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You talk like if it was some big deal. At least you can save using mouse. Early versions of Intel's driver for touchpad used in many laptops, stole Alt+l combination for some dark purposes. Coicidentaly, Alt+l is also a combination to get ł - quite a popular letter in my language (and also one I have in my name). Luckily they issued a patch several months later. Until then I just disabled this driver.

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You talk like if it was some big deal. At least you can save using mouse. Early versions of Intel's driver for touchpad used in many laptops, stole Alt+l combination for some dark purposes. Coicidentaly, Alt+l is also a combination to get ł - quite a popular letter in my language (and also one I have in my name). Luckily they issued a patch several months later. Until then I just disabled this driver.


Yeah I hate when software vendors do not take foreign keymaps into considerations. A lot of programs have shortcuts that are like Ctrl+[, but on Danish keyboards the [ is made using AltGr+8, so Ctrl+[ would be Ctrl+AltGr+8, but AltGr=Ctrl+Alt, so Ctrl+[=Ctrl+Ctrl+Alt+8=impossible.

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so...starbuck has some dead doppleganger on earth.  I think going through that wormhole thing back in season 3 brought her back in time and it inadvertently caused the destruction of earth, and the resurrection ship at earth somehow rezzed her and spewed back through the wormhole to the present.  That kind of explains the whole "All this has happened before" thing going on.  Discuss....

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so...starbuck has some dead doppleganger on earth.  I think going through that wormhole thing back in season 3 brought her back in time and it inadvertently caused the destruction of earth, and the resurrection ship at earth somehow rezzed her and spewed back through the wormhole to the present.  That kind of explains the whole "All this has happened before" thing going on.  Discuss....

:o I worship your nerdiness... ;) Tell me how you do that...




and i thought i was schizophrenic...


go dunk your head, waynewex.

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