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Should I upgrade my computer for $700?


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Starcraft?!  You can run that off of 256 RAM.  I used to play that all the time.  Now SC2 is a different story, but I don't think that's out yet...  If you have no need to upgrade why not wait, let's say 6 months, until you have a valid reason and you can get either a better deal or more for your money.

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I'm trying to keep my current computer up to date, so I don't have to spend a ton of money all at once.


I was thinking about buying TB hard drives, and when I finally get enough, switching them to Raid 1+0. My computer is only slow when it starts up, so the raid might help speed it up as much as a $700 motherboard would, right?

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from what people have been telling me(and what i am doing) is wait a few months for the prices on MB/Ram for the i7 Core to drop.


I agree with you.  But the problem with that is when the i7 Core finally comes out, in the next few months you're going to wait for the i8 Core to drop, then a few more months, guess what?  the i9 will be out in a couple months.  See the cycle?  You mine as well wait until you HAVE TO upgrade, IMO.

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