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what the hell is going on????


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lots of reasons that could happen.  You could have upgraded to a new/diff php version that has error reporting set to show notices.  You could have added script somewhere that turns it on.  You could have deleted a var someone or reordered something to where that variable is not defined at that point in time (and error reporting set to that level).


It's just a notice, saying that the variable has not been declared.  You can make it go away be declaring it before using it, turning error reporting off on notices, or just ignoring it (because php allows you to use variables on the fly like that).

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<form action="" method="post" name="login">

<link href="style1.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">


<br>Please enter your username and password to login to your account.</p>

<p><img src="images/line.gif" width="588" height="1"></p>

<!-- Check if fields are filled out -->

<!-- Check if fields are filled out -->
[b]line 9 ----[/b] if ($login == 'login')
echo '<div class="paddedtext" id="errorbox">';
if ($username == '')
	echo 'Please enter your username.';
if ($password == '')
	echo 'Please enter your password.';
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuser = 'whateva';

What do I edit in php.ini to fix this?

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You can eliminate the errors by testing isset before you test if the variable is empty.


if (isset($variable) && $variable != '') {
// Do something.

This way it tests if it's set...if it's not then it stops running. If it is set then it moves onto the next statement.

Checking if something == '' or != '' will throw an undefined error if the variable is not defined. That's why you should always test if it's set before anything else.


Edit: Also try putting a more descriptive title when posting in the forums.  It will increase the chances of getting help.

Edit Part 2: I also do not advise using extract on $_POST.

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Thanks a lot, have been checking if they are set, and this is solving the problem, just the hassle of doing it throughout the entire website.

Im not surprised if you have to do it to all variables judging by the code you posted above which I have quoted:


[b]line 9 ----[/b] if ($login == 'login')
echo '<div class="paddedtext" id="errorbox">';
if ($username == '')
	echo 'Please enter your username.';
if ($password == '')
	echo 'Please enter your password.';
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuser = 'whateva';

What do I edit in php.ini to fix this?


extracting all superglobal variables is just as bad as enabling register_globals. What so hard in typing $_POST['username'] over $username? Taking short cuts like this just causes more problems in the long run and can make your code vulnerable to attack.

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