, you know... an eyebrow or two gets raised.

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Let's do a poll. 


Are Mac fanboys annoying?


Hi. I'm a Mac.


not sure if you noticed, but justin long is an actor. i don't think he walks around spouting off mac propaganda everywhere he goes. in fact, i have yet to meet a mac fanatic. the closest i think i've seen is my girlfriend who loves her mac and will probably only buy mac from now on, but she doesn't shout from the mountaintops and obnoxiously berate anyone for owning or preferring a pc.

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You gave no reason for coming to the conclusion that I was doing one thing instead of another.  You just flat out said that's what I did.  That was assumption, and I pointed it out.  I gave you the reason why I left out your first statement, when it was called into question.  Leaving out your first sentence was not an attempt to discredit you.  I simply felt that it did nothing to credit your following statements.  If anything, I could argue that your first statement further discredits you, because you think that by saying the proverbial "I'm not racist, but..." is reason enough, when it's not.  And I'm not assuming that was your intention.  You plain flat out said that my leaving it out is what makes you look like the "bad guy," so it was, in fact, your intention to justify those statements, simply by saying you weren't like that.  Just like my example with racism, that's just not how it works.  You can't just say you're not a fanboy/fanatic/whatever and then go on to say fanboy/fanatic/whatever things, and expect anybody to believe you're not a fanboy/fanatic/whatever, unless you explain how you really aren't a fanboy/fanatic/whatever, even though you're saying those things.  It just doesn't work that way. 


If you really want me to believe that you are not a fanboy/fanatic/whatever, then perhaps you can explain why you don't feel you are, instead of just saying you're not.  Because your following statements to that show otherwise, and so far, you've done nothing to defend that.  I even asked you what word you would label those statements as, and you didn't respond to that, either.  Now, I could assume that that's because you know damn good and well that I GOTTED YOU, and that your only option at this point in time, you think that you are automatically right, simply by proving me wrong (which is another thing that doesn't work; we could both be wrong).  OR, I could NOT assume things, and ask say again: If you really want me to believe that you are not a fanboy/fanatic/whatever, then perhaps you can explain why you don't feel you are, instead of just saying you're not.

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Wow... Wayne, dude.. don't hold back.. tell us how you REALLY feel.

Too funny.. never seen someone so miffed at a product or its users before. I was going to get you an iMac for christmas, but iChange my mind and think I'll keep it for myself instead lol *Thanks Santa!* ;)


Seriously though, if Mac and / or its fanbase piss you off so much, if it makes your blood boil, dude you've got problems. Don't worry, there's plenty of room for both Mac and PC in this world (and neither are going away anytime soon).

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You gave no reason for coming to the conclusion that I was doing one thing instead of another.  You just flat out said that's what I did.  That was assumption, and I pointed it out.  I gave you the reason why I left out your first statement, when it was called into question.  Leaving out your first sentence was not an attempt to discredit you.  I simply felt that it did nothing to credit your following statements.  If anything, I could argue that your first statement further discredits you, because you think that by saying the proverbial "I'm not racist, but..." is reason enough, when it's not.  And I'm not assuming that was your intention.  You plain flat out said that my leaving it out is what makes you look like the "bad guy," so it was, in fact, your intention to justify those statements, simply by saying you weren't like that.  Just like my example with racism, that's just not how it works.  You can't just say you're not a fanboy/fanatic/whatever and then go on to say fanboy/fanatic/whatever things, and expect anybody to believe you're not a fanboy/fanatic/whatever, unless you explain how you really aren't a fanboy/fanatic/whatever, even though you're saying those things.  It just doesn't work that way.  


If you really want me to believe that you are not a fanboy/fanatic/whatever, then perhaps you can explain why you don't feel you are, instead of just saying you're not.  Because your following statements to that show otherwise, and so far, you've done nothing to defend that.  I even asked you what word you would label those statements as, and you didn't respond to that, either.  Now, I could assume that that's because you know damn good and well that I GOTTED YOU, and that your only option at this point in time, you think that you are automatically right, simply by proving me wrong (which is another thing that doesn't work; we could both be wrong).  OR, I could NOT assume things, and ask say again: If you really want me to believe that you are not a fanboy/fanatic/whatever, then perhaps you can explain why you don't feel you are, instead of just saying you're not.


Oh, so you assumed what the reason was? Is that not as bad? Is that not as hypocritical? You can play the "lesser evil" argument all you like Crayon; but that would make you an even bigger hypocrite, especially seeing that you had attacked that style of argument before in another topic about the legalization of drugs.


Also... I won't even entertain the other question. Seriously.... A "fanatical Mac fanboy basher"? Ridiculous.





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Wow... Wayne, dude.. don't hold back.. tell us how you REALLY feel.

Too funny.. never seen someone so miffed at a product or its users before. I was going to get you an iMac for christmas, but iChange my mind and think I'll keep it for myself instead lol *Thanks Santa!* ;)


Seriously though, if Mac and / or its fanbase piss you off so much, if it makes your blood boil, dude you've got problems. Don't worry, there's plenty of room for both Mac and PC in this world (and neither are going away anytime soon).


I said that I didn't like Mac fanboys....? I never said that I didn't like Macs....? Please read the actual topic before posting. Thanks.

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Let's do a poll. 


Are Mac fanboys annoying?


Hi. I'm a Mac.


not sure if you noticed, but justin long is an actor. i don't think he walks around spouting off mac propaganda everywhere he goes. in fact, i have yet to meet a mac fanatic. the closest i think i've seen is my girlfriend who loves her mac and will probably only buy mac from now on, but she doesn't shout from the mountaintops and obnoxiously berate anyone for owning or preferring a pc.


Wow. Thanks man! I would have never known that the guy in the Mac advert is an actor. Jeeze, you're like a walking encyclopedia. ^__^


Seriously... pedantry etc.


i have yet to meet a mac fanatic


Lucky you because I've met many. I asked one why he had decided to buy a Mac and he said:


It just works.


Before repeating, line for line, every single Apple-constructed argument against Windows.


That's when I started to dislike Mac fanboys. Although, with some of the reactions that I've gotten from starting this topic, you'd swear that I was pushing for a Mac Holocaust.

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