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Fias Physics Engines?


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Hey, just looking at what jobs are being advertised and I saw one with this description:


The successful candidate will have knowledge and experience of: any modern language, such as C++. Java or C# object orientated programming MySQL Server side scripting XML Javascript XHTML/CSS Programming Design. You will support the web development team in the implementation of their interactive projects. From Conent Management to Fias physics engines, database design to server- side scripting.


And was wondering what the hell Fias physics engines are? I googled it but I couldn't see anything that related to web development...anyone have any idea?

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That sounds like a really low wage. You'd probably earn at least twice that amount working at McDonald's flipping burgers where I live, and a work week here is only 37 hours per week.


Edit: I read that GBP sign as USD, but it's still a low wage to me. You'd still earn more than £20k/yr at McD where I live though.

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Minimum wage [in Denmark]


In theory, the minimum wage is the lowest wage an employer/company must pay an employee. The wage is agreed on in the agreement , which the company is encompassed in through its membership of an employer association, or by an agreement with a labor union.


The minimum wage can differ and is not determined by law, but for most areas it is on average:

- Per March 1st, 2007, DKK 98.15 [uSD 18.39] per hour

- Per March 1st, 2008, DKK 100.65 [uSD 18.86] per hour

- Per March 1st, 2009, DKK 103.15 [uSD 19.33] per hour


In addition to this, an employer must pay a sum based on the employee's experience, responsibility, and the function of the job. These additions are typically agreed on in the individual agreements.


Employees in companies that are not encompassed by an agreement only have the right to be paid the amount specified in their employment contract or otherwise agreed on.


$18.86/hr * 37hr/wk * 52wk = $36,286.64/yr

Earning that you'll get to pay around 39% in taxes thus your gross income will be around $21,772/yr.


This is not an unrealistic number and will in many cases be considered fairly low (depending on your job of course).

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And actually,  $12,480 is GROSS: pre-taxed.  Depending on how you claim yourself (married, dependents), you can have up to around $25% of that taken for taxes. 


Oh wait wait... apparently US federal min wage just went up to a whopping $6.55/hr.  And that is federal minimum wage.  A lot of states have their own minimum wage.  Some higher, some lower.  I thought states were required to at least match federal min. but apparently not...but regardless, highest rate right now looks like $8.07/hr which is still way below what you guys get over there (most of them are between $6.50-$7).  And again, that's PRE-taxed.


Of course, cost of living is probably different.  I pay about $3 for a gallon of milk and about $2 for a loaf of bread where I live.  Prices vary from one end of the states to the other; I think I'm probably in the lower end of that spectrum... be that as it may, it's just not possible to live off of minimum wage here.  I've lived all over the states, worked McJobs everywhere, lived in the poorest neighborhoods you could possibly live in, and even then, I had to make it a joint effort with several other people. 

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Yeah, it's quite likely that it's more expensive to live in Denmark. In 2007 Copenhagen was rated the sixth most expensive city to live in in the world (source) thus beating every single U.S. city. You can likely find a U.S. city that's more expensive to live in than a Danish city though. According to this list, Danes get 10 more paid holidays per year than in the U.S. as well.


This document says that the average wage for a Danish privately employed worker was DKK 206 [uSD 38.48] per hour (DKK 183.41 [uSD 34.26] for women, DKK 216.74 [uSD 40.50] for men).


Man... I brought this this way off-topic. Sorry about that, toxictoad. :-\

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I was speaking to a group of Danish guys when I was at the 24 Heures du Mans this year, and they were telling us, in comparison to the UK, that you guys have a much higher cost of living over there. Especially when purchasing a new car - He was telling us that you pay a 180% 'luxury tax' on top of the cost of the car (that already includes sales tax / VAT). Crazy!

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I was speaking to a group of Danish guys when I was at the 24 Heures du Mans this year, and they were telling us, in comparison to the UK, that you guys have a much higher cost of living over there. Especially when purchasing a new car - He was telling us that you pay a 180% 'luxury tax' on top of the cost of the car (that already includes sales tax / VAT). Crazy!


Yeah, my dad works in the auto industry. He says that as a rough estimate, about 2/3 of the final price on a new car is taxes, VAT, etc. It's ridiculous. Many people cannot afford new, environment-friendly cars so they have to buy older cars. He sometimes says that we have the most expensive cars in the world. I don't know if it's just an exaggeration, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was true. Moreover, we have a flat 25% VAT on every single product that's for sale. I suppose that's the reason why we also earn more money, because I don't feel particularly richer than people in other western countries.

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Moreover, we have a flat 25% VAT on every single product that's for sale. I suppose that's the reason why we also earn more money, because I don't feel particularly richer than people in other western countries.


Exactly, VAT in the UK is currently at 15% on most product and less/non-existent on a select few. It's all relative I guess.

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