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phpflatfile form linebreak


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php flatfile blog problem

Hi i was lucky to get help earlier so i try again . i a problem with the  flatfile script and that is that i cant make any line breaks in the form when i try to send data to the flatfile it displays all linebreaks as br after the server handle it. what i want to do is simply make the server handle the linebreaks as html and not text can that be done?


the code is





echo "<font face=verdana >";

$opFile = "blogfile.txt";


// Opens Blog File to read or dies

$fp = fopen($opFile,"r") or die("Error Reading File");

  $data = fread($fp, filesize($opFile));



// Explodes data at line breaks

$line = explode("\n", $data);



for ($n=0 ; $n < $i-1 ; $n++ ) {

  $blog = explode("|", $line[$n]);


  if (isset($blog[0]))


    echo "name: " .$blog[0]."<br>";

    echo " date: " .$blog[1]."<br>";

    echo " subject: " .$blog[2]."<br>";

    echo " message: " .$blog[3]."<br><br>";









post.php the file i use the form to post to



$filename = "blogfile.txt";


if (!isset($meddelande)) {

$namn = $_POST['name'];

//$date = $_POST['date'];

$ämne = $_POST['subject'];

$message = $_POST['message'];




$postdate = date('d M Y');


$blog = $name."|".$postdate."|".$subject."|".$message."|[end]\n" ;


$data = fopen($filename, "a");

fwrite($data, $blog);


echo "message sent";



And ofcourse i got the post message and text file but i guess  you dont need that.


                              / lisa


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I believe is what you are looking for...



$filename = "blogfile.txt";

if (!isset($meddelande)) {
$namn = $_POST['name'];
//$date = $_POST['date'];
$ämne = $_POST['subject'];
$message = $_POST['message'];


$postdate = date('d M Y');

$blog = $name."|".$postdate."|".$subject."|".nl2br($message)."|[end]\n" ; // line modified here.

$data = fopen($filename, "a");
fwrite($data, $blog);
echo "message sent";

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Maybe I mis-interpreted it...


Hi i was lucky to get help earlier so i try again . i a problem with the  flatfile script and that is that i cant make any line breaks in the form when i try to send data to the flatfile it displays all linebreaks as br after the server handle it. what i want to do is simply make the server handle the linebreaks as html and not text can that be done?


Do you not want it to display as <br>? Instead you would rather it display as \n and you want the HTML to display it like it would display in notepad or another text-editing application?


Can you provide an example of a post and how it displays then the same post with how it should display? I think that would help clear things up and help to get you the correct answer, cause I think you contradict yourself in your question, which is where my confusion is coming from.

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I  think you got it right the first time want it to display as in a usual xhtml page when i hit a br in the form i want the line to break


text text text text text   

new line tezt text text


as it is now i get a long line without breaks but it displays the br html code right on the page

liket his text br


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Scratch that update post.php and go back to your old one. Then use this to display the data.


echo "<font face=verdana >";
$opFile = "blogfile.txt";

// Opens Blog File to read or dies
$fp = fopen($opFile,"r") or die("Error Reading File");
  $data = fread($fp, filesize($opFile));

// Explodes data at line breaks
$line = explode("\n", $data);

for ($n=0 ; $n < $i-1 ; $n++ ) {
  $blog = explode("|", $line[$n]);

  if (isset($blog[0]))
    echo "name: " .$blog[0]."<br>";
    echo " date: " .$blog[1]."<br>";
    echo " subject: " .$blog[2]."<br>";
    echo " message: " .nl2br($blog[3])."<br><br>";// changed this line here


That should display it correctly with the brs in place.

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thanks again, unfortunately it dont work for some reason im sure the code is right but it dont the work done.

Maybe its because im running php locally ?


Shouldn't be that problem. Can you post the first few lines of your blogfile.txt inside the [ code] and [ /code] tags (without initial space)


It could be that the \n's are throwing off the code and if I have it to test I can provide a more accurate response to the question.

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thanks i appreciate it, the text file looks like this


lisa|05 Jan 2009|hello|text tezt text text[br] text text text|[end]


Is the br in there as





If so, this would work:

echo "<font face=verdana >";
$opFile = "blogfile.txt";

// Opens Blog File to read or dies
$fp = fopen($opFile,"r") or die("Error Reading File");
  $data = fread($fp, filesize($opFile));

// Explodes data at line breaks
$line = explode("\n", $data);

for ($n=0 ; $n < $i-1 ; $n++ ) {
  $blog = explode("|", $line[$n]);

  if (isset($blog[0]))
    echo "name: " .$blog[0]."<br>";
    echo " date: " .$blog[1]."<br>";
    echo " subject: " .$blog[2]."<br>";
    echo " message: " .str_replace("[br]", "<br />", $blog[3])."<br><br>";// changed this line here


I just wonder where/how it gets converted to a [ br]..as I do not see that in your code...

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YES , you are the master . Thanks that did the job.

will you be here tomorrow i got some more problems with a login script and sessions? Or am i hopingfor to much?

maybe i could even add you to msn ? if you can find the time to help me with some more things i be happy to pay for your time

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YES , you are the master . Thanks that did the job.

will you be here tomorrow i got some more problems with a login script and sessions? Or am i hopingfor to much?



Unless I call in sick, I should be.


Hehe, posting on the forums instead of doing your work...?  tisk tisk.

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