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hey has any1 got the full scripts to the origional ny-mobster i would highly appriciate it this is my email [email protected] if you would add me and send the files to me that would be gr8, or if any1 knows a website to download them from please post here or send me an email,


thanks sam

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do you mean what would i expect from the game?


Did you see the BB tags?  Even though it was bad sarcasm, it was still sarcasm...


erm well there is a copy of it online called madmafia.freehostia.com , check out that site that is the origional mate


Why don't you ask them then?


Have you done what thorpe suggested, the most logical thing to do...

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because the admins mate hosted the site for him and he doesnt know the pass for the hostia account to copy the files and he does not have to files and his mate has just gone to war i believe


Yes I see.  So what would make you think that any of us would have a copy of the scripts?  Chance?

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