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Im new to linux and really could use some help here.


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I got tired of windows xp and all the problems that follows.

so I decided to try to go for linux mandriva.

I like to play games, and I could really use some help getting started,

could anyone please help me for a while, so that I might be able to install programs like wine, steam etc.



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Wine is a great package, and it works for most games. It creates a pseudo Windows install, and lets the game install thinking it's to a Windows machine, putting in all the files it needs. Then Wine works by emulating the basic system files the game needs to run. Some games will have a little glitch, but it's not all the time and most major games are glitch free.

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Just of curiosity, what were your problems with Windows XP?



Anyway, some Wine support is very minimal and sometimes (not always, for those Wine fans out there) slow[er].  You should probably make sure it supports all of your favorite programs.



Oh wait, I just reread the first post, and I see now that you have problems installing Wine.....  I thought you were asking about potential problems or something.  Well, I'm going to go ahead and post this.... lol ;p

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you're playing any serious type of game you wouldn't want to use WINE, it will be laggy and annoying.  If you're going to use WINE you mine as well set up a virtual machine so it's compatible with everything.  They have seamless VM's now that look like you're loading windows programs right on the Linux OS.

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